"I refuse to believe what I just seen!"


Dark Match Winner
The title says it all. "I refuse to beleive what I just seen!" That was the famous line Jim Ross used to describe The conclusion to the main event match at Wrestlemania X-Seven... The Idea for this post comes from last night as I was at the races celebrating my birthday (9/5) I am now 27 and I am finally getting Wrestlemania XSeven on VHS. (Can you guys say tape number 661 added to my library?)

Anyways. This is the fun part...I know many might say Austin joining forces with Vince.. but that horse has been ridden in to the ground. So, i am gonna list my top 5 matches and/or moments that we have wittnesed that We felt was very shocking.

#5 -The Heartbreak ...Kurt?

This has to be one of the greatest, funniest, and entertaining moments in Smackdown history IMO. To quote Taz the night of this moment..."Kurt is doing the whole shabang" From the T-shirt & chaps, dance, the prayer, the pyro, to the vintage HBK and Sherri pose. He even went on to sing his own rendition of "Sexy Boy"


#4 - The Night "Big Poppa Pump" was born.

If you ask modern wrestling fans today "Who the greatest "brotherly" tag team is?", they will most commonly Say the Hardys, But I am sure most of us older fans remember The Steiners so lets go back down memory lane to the night of SuperBrawl VIII. It was The Steiners Vs. The Outsiders.... You have to watch it for yourself words cannot explain ....But on this night I was very, very upset....


#3 - Are you ready?

I believe this was the night after "Vengeance" 2002 and on this night marked the 1st of many "Original" DX reunions ... Eric Bischoff made HBK the manager of HHH, HBK was not happy. So, HHH gave him a bag, shawn looked inside and smiled and agreed and then this happened...


#2 - DTA

The Gund Arena was jacked for the return of the "Old Texas Rattlesnake" during "Invasion" (2001) and it was headlined by the "Inaugural Brawl" But the question was Who was showing up? The guy who sings songs and give hugs or The "Old Texas Rattlesnake" ?


#1 - Who's your daddy Stephanie...?

HHH and vince McMahon have butted heads on many occasions. This time (Armegeddon 1999) HHH had Challenged The "Chairman Of The Board" to a No DQ match... All because of his marriage to Steph... This was one of most brutal matches between the two But none of their matches had more riding on it than this ... with Steph sitting in the front row... A hand was forced...


So there is my 5 feel free to share yours....

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