I get knocked down, but I get up again!

Joaquim Akaem

4721 Archer. Sir.
Talk about being victimized!
I've been extrodited.
All knowledge of my existance has been removed.
I don't know who did it and I don't know why.
There wasn't even an explanation.
I assume this is either some sort of joke, or I am really not welcome here.

But you aren't ever going to keep me down!

So unless I break the rules and get banned, I'll be here, don't you worry.
talk about being victimized!
ive been extrodited
all knowledge of my existance has been removed,
i dont know who did it and i dont know why.
not even an explanation
i assume this is either some sort of joke, or i am really not welcome here.

but you aint never gonna keep me down!

so unless i break the rules and get banned, ill be here, dont you worry.

Newbie, what the hell did you just say?

Are you referring to the infraction that Norcal gave you? if so, this isn't the place to discuss it.
When I read the title and saw a bit of it, I thoguht this was a song or something. After reading it, I'm still not sure what you're talking about.
Newbie, what the hell did you just say?

Are you referring to the infraction that Norcal gave you? if so, this isn't the place to discuss it.

That wass not the issue I was referring to, although i did think that the infraction was not the best decision, I could live with what happened.

The issue i was reffering to was the fact I have had everything i have ever posted deleted, for very little reason, or not one that was explained to me personally.

I do not believe i have broken any rules, but I could be in danger of breaking rule 22 soon.
Is rule 22 ''Don't use net speak, and try and use correct grammer''? Because if it is, you failed at post one. That's why delete. I hate those who cannot be freakin' bothered to type correctly. You're lazy, the end.
Hun, please do me a big big favour and write properly. Or I'll have to take Iscariots advice and start deleting :)
I could edit it for you but I can't really be bothered.
:) xo
I usually stay out of that area, but I'd go along with it. Where else can you get 2 smileys, xo's and get the message with a bit of a threat at the same time?

Couldn't care less about any of that. She backed me in my quest for english being adopted as a language, and not a basis for fucktards who decide ''I can spel propa I can'' is acceptable. Becca for Admin.
Also a great point. She does a great job as a mod and all around. Sounds like a great candidate if Jake or Jonny ever step down.
I hate it when people type like that, so of course I'm with you on that one.

Also, just read your post about the pointlessness of Alcohol, so I support you even more now. I'm teetotal by choice due to the utter uselessness of the stuff. Still, I indulge in an occassional chinese which I guess is more of the same, so innocent I am not. I can see why you gave Will so many headaches, turns out you're pretty cool :p

BTW, before anyone even starts, I have a gf so no, I'm not the latest Becca-bot lol.
Dammit i thoght i was the only person that said that lol its my top insult at the moment.

Fucktard is a great insult. Insinuates they're a ****** and fucked up, all in one go, and yet avoids calling them ******s and thus bringing down the wrath of those who believe that is politically incorrect.

Fucktard. It's the future of insults.
Also, just read your post about the pointlessness of Alcohol, so I support you even more now. I'm teetotal by choice due to the utter uselessness of the stuff. Still, I indulge in an occassional chinese which I guess is more of the same, so innocent I am not. I can see why you gave Will so many headaches, turns out you're pretty cool :p

BTW, before anyone even starts, I have a gf so no, I'm not the latest Becca-bot lol.

Thank you? :lmao:. I don't remember that post but hell, I doubt I'll remember all 700 of them. Chit Chat forum?

:lmao: And I have to say I'm glad, I have enough "Becca-bots"!
and by becca bots you mean parasites living shoulder deep in your colon from ass kissing so much *cough* DJ Supreme *cough*
Fucktard is a great insult. Insinuates they're a ****** and fucked up, all in one go, and yet avoids calling them ******s and thus bringing down the wrath of those who believe that is politically incorrect.

Fucktard. It's the future of insults.

Thats the main reason i say it. ****** used to just slip out and i would cope so much for it. this way everyone wins im not saying a no no word but it basically means the same
and by becca bots you mean parasites living shoulder deep in your colon from ass kissing so much on the stupidly slim hope that one day somehow, someway, they might actually get to sleep with a 16yr old girl who likes wrestling*cough* DJ Supreme *cough*

Fixed that typo for you matey.


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