I Think I'm Done With Professional Wrestling. HELP!


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I am not about to bash pro wrestling. I am just dealing with a dilemma that has been on my mind all week.

I have been a fan of pro wrestling for almost 20 years now, and this weekend, I got to go to my first (and last) Wrestlemania. The entire weekend was fantastic, and although I got a buzz out of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin on the night, bar the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker spectacle, I didn't really feel anything else for any of the other matches on the card. Then I figured something else out. I only really tune into RAW on a Monday night to see if there will be a nostalgic section in the show (i.e. a Rock/Austin appearence). I have now realised that that is not why I should be watching a wrestling show.

I think that I have failed to come to terms with the fact that wrestling will never have another Steve Austin or Rock. Nowadays people are more inclined to settle with guys like Batista or John Cena, which is fine, but they just dont capture the imagination like the old school guys did.

Maybe its the times, maybe its me. But I think I am done with pro wrestling. Does anybody else feel my pain? Or does anyone have any advice. Sounds stupid I know but I think I've lost my passion for pro wrestling.
I stopped liking wrestling as a spectator when the Austin and Rock days ended as well but now I appreciate the "business". I watch to see the evolution of wrestling more than any of the individuals anymore. I think it was geared towards us but now we have grown up and now it is geared towards the youth and we can't get why they don't try to market towards us still.
I stopped liking wrestling as a spectator when the Austin and Rock days ended as well but now I appreciate the "business". I watch to see the evolution of wrestling more than any of the individuals anymore. I think it was geared towards us but now we have grown up and now it is geared towards the youth and we can't get why they don't try to market towards us still.
why is wrestling not geared towards us is because most of us left along time ago & WWE can't count on us no more . .us grownups let WWE down years ago as fans & because of that WWE had to care about the youth & the future over the past & the fans they can't count on because they are stuck in attitude era & will not grow at all . i am not from the attitude era.I am from the early 80's & this era reminds me more of the 80's then attitude ever . to me attituded sucked & was overated . i am not saying you . i am just saying the other fans . you have already showed respect for the wrestling business by caring about the evolution of wrestling more than any of the individuals .also attitude was full of people who were not real wrestling fans at all.attitude was the era wrestling was a fade.
I am one of the younger fans of profesional wrestling (13). I have been watching for a measly 2 years. My older brother has some videos of the Rock/Austin, which i had previously watched. I started to watch ALL WWE programs and quickly learned that it was nothing like the older wrestling. In fact, I prefer to watch WWE Vintage than ECW.

In a way I feel the same way as you, but I have no idea what the older wrestling was (bar the Rock/Austin feud. Which was awesome). So I think that the majority of the viewers do that exact thing. Don't worry, you're normal
why is wrestling not geared towards us is because most of us left along time ago & WWE can't count on us no more . .us grownups let WWE down years ago as fans & because of that WWE had to care about the youth & the future over the past & the fans they can't count on because they are stuck in attitude era & will not grow at all . i am not from the attitude era.I am from the early 80's & this era reminds me more of the 80's then attitude ever . to me attituded sucked & was overated . i am not saying you . i am just saying the other fans . you have already showed respect for the wrestling business by caring about the evolution of wrestling more than any of the individuals .also attitude was full of people who were not real wrestling fans at all.attitude was the era wrestling was a fade.

i agree with you completly on that one.i never watched the attitude era.i just starting getting into wrestling around the time lesnar came on to the sceen.as much as i perfer wrestleing with just a little edge to it.not to much.just some curse words thrown in now and then.what wwe is doing is moving on,they cant rely on us older fans for ever and if you still tune in today even after the big PG change that just shows you how much faith and dedication you have in to product.as much as i like austin..not so much rock but,there times are up and now its time for the new generation to take over i.e orton and cena with a few others.wrestling has evolved so much since the beginning and it will continue to do that.the pg wont stick forever not until maybe cena and orton decide to hang up their boots.but hopefully it'll change a bit sooner than that.dont get me wrong i dont care about pg i understand its all good business.i just want to see a little more edgey wwe.not so much as a trigger on another attitude era.just soom blood and profanity thats all
I watch because I'm a wrestling fan. It's not one or more personalities that make me watch. I'm not waiting each week to see if Austin shows up to Stun someone unimportant. I watch because I enjoy the athleticism of the matches, the rivarly, the sense of one-upmanship, and the promos/interviews. I watch because you never know what you're going to get from a wrestling show, be it comedy, drama, horror or romance.

So if that's how you feel, then yes, you should stop watching, because I don't think you can call yourself a wrestling fan. But obviously I could be wrong.
i understand what your saying. i've been a wrestling fan from 97 onwards, so my first taste of wrestling was the attitude era. given back then i still thought it was real, i remember being shit scared that kane would turn up in my house and chase me. i dont get that so much now. lol. back to the point. i went through this a few years ago. around 2005, when i just started to not care anymore. now though. i respect what these guys do. i catch the video's on wwe.com or raw smackdown and ecw. (cant get wwe on tv where i live) and i am interested in the storylines. how the matches played out. etc. dont worry about how you feel now. it will pass. and you'll learn to love wrestling. i hate the pg wwe, but it wont last for ever. like all good things, bad things must also come to an end.
I am one of the younger fans of profesional wrestling (13). I have been watching for a measly 2 years. My older brother has some videos of the Rock/Austin, which i had previously watched. I started to watch ALL WWE programs and quickly learned that it was nothing like the older wrestling. In fact, I prefer to watch WWE Vintage than ECW.

