I think it might be possible for the streak to end


aka JuanJuanson
I was in the same boat of people who believed the ending to be too predictable, but the more I think about it, the more I see it possible that the streak ends. They are bringing into light that Taker is aging and isn't in his prime. I know this was somewhat mentioned during HHH vs Taker 3, but now they are going back several years and showing the gradual decline. So we do have storyline justification. Sure Lesnar may have lost some matches, but they are highlighting the fact that he has beaten Triple H, Punk and even destroyed Shawn Michaels, which were all Taker's last 5 Mania opponents. So we do have storyline justification.

Also, consider that this is Wrestlemania 30 and they are going to want to have somethig huge take place. So far the card is pretty lack luster and predictable. It's a decent card for a PPV but not for the single biggest wrestling event in the history of professional wrestling. This could be that crazy historic moment that they are looking for.

People also say that there is no way Taker would drop it to Lesnar. But I'm sure Taker has a lot of respect for Lesnar. He is an amazing wrestler, and was champion at the age of 23. Then he was a great MMA fighter. Taker is an MMA fan, and I saw him state, in an interview, that had MMA been as big back when he first started, he would have gone with MMA instead. So that whole confrontation at the UFC even where Taker says, "Are you gonna do it" could have meant for Lesnar to retire him.

I hope that Taker keeps the strak, becuase he is very important to Wrestlemania and there are still opponents that I'd like to see him face. I want to see him at WM40
Why would he pick Lesnar? Being in the UFC doesn't seem a big enough reason

Right now, Cena is the only person that would get me thinking.
Regardless of who he is, we'll always give some thought of "what if the guy really breaks it?", but knowing deep down that it won't happen. Undertaker will win. No way Lesnar gets the rub.
Why would he pick Lesnar? Being in the UFC doesn't seem a big enough reason

Right now, Cena is the only person that would get me thinking.

Being UFC might seem like a big enough reason to some. But Undertaker is one who really respects both sports. Lesnar is someone who came in and just had natural talent. Taker as a veteran can respect a young rookie who comes in and soaks it up so quickly. Taker can also respect the fact that Brock Lesnar is a legit bad ass. I'm just speculating that Undertaker might possibly have a shit load of respect for Lesnar. I don't think he would be doing it to give him the rub, just kind of like, "Yeah, that's the type of person I want to lose to. Someone who is a proven bad ass."

I just think this year the odds are pretty decent.
In my mind, there is no way Lesnar is ending the streak. Trips and HBK, maybe, but Lesnar? What would be the endgame? If they wanted Lesnar to be a dominant monster (something hard to do with a man without bass in his voice or eyebrows), maybe have him go over Trips once in a while?
If Lesnar could win and dominate for at least a good two whole years, it will have been worth it. But it aint gonna happen so that victory should go with someone else.
I've always played Devil's Advocate, saying the streak should be broken at Taker's last Wrestlemania to make someone into an instant star. Taker is as old school as they come, you'd imagine he'd want to put someone over in his last match.

Admittedly, it would have to be a heel since whoever broke the streak would likely get booed for it, with Punk and Bryan possibly being the only exceptions. The jury is still out on whether or not Reigns or Wyatt would get booed for it if they broke the streak a year or two down the road.

But yeah, it won't be Lesnar. Literally nothing to gain from that.
No chance in hell Lesnar does it.

No Chance... No Chance in Hell...


Man, how fucked up would that be if Vince ended it?
No way is Lesnar ending the streak. He may end up being the reason for 'Taker's retirement if he is too rough in the ring with the old fella, but The Dead Man is not going to give up the streak to a mercenary he has no love or respect for the wrestling business, even if he is a genuine bad-ass who excels at both wrestling and MMA.

Brock Lesnar wrestles 2 or 3 matches a year for WWE, and is extremely unlikely to ever go back to a full-time schedule. He is already a huge name in the business, a man capable of main eventing at any time so does not need the rub or push that ending the streak would give the winner. If Undertaker does lose at WM eventually, it would be to either an all-time legend (such as John Cena), or a wrestler who the company believes is the future of the business and someone who will be a major star for a long time to come.

Brock Lesnar is not that man, although he is talented enough to make you believe he can break the streak. However, I have no doubt at all that 'Taker will get the win.
The one thing pushing me towards the belief that Lesnar could win is that I expect him to be gone for a few months post WM and then get a title shot at SS. Would seem a shame for him to lose and then get a title shot his next match.

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