I think the whole Val vs.THE WORLD thing is quite ...


Pre-Show Stalwart
SAD... I think Sean Morley is a very entertaining wrestler, and I like him alot. What has he actually accomplished in the last 7 years realistically? Not much..

Recently when he went to TNA I was cool with that. I like to watch him, he's a good wrestler, but not long after he showed up he was gone, why that was? I honestly don't know, but I beleive it was TNA that released him. He was there for a few month's, and honestly I didn't think he was doing anything memorable in his matches, just like his last run in WWE. Not much you can do about it Val, except that it's not the 90's anymore.

For Val Venis to squander the past of the Hardy's, and Greg Helm's, and Shane is truley gut wrenching. Sean Morley as a fellow pro wrestler who know's that becoming a pro wrestler in WWE (especially) is almost impossible for anyone. Look at the hundreds and hundereds of independants that apply every year, and only a select few get in, and some of those can't make it long after they are there. IMO pro wrestler's shouldn't bash other wrestler's for their career's when they are just that PRO(They should act professional). They should all count their blessing's that they were in WWE, and they all had long run's with the WWE MACHINE (a company that chew's up, and spit's out so many wrestler's every year).

The thread that started the whole Val Venis rant is crazy, because all the IWC bashes the same four wrestler's The Hardy's, Helm's and Shane. 3 of the four wrestler's in question are also in TNA, so mostly TNA hater's were jumping on this band wagon. 3 year's ago if Sean Morley had this rant when these guy's were all still running in WWE, IWC wouldn't be agreeing with Morley. But because they are all in TNA it seem's fit to bash them because they are still trying to do what they love in a smaller company, because they want some sort of life outside of pro wrestling, and not on the road 300 + day's a year.

For any wrestler to even get into the WWF/WWE is a miracle. For those wrestler's doing better than 10 year stint's in WWE like these guy's have to have some talent. Come on people, anyone who is a wrestling fan, A actual fan would have to know that no matter what these wrestlers are doing now in their 30's, that when in their primes in WWE they had to have some talent and pull some money, or they would have been tossed out early in their career's. So Morley,Hardy Boy's, Helms, and Shane should just be greatful for their opportunities they got wrestling as pro's because there are sooo many wrestlers out there that are better than anyone of those 5 guy's and will never get a shot at WWE, or TNA. There has alway's been a saying that goes for any person out their, and that is"IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY THEN SAY NOTHING AT ALL". Whether any or all of what Morely said was even true or not, it just makes Morley look BITTER, and PATHETIC.

As a seasoned veteran Morley should set's better example's than those he is bashing, but in all reality he was doing the exact same thing...

Just so people know that I do agree with some of what Morley had ranted over, but to call any one of them talentless is exagerated. They all have their own qualities that made them successful, and theer's no denying that.

All 5 wrestler's in question have all had successful career's in the biggest company ever, and should be thankful for it, and not sound angry or bitter about other's that want to continue doing what they love to do.
I don't know many wrester's that have ever said they became a pro wrestler by accident. Anyone of these guy's have grown up loving wrestling and just dreamed like any one of us in the IWC wanted to become a pro wrestler. So for anyone to degrade and bash wrestler's for still loving to do what they all wanted to do as a child, and actually were able to do it is sad in itself.

Does anyone agree with my philosphy that pro wrestler's should be greatful for what they had or still have, and act in a professional manner and not degrade each other?

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