I went to the theatre today...

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
...and I came out with a pair of drumsticks. Most unexpected.

Random question to the people of Wrestlezone's forums; is anyone here a fan of theatre? Either you have some kind of professional interest or you just like seeing different shows? I finished my degree in Theatre in June, so just wanted to know if there were any other theatre peeps out there.
Well I was considering making my next WZCW character Leroy Yogurt Zeus Estrada (or "L.Y.Z. Estrada" for short), a homosexual out to end violence in the fed by withholding his sweet booty from the needy locker room studs.
I love good theater, especially musical. I'm at the local hall in Cincy everytime Les Mis is town, along with most other "5/3 Off Broadway" series. As for bad theater, I can enjoy it, as long as it's good-bad.
Good to see that people have at least been a few times; I know sommany people who have no interest in it.

Personally, I'm not a massive musical theatre fan, but if its really good, I can enjoy it. Love Avenue Q. Have yet to see Les Mis but I will one day.

I'm more of a straight-up theatre kinda guy; mainly naturalism but I like different styles. My favorite shows are Skin of Our Teeth and Our Town by Thornton Wilder and the Glass Menagerie by Tenassee Williams.

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