In a way I feel the same way as you, but I have no idea what the older wrestling was (bar the Rock/Austin feud. Which was awesome). So I think that the majority of the viewers do that exact thing. Don't worry, you're normal

Well the older days of wrestling when I grew up with the late 1980's you had more than one wrestling promotion to watch. You had WWE (which was WWF), WCW, ECW, AWA, USWA, etc. The feuds were alot longer to. Guys would go at it for 6 months to a year. One thing I miss the most is the 4 pay per views a year by the WWF (Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series). And all the belts had great meaning to them. Intercontinental title was as huge or bigger than the WWE title.

Those were the old days and I miss them but gettin back to the topic, I think for older wrestling fans like me and others, its just time to let go. Wrestling passes us all by some day. I enjoyed the last 20 years of wrestling but its not what I want, its what the new generation of fans want
don't get me wrong, I love pro wrestling. Every Monday, Tuesday and Friday I tune in to see what is new with the WWE but the thing that is starting to annoy me is that I can practically tell what is gonna happen before it happened. There was not one match on the WM card that I wasn't able to predict beforehand. I like the pageantry and the spectacle of the PPV's as well but it's far too predictable now.
I'm with ThePoo62. I don't particularly care for wrestling as much as I am into the business. I like watching as it grows and changes. I understand that you want the old stuff...I do too, and if you really just want to watch for the older guys, I'd say you should probably watch until the last of the older guys is gone (not counting HHH because he will be around for a looong time to come seeing as Steph and him are slated to take over). And maybe sometime in the next year or two (when Taker and Michaels are gone, who proved on Sunday that they definitely still have "it") you will find something you like if not, then like them you will respectfully walk away and always have your memories and tapes of the "good ol' days"
Now before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I am not about to bash pro wrestling. I am just dealing with a dilemma that has been on my mind all week.

I have been a fan of pro wrestling for almost 20 years now, and this weekend, I got to go to my first (and last) Wrestlemania. The entire weekend was fantastic, and although I got a buzz out of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin on the night, bar the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker spectacle, I didn't really feel anything else for any of the other matches on the card. Then I figured something else out. I only really tune into RAW on a Monday night to see if there will be a nostalgic section in the show (i.e. a Rock/Austin appearence). I have now realised that that is not why I should be watching a wrestling show.

I think that I have failed to come to terms with the fact that wrestling will never have another Steve Austin or Rock. Nowadays people are more inclined to settle with guys like Batista or John Cena, which is fine, but they just dont capture the imagination like the old school guys did.

Maybe its the times, maybe its me. But I think I am done with pro wrestling. Does anybody else feel my pain? Or does anyone have any advice. Sounds stupid I know but I think I've lost my passion for pro wrestling.

I stopped watching from 01-06 because I was just bored with wrestling and even though I started back I can see why; I started in 80's so thats why I enjoyed but wrestling today is boring and storylines are terrible. It was a time where wrestling actually felt like it was real now I can tell what is going to happen before it does I haven't trul;y been surprised since about 99.
It's different, sure. But I don't think it's worse. I've watched wrestling all my life, literally grown up around it. My mum had watched it for years also, and I've seen pretty much every PPV for the last 25 years. When you compare the 2, it's easy to come up with a lot of faults from now, but you an also come up with faults from then if you look hard enough. The style now is phenomenal, I'd be inclined to say there is a lot more talent now then there ever was then. The business, while still focused on the main event, has a whole roster of talent that we love watching, and this is spread across 3 shows. The wrestlers work so much more than they did back in the old days - a PPV at least once a month, working and travelling thousands of miles every few days. There's televised shows, house shows, autograph signings. You get my point? It's amazing how good the talent is when this is what we throw at them.

It's also not surprising the target audience is different now, since when is wrestling 'cool' between 20+ year olds? Many have stopped watching it in favour of other things. Children are much more likely to buy what they want to - much more likely to love the faces and hate the heels and stay with the WWE for years. They're more likely to want a WWE shirt, WWE lunchbox, WWE pencilcase, WWE posters. Thy can make more money out of the children than they can adults, and they've realised this.
Now before anyone jumps to any conclusions, I am not about to bash pro wrestling. I am just dealing with a dilemma that has been on my mind all week.

I have been a fan of pro wrestling for almost 20 years now, and this weekend, I got to go to my first (and last) Wrestlemania. The entire weekend was fantastic, and although I got a buzz out of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin on the night, bar the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker spectacle, I didn't really feel anything else for any of the other matches on the card. Then I figured something else out. I only really tune into RAW on a Monday night to see if there will be a nostalgic section in the show (i.e. a Rock/Austin appearence). I have now realised that that is not why I should be watching a wrestling show.

I think that I have failed to come to terms with the fact that wrestling will never have another Steve Austin or Rock. Nowadays people are more inclined to settle with guys like Batista or John Cena, which is fine, but they just dont capture the imagination like the old school guys did.

Maybe its the times, maybe its me. But I think I am done with pro wrestling. Does anybody else feel my pain? Or does anyone have any advice. Sounds stupid I know but I think I've lost my passion for pro wrestling.

I feel your pain man. I really do. I grew up watching the Attitude Era & i'm one of the few fans from that era to stay with professional wrestling. I realized after a few years that there won't be another Austin or Rock cause they were one of a kind & I don't think an Austin or Rock type character can fit into this version of the WWE. Personally I have felt a bit empty myself when it comes to wrestling as I miss the Attitude Era but the thing is is that I realize that it's gone but at the same time I want blood & swearing instead of Hulk Hogan Jr(Cena), rugrats, stale in-ring performances & no blood. I just think personally that you should take a break from it for a while & if your still a fan after your break then by all means watch it.

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