I Have Given Up, Have You?

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Dark Match Jobber
I have not viewed a full segment of TNA since the start of this year, me and my friend decided to stop watching since we like WWE over TNA, but this is not to say TNA was ever great, in fact it was.

I have showed my friend some 2004-2009/2010 TNA DVDs, all original which i have brought from eBay or a store in Melbourne AU, its called Go Figure Collectibles.

I have original TNA PPVs ranging from, the first ever victory road in 2004, all the way up to 2010 ive got quite a few, i have not had time to sit down because ive been working all different hours this week, i did have a week off but had personal things to take care of, i am a pretty big WWE mark, but know what great talent that TNA has had in the past, i have met AJ Styles and hes a phenomenal bloke.

Getting to the point of topic, even though i have all this great footage, i did get told by my friend about the Mangiere, (if its not correct spelling please tell me). I thought the group was very weird, but also had great potential. My friend sent me a link of there debut, i ended up watching it on Youtube.

Since then i have read a few TNA threads here and there, i also had read the Vince Russo thread, i will refuse to view TNA for the moment, i may flick through youtube once every few months to check up on it. I know Eric Young won the title, and i saw a kenny king match when flicking through my television, i gave TNA 20 minutes of my time and switched off, i knew that MVP would turn on young 2 months before via a youtuber, who some how knew the story line briefly from an online source.

For me TNA's group with MVP, Kenny King, Lashley and i believe Elix Skipper was one of the members, is a copy of the Nation Of Domination (Not based on colour, its based on how they have displayed the group).

Do you think TNA is worth while tuning into or still not worrying about, and i know i may get heat from WWE fans, yes i have watched the product for 15 years been to every live show, except 2005 and 2012 house shows within Australia, ive seen all the big names, Rock, Y2J, HBK, Nash, Lesnar, HHH, Hardyz, Kane, Mysterio, Orton as well to say the least.

WWE is not perfect but so isn't TNA at this point in time, can someone give me a theory of TNA for them as a viewer at the moment, and the cons and pros of the product so i can see if i am wasting my time viewing TNA, thanks.
If you don't want to watch, then don't watch. Why do you need people to convince you for it. TNA is the product it's always been. There is some good and there some bad. I never understood topics lik this. If you care enough to make a thread about TNA, then watch the dag on show. WTH are you making threads for? No one is in your house monitoring whether you watch a wrestling show or not.
I was 2 statements into this and just started banging my face against the keyboard. Your grammar is awful and makes this impossible to read. I don't even understand what this thread is even about. Ummm.....

Then don't watch TNA. Who cares? I think that's the right answer?
Why you are asking a forum full of subjective opinions as to whether or not you will like a show is beyond me. If you want to know whether it's good or not, or whether you'd enjoy it or not, watch it for a couple weeks. If you like it, keep watching, if you don't stop. That's how we, as human beings with a baseline of intelligence, determine whether or not we wish to continue doing things. At least in most cases.
I find it funny the extent you went to in explaining where you purchased your DVDs or watched an event. Are you trying to cover something up?

To the point, yes watch TNA. They have a major event coming up so it would be a great time worthy of your investment.

You should also start, if not already, following Ring of Honor. The promoion is red hot and growing like crazy. Also learn Japanese and start getting yourself familiar with all things Japan.
If you are asking for a recommendation on whether to watch TNA or not, I would definitely NOT recommend it currently. Thin roster, bad crowd, weak storylines and an overall dull vibe around the company is making the shows unbearable for me to watch. I hope it improves soon because I love TNA, but currently it is the worst promotion out there for sure.
TNA has so much potential. Even more so now many of the (expensive) big names have gone. They just need to find their own niche instead of relying on mimicking WWE storylines.

Every televised wrestling company needs a mixture of things to succeed: compelling storylines (even rubbish stories can be compelling); believability - we know the bouts are staged so the stories leading to then need to be believable; relatability - characters the crowd can relate to; and of course, good wrestling. TNA is very good at some of these but not all - YET. But if they can knuckle down and focus on what they do well, whilst improving what they fail at, they will be around for a long while and provide an alternative to WWE. They will likely never compete with WWE, but at this stage they should not be trying to.
I find it funny the extent you went to in explaining where you purchased your DVDs or watched an event. Are you trying to cover something up?

To the point, yes watch TNA. They have a major event coming up so it would be a great time worthy of your investment.

You should also start, if not already, following Ring of Honor. The promoion is red hot and growing like crazy. Also learn Japanese and start getting yourself familiar with all things Japan.

I meant Original as in the same cover and everything as it was originally sold, because sometimes TNA can change covers within my country, i have the Original American ones.
I'm in agreement in saying that if you don't like what TNA has to offer, then don't watch. Now I can't sell you on any product; not qualified to do so. But hey, you check out YouTube, so chances are you'll come across something you like that may make you want to tune in. My boy has been trying to get me to check out the Wyatts on Raw lately, but I can't bring myself to do it. But I know they have talent in WWE, it just doesn't suit my taste. Do you man, check out some matches and decide for yourself.
Only you can decide if it's worth your time watching TNA. Why don't you simply watch a few episodes and go from there? If you're really reluctant for whatever strange reason, read some show reviews and see if anything sounds interesting, then check that out.
I have not viewed a full segment of TNA since the start of this year, me and my friend decided to stop watching since we like WWE over TNA, but this is not to say TNA was ever great, in fact it was.

