I hate myself

Mighty NorCal

so I just spent roughly an hour and half writing that reveiw for all of you.

and as I was honestly writing the "heat of the night pop of the night etc" part, which were the last 10 words, my pinkie whacked into the "Esc" button.

and erased it.

Im probably never going to write it out again.
Awe... I've been checking the Smackdown review thread all day for it. That sucks.
Darn it that sucks.

and i was actually looking forward to reading the review.

Hopefully you will find time to write it again, and maybe you should take it out that damn ESC button out so that you dont accidentally press it again.
Yeah taht does suck. For future reference, if you're making a post and do that, the control Z thing does indeed bring it back.
I am so immensely deflated and disgusted with myself right now. motherfucker that thing was incredibly long. son of a fucking bitch man. fuck.

Ill probably write it again. it likely wont be as good though.
you still will. Thats going to be in the "NorCal's big day of adventure" column, which will be in the bar room.

I said nothing about it in the column I just ruined. I simply said "I didnt see any of the Ziggler-MVP match. check my thread in the bar room to find out why"

Ill get to the skanky one soon. just give me some time to recover from the depression im currently experiencing
Speaking of puppies I just got a new puppy Tuesday. Looks exactly like the one in that picture only smaller with a little longer fur.

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