I think I'm starting to find bald women VERY attractive.

Who would look best bald?

  • Mickie James

  • Natalie Portman

  • Becca

  • Anderson Cooper

  • Tina Fey

  • Aunt Jemima

  • Miss Butterworth

  • TheOneBigWill

  • Susan Boyle

Results are only viewable after voting.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
In the sense that I want to have sex with them.

So I was watching V For Vendetta a few weeks ago, and something about the bald look Nattie was sporting really did something for me. I brushed it off at the time as it's Natalie Portman. How could I not be attracted to her? I mean I'm sure there are people out there who don't find her attractive, but I'm not one of them. There's a deep rooted attraction there. Maybe this is an Oedipus thing. Hey, we should have a Post A Picture of Your Mother thread. I think that'd pretty neat. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

Anyway, I was cruising the intertubes' various porn archives yesterday, and I came (not yet) upon a video of Katja Love. Something about watching an attractive bald woman give a BJ was just so... swell. Well I don't know how attractive all of her was. I didn't get that far. But her head definately turned me on. Best three minutes of self-pleasure I've enjoyed in a while. There's just something so forbidden about bald women for me. There might be a scene where that look is common, but all of the women I've ever been intimate with have had a full head of hair. I knew a woman once with a totally smokin' bod (someone else's description, but it's apt) and a really short, manly hair style. She looked good but this sorta thing was so new to me that I ruined everything by running my hands through her hair before she was ready for that sorta thing (ten minutes after meeting her, to be exact; I never saw her again; the employees at that Future Shop give me funny looks every time I go in there now). Women with really short (or no) hair for me is becoming the ultimate sort of kink in my mind. I'm making animal sounds just typing a post about it.

Anyway, I was sorta thinking about combining this with my urge to have a woman die with me inside them (so I can really put over how intense making the affinity with me can be). Lots of cancer patients are bald and don't have long to live. If I could get into like a Make-A-Wish thing for attractive female adult virgins who are dying of cancer and are desperate to feel a penis inside them just once before they expire (in less than 24 hours). I think that could make all my wishes come true and there's no messy bagage from my experimenting. Which is good as I'm likely to be as weird about things as possible, holding out on her until I think she's only got about fifteen minutes left and then baaing like a sheep.

Have you ever been with a bald woman? Would you like to? Do you find them attractive?
Kanye West's girl is bald and hot.

Anyways, I voted Miss Butterworth. She's so thick and sweet, plus she's a MILF to boot.
Let me explain how this works. I've given you something to discuss. You discuss it while the poll sits at the top of the page and we ignore it.
If she's got a nice rack, tight pussy, plump ass, and disease free, I could care less whether she has a mullet, mohawk, or a fucking rabbit on her head.
If she's got a nice rack, tight pussy, plump ass, and disease free, I could care less whether she has a mullet, mohawk, or a fucking rabbit on her head.

You'd fuck a rabbit on her head? That's a bit much.

I've fucked a girl with liberty spikes before. That's about the most crazy hairdo-sex I've ever had. I've seen some very, very hot punk girls in my time.
Also, once you go bald, your face and the shape of your head suddenly rise exponentially in importance. Those criteria should factor into your choice of bald sexual partners.
I saw him do an interview one time talking about a time in New Orleans where he had an encounter he had with Steven Seagal, who riding around with some cops and wearing a cop uniform. SS told AC to keep it on the DL.

Years later...
Sometimes I like to dance around my house naked to Beyonce's Single Ladies. It reminds me that my penis is huge.

My parents would disagree, but their room is always air conditioned.
This is for MRC.

We've disagreed on something?

Over 2000 posts and I can't remember a single interaction we've had Polley. Feel free to come out of the shadows any day now.

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