Idea to bring in Saraya Knight (Paige's Mom)


Getting Noticed By Management
I was thinking about this and how a mom vs daughter hasn't been done in WWE. Think about it this way.

Starts our with backstage skits with Paige doing things Mom wouldn't approve of. Flirting with some superstars, showing to much cleavage, eating a cupcake (stupid stuff like that). Most people knows Paige comes from a wrestling family.

Each week while do whatever it is they have Paige do, she can look off to the side and say "What's she doing here" and she'll walk off looking for her. This could happen a few weeks in a row, never revealing who it is that she keeps seeing and making people believe Paige has gone crazy.

Eventually Paige has about snapped and goes to the ring saying get out here and tell me why your here.
Out comes her mom. She says "Paige, you started this divas revolution, but you've lost it". You couldn't beat Nikki Bella, a Barbie doll, for the divas title. Then someone who didn't earn her spot as a diva and is only here because of her father, Charlotte. How can she beat Nikki but you can't, you've disappointed me, your dad, and your brothers. This leads to what I'd believe would be a great dramatic ppv match with Paige getting the victory. Afterwards when Charlotte and Becky come out to congratulate her. Paige snaps and beats the crap out of Charlotte turning her heel because what her mom said made her believe.

Then we get a great feud with Paige and Charlotte.

I thank this is a great way to work Saraya Knight into a storyline, and getting Paige heel. Even if she's only around for a month or if she stays heel with Paige's turn putting them together.

Either way I think it'd make some entertaining skits and great matches.
If we're talking a generic "Mom vs Daughter" scenario, I'm pretty sure I remember Linda smacking Stephanie around a few times back in the Invasion days.

The storylines would be a good way to keep Paige engaged while keeping the Diva's title on someone else. Maybe bring Paige's Brothers into the mix as well, they could rock the roster as the only real wrestling family still around.

Maybe have Paige's Mother rail on how the term "Diva" is demeaning, but that might end up getting her some unwanted face cred.
I think it could be a fun angle, they should probably introduce her on Total Divas first though, just so she isn't totally unfamiliar to the audience. Give her a little backstory.
That is if Saraya Knight wants to do it. And, that is if WWE lets her bypass NXT. The only way this works is if Knight actually WRESTLES her daughter. If she hides behind Sasha or Becky Lynch? Not interested.
I've seen Saraya Knight wrestle since she was the same age as Paige herself, and she is everything that Paige is and more.

Her promos are amazing, exceptional - think of a female Wade Barrett but arguably better; they were (and are) considered to be one of the best by a female wrestling personality in Britain.

There is no doubt she would do it - the Knights are an old-school wrestling family who love this business and would absolutely jump at the chance if offered. Personally speaking, the rest of the family are good and worth their spot in the minor leagues, but not not WWE material.

She's 43, still in great shape and looks great - she is someone who deserved her spot beyond the best of what Britain has to offer in the squared circle. It's a different era now - an 18 year old Saraya Knight could have eclipsed her own daughter and most other female wrestlers that have ever wrestled in the WWE. An angle with Paige would be well deserved.
Oh God, Saraya needs to stay away from WWE.. They would butcher her career, it's not like she needs them anyways... Isn't she in her 40's? There's no way WWE would sign a 40 year old woman, unless they're bringing her in as a trainer.

Actually that's a good idea there, bring Saraya in as a trainer, like Del Rey and Dark Angel.
Oh God, Saraya needs to stay away from WWE.. They would butcher her career, it's not like she needs them anyways... Isn't she in her 40's? There's no way WWE would sign a 40 year old woman, unless they're bringing her in as a trainer.

Actually that's a good idea there, bring Saraya in as a trainer, like Del Rey and Dark Angel.

She wont be a trainer. If so maybe part time. Very part time. Theres no way she will relocate to America without her family. Ricky Knight is too busy promoting shows over here.

Saraya vs Paige would be interesting but only if Saraya was a heel and Paige stays a face. It would help build Paige a bit more and give an emotional storyline for the fans to get involved in.

Paige has marketed herself on being the anti diva. If she starts showing too much cleavage, behaving like a slag and doing all the things typical bimbos do then she's shot herself in the foot and she's not unique anymore. She isnt the anti diva.

Have Paige go on a huge losing streak. One that means something. where after each loss she looks upset/angry. Bring Saraya in as a face to begin with to help her daughter out and then she picks up some victories. During a number one contenders match, Paige has almost won and Saraya turns on her and costs her the match. Then she goes on later to explain that its thanks to her being there that her daughter started to rebuild her career and shes only 23 whereas shes been fighting week in week out since 1991 for a chance to be in the WWE. Build it up as a jealous mother type storyline.

This way Saraya is only there for a short amount of time. She wont ever be there full time imo. But it would work for a 3-4 months basis and it could really help elevate Paige.
Oh God, Saraya needs to stay away from WWE.. They would butcher her career, it's not like she needs them anyways... Isn't she in her 40's? There's no way WWE would sign a 40 year old woman, unless they're bringing her in as a trainer.

Actually that's a good idea there, bring Saraya in as a trainer, like Del Rey and Dark Angel.

Yeah, because wrestling in the biggest and most recognised wrestling company on earth would look bad on her C.V., would it?

Everyone, including Sting (who held out for the longest time), and Goldberg (who hates WWE) eventually joined WWE. You know why? Because everyone in the industry wants to be where the money, the fame and recognition is. They want to be a star, a household name. Yeah, like being a mainstream star would hurt her cred.

In fact, I think England would get behind her family, and they could be like the British version of the Harts.

Which brings me to this. Another angle to follow up on this, is Paige bragging that her family is the best wrestling family on the planet- better than the Von Erichs, the Harts....

Suddenly, Natalya comes out and challenges that claim, and mentions the Hart Family's achievements. This could lead to a Paige v Natalya feud, and you can even have Bret Hart show up one night to tell Paige a few home truths. This would be an interesting feud, and utilize Natalya more on TV, and they would have some great Divas matches between each other (too bad Tyson is injured, or you could have a Survivor Series Match with Paige and her brothers versus Natalya, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro).
Honestly, rather not see it. How much as Paige talked about her mom on tv? Does the general fan know she comes from a wrestling family? If it was Dusty Rhodes vs Cody Rhodes, people would be interested as they know the connection and know the guys but in a case like this, it is wwe telling you it is her mom. They could get someone else and run the angle and it probably would do just as good as the fans have no connection to her mom. Even if they brought her in and did the match in a year so the fans could get used to her, it still wouldn't have the impact you want. Because of that, probably better not to have the match or at least not here. They could arrange something for the UK audience who would know about her and do it for them.
Is this really going to be a draw? Screams like an attitude era angle to me. Granted this would be between two real wrestlers, but does anyone want to see anyone beat up their mom? Doesn't matter who's the heel or face either, I just don't see it getting over. The PG audience is going to squirm at it.

I think there are far more important things that could be done with her than an opponent for Paige. She'd be much more interesting as a manager for Paige's new heel character and could take a bump when the faces come around for their revenge. Think Shelton's mom or John Cena's dad only less ******ed.

Maybe in the attitude era but the audience has more sophisticated (barely) tastes at this point and I don't see a wrestler's unknown out of Britain mom drawing a dime. I'd rather see WWE bring back some female legends to work with Paige than her mom.

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