I Feel Dirty and Should Not Be Known as a Smark


Pre-Show Stalwart
This of course is me talking about how I don't have the heart to dislike anything on a over the top professional stand point, what do I mean? I'm talking about different things in the WWE that have happened which which has fueled the IWC into hatred, but I found myself actually REALLY enjoying, LOL.

Stuff like John Cena, don't get me wrong, the whole shtick where he flails around for 20 minutes until he realises he's in a wrestling match then snaps his ass into action is one of the most annoying things for me at the moment, but stuff like Brodus debuting as the "Funkasaurus" I'm ashamed to say, I enjoyed it, LOL.

I mean, SOMEBODY CALL MY MAMA this should not be right! I should hate stuff like that...

Key point:

Anyways, this is the main paragraph you should read if you don't read the rest. Is there anything that has fueded the IWC to anger which you ACTUALLY liked? Anything, like Cena, Hornswoggle, stuff like that. And you don't want to admit it because theres a person underneth that rock hard Smark shell. >:)
The Katie Vick segment where HHH fornicated a "dead" woman. When he raised his hands with goo on it and said he screwed her brains out I lost it. I dont care what anyone says it was fucking funny.
The American Badass. I'll be honest, i'm only 17 and started watching wrestling relatively late (Around late 05-06, had a lot of the old 02-early 04 ppv DVD's) and in that era the Undertaker was mainly the ABA.
I thought it was cool, not in a "Omg awesomesauce" way, but just the fact it's more believable to me. Just a guy that wants to get respect from people. Respect him and he'll respect you back etc.
Don't get me wrong i like the Deadman as well, it's actually my favorite one. But i don't try and say his other gimmicks sucked like a lot of others.
For me, I actually enjoyed the Eddiesploitation thing in 2006. Mostly because it led to Rey being a world champion, the subsequent channeling of Eddie in the last few months of his reign, and the subsequent program he worked with Chavo.
I agree with Heel Beard. I enjoy Vickie Guerrero. I think she is excellent at what she does. Draws amazing heat and is just a great heel manager/agent. Hats off to Vince McMahon for taking good care of Eddie Guerrero's widow. I think when its all said and done and her career is over she will be considered Hall of Fame potential because she will end up being a "Manager to the Stars" much the way Sensational Sherri was.
I find I like most all things that the IWC in general dislikes and vice versa. Seriously though I think the internet killed kayfabe and wrestling has been worse off without it. Thats one of the big reasons I am enjoying stuff like Slasher movie Kane, stalking people and chasing them around the building in the Jason Vorhee's style! Brodus Clay as a real character not just another big fat monster heel. People seem to have forgotten that over the top characters are what made wrestling so popular back in the day.
Vickie Guerro as most other posters have said has a talent for making people hate her. She's the only thing about WWE that my girlfriend likes. I also though Brodus Clays debut was pretty damn funny - at least once - whether or not it has legs is another story but I'm willing to see how this plays out. Could be they'll have this be a great big fake-out and Brodus will lose it and become the same old boring ass monster heel people seem to want him to be. This gimmick is different and it stands out among the other clone troopers that fill the roster - if it works, even just a little bit then this whole thing could have a VERY positive outcome in the long term.
I really like what Jericho has done for the past two weeks. I think he is taking heel work to a whole new place.

I'm also a big fan of HHH's work as Raw GM. I loved the first half hour after the walkout episode with HHH, Punk, Cena and Sheamus. I was extremely pissed when they quickly made everything go back to normal.

Finally, I could care less if someone like Big Show does not put on a wrestling clinic. He is a physical specimen that holds his own just fine keeping up in the ring while making everyone else look better than they actually are.

A couple of things I don't get:

- having to either love or hate Cena
- Dolph Ziggler
- Drew McIntyre
Wrestlemania 9 was and still is one of my favorite Manias. I loved it as a teen and still do today. It had a great atmosphere, and I loved the outside feel to it. I would love for mania to be in The Rose Bowl Stadium someday. That would be awesome! mania 9 had a lot of gimmick wrestlers. I think WWE need more gimmicks today, and not so many generic clones. Its boring when most wrestlers look and act the same.
We're all going to get slaughtered in this thread. Ok, I think Micheal Cole is the best heel announcer that ever lived. I don't understand why people don't understand he's saying what he is TOLD to say. He's not out there shooting on people he hates every week. WWE tells him to do it. I also like TNA and am starting to like john cena. I also marked out when TNA did the pseudo NwO thing when Bischoff first got there. I await your slings and arrows. In truth I won't even blame you.
Ditto on the Vickie Guerrero and what Jericho is currently doing stuff.

