Idea to save the Bar Room

Are you up for a WZ Posters Tag Tourny?

  • Yes, lets do it now.

  • Yes, but lets wait till the WZ tag Tournament.

  • No, sounds lame.

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Ok, I've been thinking of this for months now, and I didn't know when I should announce my idea, and with the talk of the Bar Room dying, and needing a savior, I'm gonna toss my 2 cents in there.

A few months ago, Someone (Luther I believe) created the "WZ Posters Tournament", and it seemed to get everyone together. Also around that time, we had Shocky doing the Tag Team Tournament. And it got me thinking, "What if we do a WZ Tag team Tournament?" We could all pair up with someone, and have a tournament that way, with our combined success being what makes us win? I was going to ask one of the Mods to post this topic, becaus epeople follow them more than me, but what the hell, I'm getting it out there ASAP to see what you all think. If it's a go, I'll need help settingit up, but if not, oh well.

Thats my idea to save the Bar Room. Discuss.
I love the idea, though we're getting "tournament crazy" here a little bit. Don't misread me - I'd love to do it and see it done, but with two big tournies going on now (Music and Women's) and Jake planning a movies and/or TV tournament AND Chris Cash requesting the 2nd annual Tag Tournament...we'll fit it in SOMEWHERE...just don't know when.
I love the idea, though we're getting "tournament crazy" here a little bit. Don't misread me - I'd love to do it and see it done, but with two big tournies going on now (Music and Women's) and Jake planning a movies and/or TV tournament AND Chris Cash requesting the 2nd annual Tag Tournament...we'll fit it in SOMEWHERE...just don't know when.

Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking. I wanted to keep this in my back pocket for a rainy day (or when the bar room was "dying"), and with all the talk, I looked around. I knew of the Music Tournament and the Womans Tournament, and I though to myself "Is this a good time?" I decided I'd make the announcement anyways and see what people think. Cause if enough people want it now, why not have it now with the others? Three tournaments at once? How can the Bar Room NOT be booming with all that going on?
Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking. I wanted to keep this in my back pocket for a rainy day (or when the bar room was "dying"), and with all the talk, I looked around. I knew of the Music Tournament and the Womans Tournament, and I though to myself "Is this a good time?" I decided I'd make the announcement anyways and see what people think. Cause if enough people want it now, why not have it now with the others? Three tournaments at once? How can the Bar Room NOT be booming with all that going on?

That reminds me, Derf, have YOU been voting and posting in the Music Tournament?
That reminds me, Derf, have YOU been voting and posting in the Music Tournament?

Umm... No... "bows head in shame" I don't really like certain Bands, only certain songs. There is actually only one band I can think of that I'd actually buy a CD for, Linkin Park. I love them. Other than that, It's all good or bad music, artists don't make a dif to me.
a Tag Team one be nice have it around Summerslam with the WZ tagTeam one

Are we having the Tag Team Tourny around Summerslam? If so, thats not to long to wait, and I say we have it then. That'll give me time to completly plan the whole thing out, like how we choose partners, and the brackets, and the whatnot of it all.

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