I am never drinking coffee again...

Today i went to Starbucks for lunch for an iced coffee. I could only drink half of it before class started. When class was over all the ice had melted and tasted horrible so i had to throw it away. During the last couple minutes of my last class my right arm felt weak and started shaking as though i was jittery.

At first i thought i was cold 'cause the door was open and its been really windy all day, then i realized it was a reaction to the coffee. The jitters eventually spread to my left shoulder and my legs while i was walking but it started getting almost painful in my right hand when my mom was at the bank.

I flipped off Starbucks as we drove by and i've vowed to not drink caffeine forever(except soda)... or at least for a very long time. I've never felt so weak and brittle since i had 3 treatments of breathing in pure Prednisone when i was having asthma problems last year.

What are some of your bad experiences with coffee/caffeine?
I love caffeine. When I go to long without it I feel like shit

i may be addicted


Coffee never wakes me up or make me hyper. I would drink a cup before my morning commute only to end up falling asleep on the train.
I've drank exactly 2 cups of coffee in my entire adult life. Never again. Not because of ill-effects, or anything. Just tastes like shit to me.
I don't have a strong reaction to caffeine. I've taken a gram before and it didn't do much for me.
I've drank exactly 2 cups of coffee in my entire adult life. Never again. Not because of ill-effects, or anything. Just tastes like shit to me.

thats why i put lots of sugar and cream in it, which probably helped cause my reaction. but thats another reason i'm not having coffee for at least a long-ass time.
Caffeine has a come down, it's damn true.I've just got slightly bad memories of trying to walk long distances after a lot of caffeine was wearing off and walking like I was a bit drunk.
I love coffee, even if I do get the jitters as the feeling is rather un enjoyable. The jitters suck and it can be extremely bad. When I get them I wish they'd just go away as it makes me feel uncomfortable as it seems I am trying to jump out of my skin.

An starbucks sucks, Dunkin Donuts ALL DAY!!
Love coffee. It's the drink of champions....or at least students who have lots of work to get done and no time to sleep.
1: Starbucks is not really any worse than anyone else's coffee unless you're talking about the kind of fancy ass place which like hand makes everything for you on the spot (or Groundworks here in LA, which is amazing and has amazing everything especially the Chai). It's just hated on like it's the Cena of Coffee.

2: Soda is so much worse for you than coffee, unless you're loading it up with too much sugar. Soda is just way more fattening. If you are drinking lots of soda everyday, quit and watch 10-12 lbs fall off of you in a week or two.

3: I got one of those trenta sized iced coffees once and chugged the bad boy on my way to class. Oh baby, did I ever have to vomit. Probably didn't help that the only other stuff in my stomach with it was orange juice.
An starbucks sucks, Dunkin Donuts ALL DAY!!

The closest Dunkin Donuts to me is an hour away.

Love coffee. It's the drink of champions....or at least students who have lots of work to get done and no time to sleep.

very, very true

DirtyJosé;3445834 said:
1: Starbucks is not really any worse than anyone else's coffee unless you're talking about the kind of fancy ass place which like hand makes everything for you on the spot (or Groundworks here in LA, which is amazing and has amazing everything especially the Chai). It's just hated on like it's the Cena of Coffee.

2: Soda is so much worse for you than coffee, unless you're loading it up with too much sugar. Soda is just way more fattening. If you are drinking lots of soda everyday, quit and watch 10-12 lbs fall off of you in a week or two.

3: I got one of those trenta sized iced coffees once and chugged the bad boy on my way to class. Oh baby, did I ever have to vomit. Probably didn't help that the only other stuff in my stomach with it was orange juice.

1: not sure how people started assuming i specifically hate starbucks coffee, i just flipped it off because thats where i went. If i had gotten my coffee from Pete's Coffee i would've flipped them off too. (lol on the Cena-Starbucks connection)

2: I don't care too much about my weight, just as long as i'm heathy. And nowadays i'm only drinking soda when i get really stressed out.

3: that is disgusting yet extremely hilarious.

You don't need soda, Wicked. You're sweet enough. :)

:blush: you're adorable.

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