I just can't wrap my head around...


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are many things in wrestling that I really can't understand. This could be something a product does, or simply a fans opinion. There are a few things I have in mind, and would like to see if there are any more opinions on the matters I address or your own baffling questions about the product or peoples opinions.

First; People who constantly compare Austin with Cena AND Orton
Let me start with the Austin/Orton comparison. Many people believe that Orton is a modern day Austin on many levels. The first being a tweener and his attitude. While I agree Orton does have that ''rebel-ness'' about him, in my opinion, he couldn't be further from Austin. If anything Randy Orton is more like Jake the Snake character wise, where he is mad and cunning. Watch JTS and see how deranged he is and notice the similarities with Orton. People claim the RKO and Stunner are pretty much the same thing. While there are similarities, that means in no way are they the same. Lawler doing a piledriver is different from Undertaker doing the Tombstone. I think people read too much into this, even saying that Orton's new pose is Austins old one. I mean WTF. Many wrestlers raise their arms that way. I don't understand people saying it.

The Austin/Cena similarities also draws on Hulk Hogan. There are many people who slate Cena's wrestling skills. In counter arguments, people claim that Austin and Hogan were also lacking in this department. I could understand Hogan to a degree, even though when Hogan was wrestling the Ultimate Warriors finisher was a splash. Therefore the era in which Hogan wrestled in was for the more slower pased, ''spot'' matches, such as Hulking up. So can it be deemed that Hogan lacked as a wrestler, or more that he was simply the era in which he was in. With Austin, if you watch his work in WCW, and pre Owen Hart injury you could see he was a good wrestler. Whilst he was nowhere near the best, he had fantastic matches (See; Hollywood Blonde matches, WCW Vs Steamboat, King of the Ring 96 Vs Mero, King of the Ring 97 Vs Shawn Michaels). The injury changed the way in which he wrestled, and in his later career, you could see the pain he was in, hence ending his career. I can't see how people can be narrow minded in saying Austin wasn't a great wrestler, and Hogan may be the product of a different era, so comparing what Cena does (5 - straight moves in a row) to Hogan and Austin is ludicrous.

Jeff Jarrett becoming World Champion
I'm not sure on facts as to why this was allowed to happen, but how did he get his hands on the WHC. He was a decent mid-carder, but never enough to be considered main event material let alone champion. Did he have friends in higher power etc? I know most of the roster such as the Hogans had left WCW by then, whether temporary or permanent and they needed the void filled, but seriously how?

The five moves in a row
I'm not bashing Cena, but many do as previously mentioned, due to the five moves in a row. But has anyone noticed Orton now has a move set, involved two clotheslines, a duck and then a powerslam (Not a scoopslam Michael Cole). How is it that even though fans do not like to see it that WWE are making another top superstar do this, and the IWC hasn't picked up on the transition into a ''spot'' wrestler? It gets the crowd excited sure, but people ripped on Cena for it, with ''You can't wrestle chants''. While I am aware that Orton has a lot more to his game than those moves, I'm wondering how he hasn't had the same treatment.


What are your guys thoughts on my opinions? Or your own topics where you're constantly left scratching your head thinking, WTF!

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