I don't get it


Occasional Pre-Show
I don't know about the rest of you, but I just don't get some of the things Michael Cole has been doing since turning heel. Don't get me wrong, some of what he's been doing has generated some real heat which is always good for a heel, and let's face it, he's real easy to hate.

However, I don't understand why he keeps trashing some superstars and shows, for example he always seems to be saying that the new NXT is boring. Also, with some superstars, like the Hart Dynasty he's said, and I quote (See what i did there?!) 'they have no charisma'.

Now, I understand that as a heel he should be trashing the faces but he is burying them and as a commentator he should be getting the audience to care for the superstars whether it's hating them or loving them.
Personally, I think this is really bad for the show.
What do you think?
Do you enjoy what Michael Cole is doing?
Do you think Cole saying certain superstars have no charisma is good for the WWE?
i like the fact that cole is going heel but i do agree with you that he shouldnt have a love fest for the miz and hate everyone else he should hate faces and love heels. but do you hear him confessing his love for kane or sheamus or nexus. no you dont and thats why he cant be a good heel until he resolves this problem
There's no problem with what Cole is doing. Most heel commentators in the past have always had a heel or face, or even both that they gravitate to. For example, Cole hates Bryan, can't stand R-Truth and loves the Miz. If you look back, the King Jerry Lawler used to hate Bret Hart with a passion and loved all the divas. Bobby Heenan in his day used to hate Hulk Hogan with a passion and talked up Ric Flair and most recent in TNA, Don West use to hate Team 3D/Dudleys and Jeff Jarrett and had a love obsession with Velvet Sky and always spoke up Kurt Angle. And then on Smackdown, we had JBL who used to hate The Miz and talked up King Booker/Booker T. This is what heels do and Cole is following the format. The only difference is that Cole just like Don West was doing in TNA is coming from a more smark perspective and is almost shooting to an extent. I'm loving heel Michael Cole right now. His commentary is 1 of the few bright spots for me when I watch WWE.
I love the fact that he calls Hart Dynasty boring, or NXT is shit, LayCools hot and fun, and the Miz is awesome. He is actually saying what most of us are thinking. It also feels like he's coming up with this stuff on his own without Vince McMahon yelling in the headset eliing him what to say. I like this heelcharacter. I love Cole period. It feels like he says and does what he wants to do. The reason he doesn't spaz out everytime Sheamus or Nexus are wrestling is because he doesn't feel the need to. He likes who he wants to like. Not just a heel or face. Just as we do. Most of us perfer heels, doesn't mean we don't like faces or we're suppose to be a heel type person. We like who we ant to like, just like Cole likes who he wants to like. Cole is a whole new type of announcer and I, for one, like it.
People hate Michael Cole. Michael Cole hates on faces. People like faces. It's pretty simply really.
It'sclassic heel commentating, and cole is doing a pretty good job at it. Pepople HATE him, and unless he makes people stop watching, that's a good thing. His comments bashing cetrain superstars of NXT don't make any difference in the long run, but it does add to his character. Also, it's not like people are gonna listen to Cole and accept his views, in fact, they're gonna do the opposite. If he says he hates someone, people are gonna like that person (obviouly that's really simplified, but you get the point.)
I think its more to do with the fact there are at least two different sides of Michael Cole we see on WWE programming. The heelish NXT and, in parts, Smackdown Michael Cole is for me the more enjoyable character but it differs greatly with his RAW persona.

At the moment, i am strongly dislking the RAW Michael Cole because i find it hard to know where hes at and how he is alligned, which for a PG audience must be awful. I understand that he loves The Miz and i understand that he is a fan of Randy Orton who is one of the top faces on the show, but if Miz was to cash-in on Orton at SS, where does Cole stand on this? Does the Miz fan-boy aspect of his RAW character mark out like mad or does the face aspect of his character deride Miz for something he has derided Edge for in the past?

The most interesting Cole persona i like is the role he is currently playing on Smackdown. At times, Striker and Grisham can have a little bit of a love-in and not really hype the heels on the brand. Sure, occasionally Striker will highlight how ruthless and cunning a heel is but no-one really stands up for them the way Cole does with Miz. With young heels like Swagger, Del Rio, Rhodes, McIntyre and Ziggler plying their trade on the blue brand, it is always helpful to have that alternative viewpoint from Cole bigging up the heels.