I stopped reading, and caring after this.
I have not viewed a full segment of TNA since the start of this year, me and my friend decided to stop watching since we like WWE over TNA, but this is not to say TNA was ever great, in fact it was.

So, have you decided to stop watching because you prefer the WWe or because you dislike TNA? :shrug:

I have showed my friend some 2004-2009/2010 TNA DVDs, all original which i have brought from eBay or a store in Melbourne AU, its called Go Figure Collectibles.

Did you like these? TNA has always had it's pluses and negatives, now is no different.

I have original TNA PPVs ranging from, the first ever victory road in 2004, all the way up to 2010 ive got quite a few, i have not had time to sit down because ive been working all different hours this week, i did have a week off but had personal things to take care of, i am a pretty big WWE mark, but know what great talent that TNA has had in the past, i have met AJ Styles and hes a phenomenal bloke.

What? Are you saying that you haven't had time to watch the DVDs or the current product?

Getting to the point of topic, even though i have all this great footage, i did get told by my friend about the Mangiere, (if its not correct spelling please tell me). I thought the group was very weird, but also had great potential. My friend sent me a link of there debut, i ended up watching it on Youtube.

Did you like it?

Since then i have read a few TNA threads here and there, i also had read the Vince Russo thread, i will refuse to view TNA for the moment, i may flick through youtube once every few months to check up on it. I know Eric Young won the title, and i saw a kenny king match when flicking through my television, i gave TNA 20 minutes of my time and switched off, i knew that MVP would turn on young 2 months before via a youtuber, who some how knew the story line briefly from an online source.

He 'knew', did he? Couldn't be that he guessed this as it has happened so many times in the past? Plus, the reason that such things are called spoilers is that they, like, spoil your entertainment.

And 20 minutes? You say you're a WWe fan - there is no 20 minute segments on RAW that ever suck then?

For me TNA's group with MVP, Kenny King, Lashley and i believe Elix Skipper was one of the members, is a copy of the Nation Of Domination (Not based on colour, its based on how they have displayed the group).

Elix Skipper? Seriously? Elix Skipper hasn't appeared on Impact (or anywhere) in over 6 years! "NoD"? A group based on the Black Panthers with Islamic overtones? MVP is using King and Lashley to try and gain full control over TNA and they haven't been playing up their ethnicity - their would be much closer links to Evolution.

Do you think TNA is worth while tuning into or still not worrying about, and i know i may get heat from WWE fans, yes i have watched the product for 15 years been to every live show, except 2005 and 2012 house shows within Australia, ive seen all the big names, Rock, Y2J, HBK, Nash, Lesnar, HHH, Hardyz, Kane, Mysterio, Orton as well to say the least.

Why would WWe fans be annoyed at you tuning into TNA?

Of course you should give TNA a go - for all it's foibles, it's still unpredictable and has it's high points.

WWE is not perfect but so isn't TNA at this point in time, can someone give me a theory of TNA for them as a viewer at the moment, and the cons and pros of the product so i can see if i am wasting my time viewing TNA, thanks.

Negatives - you mightn't like some stuff. Positives - you might like some stuff. If the +ives outweigh the -ives, you're on a winner. Everything is open to interpretation good sir.
You haven't watched a full segment but you gave TNA 20 minutes of your time and then turned it off? What exactly were you watching for 20 minutes that didn't equal a full segment?

MVP, Lashley and Kenny King resemble Nation of Domination in any way except for skin color. MVP has a position of authority and has Lashley and King there to help him out the same way the Wolves had his back when he was a face.

I said it in a different thread but I'll say it here too. The Sam Shaw story line is one of the best in wrestling right now. Although if you came into it just now without seeing it from the start you'd probably be lost.

Magnus just started showing a new edge thanks to his buddy Bram so it's worth seeing where they go with that.

The Bromans are interesting and are feuding with the Menagerie. Who by the way are meant to be weird. So if that's your impression of them then they're doing their job right. They're circus freaks.

If TNA isn't your thing then don't watch it. Sure there's some shitty parts but WWE has some shitty parts too. That's entertainment. Not everything is going to be gold.
Just watch the show and make up your mind, there's no right or wrong answer on what a person likes to watch, everyone's got a different taste so best thing to do is find out what your taste is on your own.

