I sprained my knee today

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
I was wrestling around with my son this morning, mostly just throwing him around on the bed and shit. I tried to do a Unprettier and I twisted my knee hella hard and it buckled. I had to go see a doctor and they told me that I sprained my knee.

I guess it is a good idea not to try this at home. Anyone else ever hurt themselves wrestling?
Once my brother speared me through a wall.Actually twice. Then one time my cousin drop kicked me and I fell back into the window. Thank god I didn't fall out of the house, I would have been mortified...and seriously injured.
I just pulled a muscle in my back still taking muscle relaxers for it best weekend ever. When I was really young a tried to give my brother shock treatment (Abyss sit down torture rack) I did correctly and I couldn't get up for almost a full hour.
I gave a friend of mine a neckbreaker on the pavement in middle school before. I was fine but he had a concussion, lol. Oh WWE and your "please don't try this at home" commercials. Just makes us want to do it more.
I wrestled in school and I've done some grappling with two friends who are training to cage fight.

In wrestling I got two concussions, I've got some skin rubbed off of my forehead. Popped my shoulder out of place in a match, hyper extended both elboes and my left knee. I ripped my lcl in half in a match in the first peroid my junior year, I came back and pinned him with 2 seconds left in the first peroid on one knee.

Grappling with friends, I've thrown out my back and hyper extended both of my elboes.
No, but when I was younger, everytime I player SvR...I got really hyper and had the urge to wrestle with somebody. At one point I was with my cousin, and I was wrestling with a pillow. Well my Uncle walked past the room, stopped...then shook his head and walked away.
Motha fucka can you read?

I DDT'd myself at wrestling training I got thrown over the top rope and face planted on the mats.
I once gave my friend the GTS and promptly knocked him out.
My brother sprained his ankle trying to do a shooting star press and landing awkwardly, he kinda landed on one foot and it buckled on him so yeah best to listen to those dont try this at home ads.

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