The banter between Striker and Cole in particular is very entertaining and you can really tell that neither man has a high opinion of the other and it reminds me of the dynamic that classic broadcast partners like Monsoon/Heenan and JR/Lawler had where the contrasting opinions add a bit of emotion to the match up. I am not even going to entertain the idea that any combination of Grisham/Cole/Striker is on par with those two partnerships but it is certainly an improvement on the previous 4 months of SD! announcing.

Overall, i really enjoy Cole on Smackdown. As for people not being happy about his opinion on the Hart Dynasty, what do you expect him to say? The team are never given an oppourtunity to speak so why should Cole put his neck on the line and gush about how charismatic they are? You could blame creative for not giving them time to speak but i could list you a good 20 guys on the roster i would rather hear from than the HD. The HD are not portrayed as being charasmatic like Miz or Ziggler; they're portrayed as proud, mat technicians. If Cole said they were terrible in the ring, i could maybe see your point, but then again isn't the heel commentator supposed to bash the faces?
I see nothing wrong with what Michael Cole is doing at all. He's doing little more than what other heel commentators have done for a very long time, it's just been so long since there was a heel commentator in the WWE that I almost think some people just aren't familiar with it.

If you look at all the wrestlers and personalities that Cole tends to favor, almost all of them are heels. He loves LayCool & Vickie Guerrero, he's The Miz' biggest cheerleader, he dogs R-Truth, he relishes in being the one to always "speak" for the Raw GM. The Miz is clearly his "favorite" and most heel commentators had a particular "favorite". Jesse Ventura loved Ravishing Rick Rude and the Macho Man Randy Savage, Bobby Heenan glowed on Ric Flair or Mr. Perfect, so what Cole has been doing has been perfectly fine in my opinion. I say keep it up.
micheal cole is a tool...okay now serious talks...hes okay but i dont like that they put him on raw AND smackdown...like really...people are gonna get sick and tired of him eventually, if they already haven't.
Everyone hates Cole.

So when Cole says someone is shit, that = actually good.

Becuase if you hate Cole, you want to rally behind whomever he hates.

This has been heel phsycology 101. Thanks for your time.
I understand that Michael Cole is bashing faces because he is a heel, and I do think he is doing a good job at that.
What I'm asking is, do you think Michael Cole should be saying NXT is awful?

It doesn't matter if NXT is awful, as a commentator he should be persuading the audience to want to tune into it, not acting like he doesn't want to be there himself.
I think it works the same way as when he bashes a wrestler. As a heel commentator his job is to put over heels and insult faces to help the face get over. It worked for Daniel Bryan and his love for The Miz makes fans hate him more. I think WWE was hoping it would work the same way for NXT. Cole is so easy to hate that by him bashing it would get people to watch in spite of Cole, but it's not working. I don't think anything will get people to watch it especially now that it's only online.
I see it as ridiculous at times. Unlike Bobby Heenan, Michael Cole was never a true onscreen figure. He never developed that "I hate you" relationship the fan's did with other heel commentators like Jerry Lawler, JBL, Jesse Ventura or Bobby Heenan. Because of that, he tends to look more like a fool because we know he's never had the experience. So fan's aren't gonna take him seriously and just boo him for being an idiot.
I think that WWE and raw in particular has had 2 "face" announcers for so long it has grown incredibly stale, so they are trying to mix things up again. The heel and the face announcer and their contrasting styles and who they root for is a classic and it makes sense to revitalize it.

On another note, what I don't get is when people post threads with titles that could mean anything. I don't see why one can't start a thread with a title that at least gives a topic, so we know if we want to read it or not. Not trying to be an ass about it, and it doesn't happen too often, but just kind of annoying when it does.
Well I guess you could say that he is a tweener. I don't think it's so confusing. He hates some faces and he hates some heels. Big deal, it is just like any normal person would do. We hate some faces and we hate some heels.

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