I need your help.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I don't want to be that guy who PMs people who red rep me. But this one is really getting to me. For my completely sane response in the Cena-DiBiase thread, something named kobrad red repped me.

No need to explain
Well, I'd very much like him to explain.

I think you'd be doing a great service by PMing him and demanding he explain himself.

What I mean by the "you" implied in "you'd" is that as many of you as possible should do this. Ideally, everyone who reads this will send him a PM. It'd really make him think twice in the future.

Post your PMs for me to consume with my eyes.
Don't worry. I red repped a guy earlier today in the TNA section for typing @Riaku or @Its Damn Real like if this was Twitter. i red repped him to tell him we have a quote fuction and he red repped me back with this:
And it's annoying to use when quoting more than one person
Some people are just lazy as fuck.
I fucking hate Killjoy. I want to hit him with my slingshot. You betta recognize!

I once hit a turkey with a pebble from my slingshot. Put it down, straight down to the ground. I got it just above the eye. Although it wasn't dead, oh no...I walked over to it and it jumped in my face. This is why I hate Killjoy.
This is why I hate Killjoy.
I once did something similar to see if the pebble would pass through the eye of a needle. It got stuck about half way through.

I also question kobrad's wilderness survival skills. Someone share this opinion and make note of it in the form of a PM.
Was this the post you gained red reputation for?

I know simple people expect good guys to turn on the spot and dump everything they stand for when becoming a heel, but this isn't the way you do things with Cena. As a heel, he's gonna want the title. He doesn't suddently surrender his passion for that when he loses his honor. And even then, he still doesn't need the money.

You've answered nothing. This is an AWFUL idea.

I don't know Kobrad, but from reading this post myself I would say you were given negative reputation for posting in a condescending manner that wasn't warranted. I can see you questioning whether it was deserving of negative reputation, but do you honestly not see how one would want to negative rep. you for that?
Was this the post you gained red reputation for?

I don't know Kobrad, but from reading this post myself I would say you were given negative reputation for posting in a condescending manner that wasn't warranted. I can see you questioning whether it was deserving of negative reputation, but do you honestly not see how one would want to negative rep. you for that?

Andre The Giant is probably the only guy who would be stupid enough to sell the WWE Title. If WWE's stupid enough to bury their top prize in such a lousy way, then would lose all hope on the product. I agree with Coco.

I fucking hate Killjoy. I want to hit him with my slingshot. You betta recognize!
You're funny.
I don't want any one to misunderstand, I didn't mean to imply that Coco was wrong in his assessment, personally I don't think the idea presented was a good one either. The thread is discussing why he was given red reputation, and I think it's clear that it is because the post was condescending, that doesn't mean the overall opinion was wrong. I doubt Kobrad disagreed with his assessment, but he probably did with the presentation.

This is all besides the point, did I even quote the correct post? No one addressed that.
I don't want any one to misunderstand, I didn't mean to imply that Coco was wrong in his assessment, personally I don't think the idea presented was a good one either. The thread is discussing why he was given red reputation, and I think it's clear that it is because the post was condescending, that doesn't mean the overall opinion was wrong. I doubt Kobrad disagreed with his assessment, but he probably did with the presentation.

This is all besides the point, did I even quote the correct post? No one addressed that.

I got your point. But people need to learn what they do wrong here. I learned from Coco himself not to take the forums so seriously. He criticized my (I admit they were lousy) sigs and I when on a 30 post tirade that lead to nothing. Now I'm at least a decent poster. Outside the Bar Room that is.
Dude, shut the fuck up.
Up next, I'll explain it like he's five and follow it up with...

I got your point. But people need to learn what they do wrong here. I learned from Coco himself not to take the forums so seriously. He criticized my (I admit they were lousy) sigs and I when on a 30 post tirade that lead to nothing. Now I'm at least a decent poster. Outside the Bar Room that is.

Sure, and now we're discussing whether condescension is appropriate. Like I said, I wouldn't negative rep. someone for an insulting post or condescension, it happens all the time, you would be negative repping every one. This would actually make a decent cigar lounge topic, do condescension and/or insults have any significant place in persuasion.
Sure, and now we're discussing whether condescension is appropriate. Like I said, I wouldn't negative rep. someone for an insulting post or condescension, it happens all the time, you would be negative repping every one. This would actually make a decent cigar lounge topic, do condescension and/or insults have any significant place in persuasion.

No. Its not really that appropriate but it helps learn from mistakes. Then again red rep isn't a big deal. It just tells you some posted didn't like something you did. Coco was just sharing his opinion.
No. Its not really that appropriate but it helps learn from mistakes. Then again red rep isn't a big deal. It just tells you some posted didn't like something you did. Coco was just sharing his opinion.

I wonder if that truly is the case though.
I've never red repped anyone, and I don't really understand the point of it. Doesn't it mean you're too afraid to call them out in public? Imagine if Armbar just red repped Battlez/Profit/Kate Austen.
I wonder if that truly is the case though.

I told the posted there was a quoting function as a tip. Nothing else. He replied with comments that just made him look lazy. Coco didn't even give any reputation, he received it.
I've never red repped anyone, and I don't really understand the point of it. Doesn't it mean you're too afraid to call them out in public? Imagine if Armbar just red repped Battlez/Profit/Kate Austen.

Imagine if it were Game Rage. The Great Wall Of China would be tiny compared to his word fort of anger and cold pizza.
That Cena-DiBiase thread was one of the dumbest ideas I have ever read in this forum. To dish out red rep for someone bashing it is almost as dumb as that thread was..almost.
I'm a repping machine. I red rep people all the time, but it's usually people who have like 11 posts and post threads like

"wuldnt it be kool if JOHN CENA and KOFY KINSTEN wer a tag team?!?!!??! post ur fav. tafg team ideas here........................................"

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