I hated Vickie at first. Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard and, let's be honest, compared to the other women on the roster she's not exactly a knockout in the looks department. But the way she has evolved her character over the last few years has been awesome, and honestly she's the ONLY worthwhile manager in mainstream wrestling IMHO. I marked out so hard when she got in that verbal spat with Miss Piggy (but then again I was born in the 80's, I mark for the Muppets period). :icon_biggrin:

As for Jericho... I mean come ON, there is NOBODY on the roster right now that could pull this kind of thing off. PERIOD. Without saying a word he is playing the WWE Universe like a master troll, and has had the audience in the palm of his hand. He OWNS us. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll "get" what he's doing and enjoy it. He's always best as a heel, and I've got a feeling that when he does finally start to speak (and don't worry, he will) everybody will look back on this re-debut and grin. :headbanger:
OP You think you're bad?

1. I could care less about these "**** and *****" matches everyone else keeps crying for. I'd like it better if most TV matches ended in 5 minutes or less (including intros/commercials), and I wish WWE had 8-10 matches every week.

2. I think there's NOT ENOUGH titles in the WWE. I'd prefer 10 titles.

3. I think John Cena's okay.

4. I'm a big fan of Micheal Cole.

5. David Otunga too.
Ok, I think Micheal Cole is the best heel announcer that ever lived. I don't understand why people don't understand he's saying what he is TOLD to say. He's not out there shooting on people he hates every week. WWE tells him to do it.

Holy shit NO. Just because Vince McMahon feeds him lines doesn't make it okay (and I agree, none of this is Michael Cole's "fault") but it's one of the biggest indicators that Vince doesn't know how to connect with his audience as well as he used to. And if you really believe, I mean HONESTLY believe that Michael Cole is the greatest heel announcer ever, go watch the 1992 Royal Rumble match with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon commentating. NOBODY was better at heeling it up behind the table than Heenan.

You can watch it here: 1992 Royal Rumble Match
For me, many things.

1. I think that a lot of the iwc agrees, but I love what Jericho is doing. He can change the game like no other. He was the first with the suit and big words, then came miz and cody. Now he is doing something else completely new that will probably get the crowd to completely hate him. One of the best heels ever.
2. Micheal Cole is a great heel announcer. He gets everyone to hate him, and his hypocrisy is played to perfection. Best heel announcer I have ever heard, and I have been watching for over 10 years now.
3. Vickie is probably the best one in the business at garnering heat right now. Whoever she is with gets over. Period
4. HHH may not put the most people over, but the people that he has have become huge. Batista, Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Jeff Hardy, etc can thank HHH for making them megastars. I always considered HHH as the gatekeeper. Once someone goes over on him you know they are main eventers for life. Not to mention he is one of the best in the business and one of the best heels ever.
5. Finally the one I havent seen is that I think that the main event of wrestlemania 2000 is one of the best main events ever. I loved it. I thought that the story of these 4 competitors and the whole mcmahon family came together greatly in this match. Not to mention my favorites at the time were the rock and foley, and I legitimately hated hhh at the time so I was on the edge of my seat for this one.

For the other side: I dont see whats so good about Dolph Ziggler. Sure he is great in the ring, but his mic work is not great at all, and the only reason he gets heat is Vicky. I think he should stay in the midcard. And also the Miz. The guy just is Jericho 2.0, and he is way worse on the mic, in the ring, and in look than Jericho.
I liked when Triple H held the World Championships or what felt like a year. Only because it made it realistic, and a big deal when he lost.

Ric Flairs matches are boring. No disrespect to the Nature Boy, he can wrestle definately, but I would always be bored. Love em tho.

During MNM liked Joey Mercury more then Morrison.

Like the current WWE title belt.
Agree with the positive thoughts on Vicki. And I dig (dug?) what Brodus did on Monday.

But I gotta say..I'm a big Cena fan. Mainly because he is doing what mostly every mark/smark wanted to do. Be a WWE Superstar and be the best in that position. He works his ass off day in/day out.

I'm not as mad at his "SuperCena" comebacks because that's how it was written for Hogan back in the day. Although I hated Hogan as a kid...weird huh?
First off, anyone who posts on internet forums is a smark, regardless of what your opinions are.

Now that that's out of the way, I love a lot of things that internet fans hate. I love Cena, I love Triple H, I love stupid comedy. I don't hate the PG era. I don't meticulously count the number of moves a person does in a match and then use that as my criteria for how good the match was. I love John Laurinaitis and Michael Cole.

Above all else, I love present-day WWE, and that's what separates me from the average internet fan more than anything. I think people who can't get over the Attitude Era need to go watch some old tapes instead of begging for it back. If you're really a wrestling fan, you'll look at today's product with an open mind and develop new favorites who you can enjoy. And just because people dislike Cena doesn't mean he's the only person on the show.
Above all else, I love present-day WWE, and that's what separates me from the average internet fan more than anything. I think people who can't get over the Attitude Era need to go watch some old tapes instead of begging for it back. If you're really a wrestling fan, you'll look at today's product with an open mind and develop new favorites who you can enjoy. And just because people dislike Cena doesn't mean he's the only person on the show.

