I got a new kitten.


Championship Contender

The guy that owns the convience store down the street gave me one because my previous cat was a wild one, just like this one, and ran away. It's a girl, I went and bought all the necessary stuff for it after we got it. Litterbox, food bowls, food, collars, flea collars, etc etc. It's asleep right now after exploring my apartment, it's mesmerized by the TV and very calm. Haven't figured out a name yet.
Cool. I got a new little kitten a few weeks ago like a few days after the one I had died.

There so awesome when there little. Just they tend to bite alot cause there playful so be ready for that.

Here is a pic of my newest one

got him two weeks ago today....

this is the one who died what will be 3 weeks come this Sunday

That's an awesome picture, balancing a Dr. Pepper on his/her head. Awesome.

Those kittens make me weep they're so adorable. I wish my cat was young again, she's fat and old. I still love her to death though.

Cats are the shit. I want a new kitten now. :(

My cat would murder it though :lmao:

That's an awesome picture, balancing a Dr. Pepper on his/her head. Awesome.

Those kittens make me weep they're so adorable. I wish my cat was young again, she's fat and old. I still love her to death though.

Cats are the shit. I want a new kitten now. :(

My cat would murder it though :lmao:

Yeah I took that pic of her on my birthday back in July. Was so sad when she died. Aug 23rd...so I had it wrong. This will be 4 weeks coming up Sunday and I had my new kitten 3 weeks....got my new little kitten the Thusday after
Call it Texas. Or Sardines. Or Button. Or Drapes. Or Cardboard. Or Pepper. Or Football. Or Steve.
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Dogs scare me. Apart from that cute one KB showed me once. I'd want a kitten, but I don't like big cats.

I want this one
My brain exploded from how god damn adorable this video is.

I couldn't helped but be sketchy-eyed with that lawn mower just kinda chillin' there....then I saw there was two....and then three.

I kept expecting them to just be randomy mowed over. I'm glad I was wrong.
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Awwww Theo Mays wants a cat. My cat was awesome. She was the greatest cat. She wouldn't walk on the floors when they were mopped, crazy smart. She was a bit goofy as a kitten though. Running into closed doors and into the washer and dryer. Even getting her head stuck in the bars on the back of the kitchen chairs. She wised up though and became a pretty awesome pet. She was a stray and she ran away once for a few days and came back. Boy do I miss her. She was about 5 or 6 and she had a stroke or something and went blind and crazy. And would have crazy scary seizures. She had her good days and her bad and it got to the point where we needed to put her down.
Seeing all those cute kitties makes me want one. Unfortunately, I have allergies. And, not the usual sniffles and rashes. No, indeed, my eyebrows fall out around cats. I prefer cats, but can't be around them. Still.......

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