I am... speechless... we truly lived in a fucked up world.


Gone but never forgotten.

This guy is my best-female friend's fiance. He has been in my home. They were going to get married this July.

My head is so full of fuck right now.

This is going to sound strange but if any of you know anyone who is even remotely shady or has had a shady past, don't trust them. Do some investigating. Make sure they are exactly who they say they are.

I really don't know what to say right now. Most of you know me as someone who keeps their his very private. I'm only posting it here because I'm respecting my friend's privacy and I'm not at liberty to publicize this bad news on my normal channels. (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) I figured this forum is kind of a private, non-public place in my life and you guys would be impartial people I could converse with about it all.
I don't know if you can't trust anyone with a shady past but I most certainly believe in being a little cautious. I don't think you should search up every person you meet but anyone who seems a little off you might as well. Irs better to be safe than sorry.

Sorry this happened to you and especially to your female friend, I can't imagine how she feels at this time. As hard as it might be try not and let it shake you up too much, hopefully this is something you don't have to deal with again. I've had a similar incident myself with a former friend and co worker, it can easily mess with your head.
Thanks D&T.

She's pretty much distraught. I feel really bad for her because she's suffered from depression in the past. Now it's just worse.
That's horrible to hear. The last thing she needs is this. Its hard seeing anyone especially a good friend go through this kind of hell and things like this often seem to happen to the people who deserve it the least.
Be close and stay close to her. The more people she see's she can rely on during a tough time like this, the better.
Sorry to hear this D-Man. In a world occupied by so many millions of people there'll always be a truly disturbed one somewhere usually not content with what they got when in-reality they could have it a lot worse. The fact that he a) impersonated a police officer and then used his "power" to force someone into such a thing is completely fucked up, and you have every right to feel this way right now, but try and focus on your friend rather than this douche. With the support of those around her she'll pull through.
Thats what you get for letting ugly people like that into your home.

Keep it only to sexy people, like the crew. NJX. and oru concubines.

Seriously though, that is fuckin WILD, and fucked up man. Sorry for your friend, she will be fucking fried for a long time, if not for good.

Damn, man. Damn.
Just continue being there for her D-Man. Like Spicy Drop said its good she found out about this before getting hitched. But you live and learn.

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