Ideas for Heels


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are many types of heels in this business.
1. The simple heel: This is the guy who beats all the fan favorites and isn't nice about it. He's the jerk who usually thinks he's better than everybody else and deserves to be the champion at all times. They're generally not that complex. Chris Jericho is a great example of this. He's an ass-hole with a lot of wrestling ability who thinks he's better than everybody. He's usually right.
2. Monster heel: Obvious. Abyss, Kane, Mike Knox, Umaga...these guys are just powerful large men who want to destroy things. It's generally not the greatest idea to give them a lot of mic time or character depth because it takes away from the "monster" part of them.
3. The psychopath heel: These are the Randy Orton's of WWE. These guys are bad to the core, and don't care who gets in their way. THey'll tare your flesh off and eat it for breakfast, but only if it gets them into your head. Something is usually a little bit off with them mentally and they wont stop until they're satisfied. Again, Orton in my opinion has captured this perfectly.

So, my question is: Do you think it's a good idea to mix categories for heels? Also, what are some ideas for heels in the business currently? We have a lot of guys running around being heels that really have no heel presence. No reason for people to hate them except that they're not fan favorites.

I think it's generally a good idea to keep the categories separate. It does work in some situations though. Brock Lesnar is a great example. The guy had a ton of ability, was a complete monster in and out of the ring, and wanted nothing more than to get in people's heads and tare them down. His was the perfect heel. He could frighten the Undertaker, beat up a crippled guy for months, destroy Hardcore Holly, be an excellent champion, and was pretty much unstoppable. The thing I don't like about Brock, is that it's pretty hard to put other faces over him. He's unstoppable. If John Cena were to beat him cleanly a few times, he wouldn't look like the monster he is. He was great facing the Rock, Hogan, Undertaker, Kurt Angle...the established faces...but he couldn't put over the mid card up-and-comers.
So while it may benefit to have one guy be a Brock Lesnar, generally I think it's better to have separate heels.

I think WWE did a wonderful job with Orton in the early part of this year, but now that he's champion, they're making him look pretty week. They need to make Priceless huge heels, so they stop making Orton look pathetic to hide behind them. Like one guy on there said, have them become champions and destroy the Colons. Have them come down randomly and beat up Santino or something... just to prove they're badass. Then they need to keep giving Orton the push they did at the beginning. WWE hasn't made any new Triple H's or HBK's in a long time. I think it's because they don't keep pushing their champions. They consistantly push the challengers, but the champions never get time to be destructive and evil.
I think when Ric Flair actually decides to leave, you do it this way: Triple H or Batista wins the title back. Orton is pissed. Flair is there celebrating with them. You have whoever is not the champ go out to them some drinks. You have DiBiase and Rhodes take them out and chain them up in the back. Then you have the champ go out to check on them. The same thing happens, and then you see Randy Orton come in and they exchange words. Orton should do some ass kissing for awhile, even go as far as to apologize to the Nature boy, and tell him he's sorry for walking away from the pack. He wants back in...something like that. Flair says he'll talk it over with Trips and Batista. Orton looks to leave, but then levels Flair. And the segment can not end like this and go on to set up a continued feud between him and Triple H. He needs to take Flair to the ring and publicly beat him down till he can't get up. Then punt him...twice. Have Rhodes and DiBiase come down with the WWE Title and give it to Orton. THen you have Orton challenge the champion at the next PPV (summerslam) and have Orton hold the title until then.
If Orton actually destroys Flair, and the announcers say the words "Flair will never again be able to be in a wrestling ring" Orton will get HUGE heat.
Then give him back his title and let him destory everybody for awhile. I think doing things like this consistantly is how you build legends. Hogan was always the man...the Rock was always in the main event. You don't give these guys huge pushes and then walk away for two years. Turn Orton into a legend!
How bout a Oustentacious Star. A heel that is gloating about being showy, however can do amazing moves like Even Bourn. This guy would take the best bumps, like say this guy got gored by Ryno. When this guy gets hit he would flip over about three times and lands on this neck. This would be better if this star never turns face no matter how many times the crowed chants for him, keep him nasty and cocky no matter what.
Morrison is good as a face, but I didnt understand the sudden face turn. Morrison is almost exactly like this ostentacious star when he was heel.
That would be a good type a heel I think. A heel that can acaully be predicted to win and proally will.
You put oustentacious then your signature says ostentacious. I'd like to see a heel who can do awesome moves but the problem is that if hes "that good" the fans will cheer him. He'd definately have to be able to keep the fans hating him regardless and that takes a special person.
It's time for WWE to get rid of Heel's and Face's again. Just let the fans decide who they want to cheer and who they want to boo. Support for guys may change from feud to feud and that's fine, it keeps things interesting. Put Cena in a feud with a Jeff Hardy or an Undertaker and see what happens. Will even the little kids turn their collective back on Cena or will they go against the other fan fav? Total "turns" are absurd. Just because you have a problem with one face/heel doesn't mean you would turn your back on all the other's, it's unrealistic.
Being a heel is an art that is slowly getting worse. Over the years we've seen great heels like, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Ted DiBiase etc. They all played different characters, had different personas, and all weren't trying to be the typical 'cool' heel as we see today.
Look at all the heels we've had recently in the last 4/5 years, they really boil down to two types, the 'monster' heel and the 'cool' heel. Monsters include such people as Umaga, Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson, The Great Khali. 'Cool' heels include, Ted DiBiase Jr, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler.
There needs to be more, more types of heels, more gimmicks, with JBL leaving, the 'rich' heel gimmick was vacated, this is one character which needs to be utilized.
At the moment, it seems as though heels are more concerned with looking good and being over, than gaining heat and putting the faces over.
Well, Kane fits into two of the categories. He's a monster heel, as well as a psycopath.

However, the line between good and bad is pretty much gone. People cheer for sheer talent now rather than storyline placements (besides the casual fans and kids). Hell even Orton gets more cheers than Cena.
Being a heel is an art that is slowly getting worse. Over the years we've seen great heels like, Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Ted DiBiase etc. They all played different characters, had different personas, and all weren't trying to be the typical 'cool' heel as we see today.
Look at all the heels we've had recently in the last 4/5 years, they really boil down to two types, the 'monster' heel and the 'cool' heel. Monsters include such people as Umaga, Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson, The Great Khali. 'Cool' heels include, Ted DiBiase Jr, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler.
There needs to be more, more types of heels, more gimmicks, with JBL leaving, the 'rich' heel gimmick was vacated, this is one character which needs to be utilized.
At the moment, it seems as though heels are more concerned with looking good and being over, than gaining heat and putting the faces over.

There's also the Comic Heels like Santino but once they get too popular, WWE turns them face. That's why they need to stop worrying about who's getting cheered or booed and just let the characters be themselves.

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