I Did Something Incredibly Stupid And Painful...


Lord And Master
Staff member
...And I felt like I should share the tale. I stabbed myself. I mean "Ricky Bobby, WOO!" stabbed myself. Sunday morning I was cleaning my car. I had to remove the wheel lids to change them but they were tied with straps. So I got a knife, got on one knee and started to cut it. However I have a steeming shoulder injury and after doing a little too much struggling... *POP* goes the arm and straight to my leg. Knife in hand. Thankfully it wasn't a long knife so the puncture wasn't deep. After a minute of agony on the floor I picked myself up, relocated my shoulder and took off the knife. Funny enough the dislocated shoulder was a hell of a lot more painful than the knife. Word of advice. When you use a knife, always, and I mean ALWAYS, point it away from your body.
I hobble a bit because scar tissue keeps tearing, but other than a bruised ego, I'll be fine.
And we have all learned a valuable lesson, thank you to our good friend Killjoy, and that lesson is, do not give this man anything sharper than a crayon.

Hope your leg and arm are ok.
Wow, I know the agony of a dislocated shoulder so I can appreciate 50% of your pain.
Still though, why hold the knife towards you to begin with?

Crayons can get pretty dangerous though.
And we have all learned a valuable lesson, thank you to our good friend Killjoy, and that lesson is, do not give this man anything sharper than a crayon.

Even that could be dangerous for Killjoy.. he'll find a way.. he got that Sabu picture, clearly influenced by insane dangers.

On a more serious note, hope you'll be alright mate :)
Kevin "Big Monkey" Nash;1955329 said:
I always knew you were fucking stupid.
In all fairness, it's beyond his control. It's not "Pick up a fucking book, you lazy ignoramus" stupid. It's the kind of stupid you're born with.
If anyone saw that post before I edited it, I'll green rep you for keeping your mouth shut.
You just may have the least interesting stories of all time Killjoy.

And I mean that in the most loving, caring, uninterested way.
Wait what the fuck, who is Riaku? I saw the avatar and thought it was Killjoy. Is it? If not, why not?

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