For example, I recently watched the NJPW show where AJ Styles won the title, I enjoyed what I saw therefore I'm going to give it a chance and keep watching NJPW as long as they can do enough to keep me interested. ROH is the same thing, I recently watched an episode one Saturday afternoon, I didn't think it was bad but it wasn't enough to keep me watching, so I'm probably not going to watch another episode for a while, but I will give it a chance again in a few months or so. Around HIAC last year I was completely sick of watching WWE programming, thought it sucked so I took a 6 month break for it (almost all the way to Wrestlemania 30) and started watching it again after Wrestlemania 30 (I see a long break again on the horizon as its not keeping my interest). TNA I haven't been able to get into for years so I might catch an episode once every blue moon just to see if things got better.

Like many on this site I'm not a promotion fan as much as I'm a wrestling fan, if its entertaining I watch it, if its not I don't, worse case scenario I got over 100 years of wrestling to watch that has plenty of awesome stuff in it. I will always watch wrestling but not if the promotions not entertaining.

With that said my advice is give it a shot, see if you like it, if you don't that's fine but I would also suggest be willing to give it another shot down the road as talent, booking, storylines, ect. can change on a moments notice, just because I don't like TNA today doesn't mean I won't 6 months from now.
I'm all for TNA, they have had highs and lows but I've always stood by the fact that the wrestling world is better they exist than if they didn't. Although I am rooting for the company they do seem to have had a loss of focus since the end of the Aces and Eights storyline and the departure of AJ Styles and Sting. I baught in to the "New Stars, New Time" TNA theme. New talent like MVP and The American Wolves helped change the face of TNA and existing talent stepped up like Samoa Joe,Eric Young, Gunner , the Bromans and others. Eric Young would go on to win the championship from Magnus which I was fine with.

And then what seemed like a few moments later MVP turned heel GM on Eric Young. I rarely complain about TNA but I really didn't like that. Ok you're going with Eric Young as the unlikely champion that's fine, I'm a fan of Young and think he's very talented and underrated. I just wish he had a longer program with Magnus and they sat on that a while longer. Maybe he could have faced Austin Aries and in a program and Aries could have put him over. And then he could have faught James Storm and then Storm could have put Young over. THEN MVP could have turned heel on Young.

Don't get me wrong I like MVP, The TNA Authority figure makes a very impressive, entertaining and imposing faction with the likes of the King of Night, Kenny King and the specimen Bobby Lashley. I just wish TNA kept things a little simpler sometimes. Also I'm not a fan of how Bully Ray went from loner heel to lovable fan favourite who loves to put people through tables. I'm a Bully fan, He does make a great heel and can be a fun face but I wish that turn again was more gradual.

I hate to say say it but TNA looks like it has lost a step when it comes to looking a credible #2 promotion in my eyes. The good news is I'm invested in the characters. Young, Aries, The Wolves, EC3, Bram, Samual Shaw even Willow are all intriguing characters that I will tune into see. TNA still has a great roster, I hope they know that and make the best TV they can with them.
I'm all for TNA, they have had highs and lows but I've always stood by the fact that the wrestling world is better they exist than if they didn't. Although I am rooting for the company they do seem to have had a loss of focus since the end of the Aces and Eights storyline and the departure of AJ Styles and Sting. I baught in to the "New Stars, New Time" TNA theme. New talent like MVP and The American Wolves helped change the face of TNA and existing talent stepped up like Samoa Joe,Eric Young, Gunner , the Bromans and others. Eric Young would go on to win the championship from Magnus which I was fine with.

And then what seemed like a few moments later MVP turned heel GM on Eric Young. I rarely complain about TNA but I really didn't like that. Ok you're going with Eric Young as the unlikely champion that's fine, I'm a fan of Young and think he's very talented and underrated. I just wish he had a longer program with Magnus and they sat on that a while longer. Maybe he could have faced Austin Aries and in a program and Aries could have put him over. And then he could have faught James Storm and then Storm could have put Young over. THEN MVP could have turned heel on Young.

Don't get me wrong I like MVP, The TNA Authority figure makes a very impressive, entertaining and imposing faction with the likes of the King of Night, Kenny King and the specimen Bobby Lashley. I just wish TNA kept things a little simpler sometimes. Also I'm not a fan of how Bully Ray went from loner heel to lovable fan favourite who loves to put people through tables. I'm a Bully fan, He does make a great heel and can be a fun face but I wish that turn again was more gradual.

I hate to say say it but TNA looks like it has lost a step when it comes to looking a credible #2 promotion in my eyes. The good news is I'm invested in the characters. Young, Aries, The Wolves, EC3, Bram, Samual Shaw even Willow are all intriguing characters that I will tune into see. TNA still has a great roster, I hope they know that and make the best TV they can with them.

I agree with what you are saying, i am slowly getting into TNA again. I did have a look at TNA and i am happy that Austin Aries is back, that is one thing that will make me watch TNA at this point in time :).
I agree with what you are saying, i am slowly getting into TNA again. I did have a look at TNA and i am happy that Austin Aries is back, that is one thing that will make me watch TNA at this point in time :).

TNA has been on a roll since Slammiversary! I have been telling a lot of former TNA fans that now is a good time to jump back on board. It's not perfect, but TNA is way better now than it was a year ago.
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