Here's how I view the Attitude Era:

It trained and conditioned us to root for the anti-hero. You had Stone Cold and The Rock. If you followed ECW at the time (pre-WWE buy-out), you pretty much had an entire roster full of shitkicking badasses that pushed the envelope in new and exciting ways. We had stables that embodied controversial "taboo" topics (racism with the Nation of Domination, counter-culture rejects in The Oddities) and promos that built up talent without the shackles of PG-oriented content. Sure, it wasn't all roses and wine, but it was interesting and constantly entertaining. The product today has one hand tied behind its back because WWE is at the mercy of the Almighty Advertising Dollar, which means the PG rating isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
I prefer a good character to a good wrestler. Although I'm a fan of both, I would prefer Batista as champ, than Daniel Bryan.

Also, I think John Cena is good in the ring. I think he's very underrated. He is not a ring general and cannot control a match, but he is good. Look at his matches with Punk, Jericho, HBK, etc. He puts on a good match. He is told to end matches the way he does, and the crowd pops every time.

Stone Cold > The Rock. Just Sayin'
The attitude era is OVERRATED! I said it. The wrestling/talent now is far superior than it was in 1998. The thrashers? Really? Good tag team... not. Cool let's watch matches where ALL they do is a) fight through the crowd. B) go through the spanish announce table. C) vince mcmahon and his WHOLE family interfere in the match. D) stone cold wins anyways. Sweet main event scene too. The rock, steve austin, and HHH. Who else was champ in the attitude era? Mick foley, and big show. Other than that, it was a three man race. Every month.

And I'm fully 100% rooting for john cena on april 2nd.

"Funkasaurus" brodus clay is my new favorite wrestler.

Eddie guerrero is better than shawn michaels.

Chris benoit.

Ps. Santino is the funniest wwe superstar of all time.

Ps. Santino is the funniest wwe superstar of all time. He also is #2 behind cm punk for best promo skills... maybe not that far, but entertaining as fuck.
Loved the Brodus Clay debut. We need more characters and less generic wrestlers. Which is why I am also a Zack Ryder fan. Kane Resurrected also adds to this which makes me think the WWE finally gets it. REALITY WRESTLING DOES NOT MAKE FOR AN ENTERTAINING PRODUCT CONSISTENTLY.

I am still a huge CM Punk fan even though I feel they have crippled him to an extent by not giving him the mic time they were giving him last summer/fall.

I am a John Cena fan, and even more so since they arent quite shoving him down our throats like they were.

Not so much of a Daniel Bryan fan.. Not that I dont think he is talented, I just dont think he was ready to hold the title yet.

The Miz needs to stay away from the title. I like his promos, but I just dont really think he is a good wrestler and depends on his opponent to carry him.

I also feel that Ziggler needs a little more time wrestling top tier wrestlers before they give him the belt. I think CM Punk should have the belt through AT LEAST Mania. They have to let the belt regain some meaning. I blame the recent decline in ratings on the booking and the lack of meaning behind matches. Seems like they have been adding more stipulations to matches the past couple of weeks and I think its helped gain my interest back.

Jack Swagger blows. He seems like he is out of shape in the ring. Gets winded way too quickly. Cant cut a promo worth crap with that lisp either.

Santino is the man! He is entertaining all around. Doesnt fit the mold of a champion physically or with his current gimmick, but the guy should get more TV time. He deserves it.

I hope Mark Henry stays a heel. He has been awesome as a heel. Keep it going.
Any thread based on what the IWC (insert scary monster music) thinks is no more than a conspiracy theory anyway. "Does the IWC exist?" is right up there with "Do Free Masons run the country?" and "Who was on the grassy knoll?"

The IWC is simply an entity that is roundly blamed for supporting everything that falls flat on its face.

Who exactly does the IWC support? Even after they become champion? Who is... IWC?
I like Michael Cole. (Expecting red reps every 3... 2... 1...)

John Cena. Not as far as to buy his merc, and I think his promo work's slipping, but still I like.

Santino. If you hate him, you're probably too uptight a smark for your own good. I mean, the guy's really REALLY good at what he does; if he were a comedian somwhere else, future generations will venerate his oeuvre.
I actually enjoy the Diva matches. I know most of the fans use that time as a bathroom break, but I find them entertaining.
I also like Jerry Lawler's corny-as-hell jokes. He reminds me of that one uncle everyone has that gets too drunk at weddings.

The one thing I've never liked, that the IWC seems to drool over, is the Rock. His promos annoy me beyond words. I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I just don't care for him. :disappointed:
Jack Swaggers WHC run was one of my favorites, I loved the trophy segment when Big Show broke them, and the crowd mourning the loss of the swaggy.

More recently, I think I liked Kevin Nash's return, even if it was a shotgun storyline.

Something I hated that IWC has eaten up recently? R-Truth, I still think he was better off fired than keeping a bunch of 12 years old being racist.

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