Ice Age 4


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Manny and his friends are set to return in 2012 in their forth movie entitled Continental Drift. After successful 3 movies their are set to return in a forth movie with the same comedy that we have grown to love. The story line at this point is not 100% certain but what is, is that we can be sure it will be filmed with a lot of laugh out loud moments as we will follow them through another funny quest. All comments and updates to be posted about Ice Age 4 to be kept here
ANOTHER one!? Seriously!? Don't get me wrong the old ones were good but why make a 4th one? I'm not sure I like this idea because there is only so much they can do with this series before they run out of ideas and it starts to get stupid. Even the 3rd one was pushing it a bit. The only thing I can think of is that the squirrel finally gets his acorns, and the ice melts which then ends the series. Perhaps I am being a bit negative, but we are being bombarded with too many sequels these days. Honestly when it comes down to it, I'd still watch it when it comes out. Why not, I watched the others. I'm against the idea of a 4th Ice Age though.
I think this 4th one should be the ice melting with the animals dying maybe even being genetically descending into humans, beginnimg even the human civilization.
Dagger, you're the only sane man here.

I don't see why they're making a 4th either, the 3rd was barely good. I liked the 1st one, but 2 & 3, just fell flat.
Well I only saw the first two movies, and I had enough...
Sequels have only a purpose, and that is money!

If they advertise this one and manipulate us (the viewers) that this movie is going to be the best movie of the franchise, then they will end up gaining some money, which is their prime goal.
I also think that we are seeing to much sequels, and I really like new things too.

I also think like Dagger here, a good final was melting all the ice and the squirrel eating his acorn.

Wait to see, if this one is released in April, than I'm going to see it, if not, well I will probably not going to see it..
Jesus Christ!

Let me first start off by saying that Ice Age is a good children;s series. It is no wonder that none of you are overly excited about the prospect of another film because none of you are still shitting in your pants and have a bed time. This series is now for kids and although the first one had a lot of humour in it that could satisfy an adult, you need to realise that, like the WWE, movies are leaning towards family friendly environments more than ever. It is about making money and what better way to do that than dragging the whole family out for an animated flick about animals? Everyone is doing it these days.

As far as the series goes, I have never made it past the first one. I have tried on more than one occasion to watch the second and third one but I think that they captured lighting in a bottle with the first one. It was perfect and they should have left it there in my eyes. However, like I said, it is about movies making money and this series can still spin a dollar or two out of the people. It will do well at the Box Office and it will always be on retainer if Pixar needs to beef up one of it's schedules. It makes money and kids want to see it. What doesn't make sense about that?

As far as I am concerned, I don't really care. The first one was perfect and they tried too hard with the later ones. I don't think I will go to see it but I know that there is plenty of families who will.
All I've truly read out of this thread is negativity toward this Franchise, and yet the Fast/Furious flick(s) still roll forward. :disappointed:

The point is, Dave is the closest to anything logical as far as WHY these films are still being made. Because something that draws money will produce as many sequels as it takes before making the film costs more than the income it brings in. And secondly, because children will love it, no matter how many films it makes, due to the fact that it's a kids film.

Now, on a personal note - I liked, if not loved, all three of the previous ones and I happen to think that a 4th, if done correctly, wouldn't hurt half as bad as some of the other films that are out there with sequels.

For those who may or may not have seen it - there is a short film with Scrat that may give an indication on what a 4th film will be regarding..

Now again, maybe I'm the only one - but I actually find Scrat hilarious. And if that short film is any indication, or spoiler, than how the trio "forms the planet" is likely to continue to draw a large enough crowd to likely bring a 5th movie when all is said and done. Perhaps it's because I have children, so I have the ability to hold onto child-like humour, or perhaps because it's actually funny to adults and children alike. I also want to add in, that while it's in child form and obviously not exactly like how it happened - these movies do hold some historical reference as well. They aren't just "average kids movies" like Kung Fu Panda, or How to Train Your Dragon.

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