I might be getting a cat


I just don't wanna litter train the thing. Oh, and I'm scared it'll beat up my other cat thats toothless, blind, and declawed.
I just don't wanna litter train the thing. Oh, and I'm scared it'll beat up my other cat thats toothless, blind, and declawed.

Either don't get a new cat or just monitor the new cat so it won't beat the hell out of your other cats
Interesting story about my blind cat. I think it tried to kill me once. I woke up. She was in my bed, with her paw on my throat. She loathes me, so why would she be in my bed, unless she was trying to kill me >.> Luckily she has no claws, so she couldn't kill me.

Uncle Sam said:
Wait until the blind cat dies. No need to degrade its quality of life further.

I keep telling my mother to let me just go ahead and put her out of her misery. She won't let me.
I would be keeping the cat in the house, and getting her declawed soon as well. >.> I don't actually wanna look after her all day, just, feed her, water her, and scoop her poop, then on my terms, every once in a while petting her.

I figured the cat would go inside of the house cause usually cats wonder off & crap like that. If you get the new cat then I would suggest that you see if the blind cat & the new cat get along.
*Thinks about locking Coco inside a cage*

Maybe you could get the new cat and lock it inside the cage with the blind one. Have them fight and whoever wins gets to stay.
I hear cats can predict when a storm is coming. I saw it on Animal Planet.

I hear that cats suck and dogs rule. I heard my mouth say it.

Edit: I do like those cats with smushed faces though. I might take one of those as a pet if I ever live in a high-rise apartment in a big city.
I hear that cats suck and dogs rule. I heard my mouth say it.

Edit: I do like those cats with smushed faces though. I might take one of those as a pet if I ever live in a high-rise apartment in a big city.

I think cats suck to, that's why I have a dog. Some cats are cute though, but they can be little bitches. I went to a friends apartment and he has a cat, well I walked in and the cat hissed at me and then went to hide under the bed. But when I go to someone's house and they have a dog they are always friendly.
I've got a pooch myself. But my mom hates big dogs, and if it isn't big, its just not a dog to me. So I would much rather prefer to have a cat. Dogs > cats but cats > pooches

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