I am already bored with Brodus Clay.


semi-retired from WZ
It was funny as hell when he debuted. I loved it, was entertained by it, had nothing but good things to say about it.

But, he hasn't done ANYTHING different. The entrance is fun, but it's the same damn squash "OOPS! MY BAD!" match every week. Shit is getting old, real quick. When is he going to actually wrestle someone who isn't a total jobber, so he has to do more than just the identical 20 second match he did the week before? He makes the imaginary matches that WCW boosted Goldberg's win streak with look exciting in comparison.

I am not completely bashing Brodus Clay, I want to like him...but the WWE needs to DO something with him now.
Yeah I'm not surprised about hearing this at all. His character was a type that didn't have a lot of mileage on it, which is why I condemned it the first time I saw it. Brodus will never get anywhere with that character. It was a joke character that got old quickly.
The problem with a character like Brodus Clay is, once he becomes universally viewed as a comedy character, it's difficult to break free of it. Look at Santino Marella. No matter what he does, he'll never, ever, be viewed as a serious wrestler. Sure, he has carved out a unique niche for himself and given myself some job security in the process, avoiding the "future endeavors" treatment he may have otherwise received. But in terms of a serious wrestler, he's done.

Same goes for Brodus Clay. A really entertaining debut which I really enjoyed, but if he doesn't do something and quick, he'll be a joke forever. And a joke which has already gotten old, fast.
Will it last longer than 20 seconds?

I don't hate Brodus, I just think they need to more with him than 20 second squash matches.
Ricardo Rodriguez is the new sensation. The Funkasaurus would have been a huge act in the 90's, but fans are more impatient and fickle this day and age. He does need to do something different to keep fresh though. Just like they did with the dance off of him and Regal on Smackdown.
Boredus Clay is a terrible gimmick and hopefully it fizzles out real soon. Anyone that has watched for the slightest amount of time realizes these gimmicks have no lifespan to them. The initial shock is good, but this was dead weeks ago.
Wrestling fans may be the most impatient & ungrateful fans in all of sports & entertainment. The last two days really remind me why I prefer to stick to the spam sections, less chance of people sucking the fun out of wrestling for me there.
I said when he debuted with the idea that I didn't think we'd see him keep it for very long, and I'm starting to see the fruit of my prediction but it's sour. Not at all what I wanted.

What they'd done is what they've been doing to Sheamus for months and months now (no longer thank God), and they've got him to a position where he's got plenty of steam but he's not powering in any direction. He has got the momentum stored up and unless they use it in some sort of positive way, his bouncy castle is just going to slowly deflate again and it will have all been wasted.

Long story short, he can keep the gimmick for a little while longer (although in the long run he really is going to have to change it), but they really need to lock him into something with substance now. I'm satisfied that he can literally squash guys in half a minute now, I'd like to see what he can do in a little bit longer.
Silly Davi, Brodus is for kids.

And this is all fine. Vince didn't send him out there to sell XXXL t-shirts. He sent him out there to make the kids smile and see someone who should be a bully actually be a fun guy.
I see him having at least another month or more of squash matches before he has a match with a quality middle card wrestler.

Is he a Raw or Smackdown brand guy? He's wrestled on both shows since he came back?

Hell, is he a Hell or Face? its hard to tell because the fans pop for him, but he's beaten both faces and heels over the past few weeks
Silly Davi, Brodus is for kids.

And this is all fine. Vince didn't send him out there to sell XXXL t-shirts. He sent him out there to make the kids smile and see someone who should be a bully actually be a fun guy.

A 300 pound gyrating tatooed pimpy wrestler with two big butted sequin laced pole dancers is for the kids...

Damn my memories and Sable boob-hand childhood!
Silly Davi, Brodus is for kids.

And this is all fine. Vince didn't send him out there to sell XXXL t-shirts. He sent him out there to make the kids smile and see someone who should be a bully actually be a fun guy.

I am not bored with the gimmick or overall presentation, I am bored with the 20 second squash matches themselves. He can keep dancing, gyrating, doing the Pterodactyl and all that, I am fine with that part. Hell, it makes me smile too. It's only after the matches actually start that I have issues with him.
Sometimes I forget wrestling has matches.

Then again, 20 seconds is about the appropriate length of time if you want to keep a kid interested or most everyone else.

Look what it did for Goldberg.
Good dichotomy of a wrestling spam thread.

OP: I'm not going to wait for a gimmick/angle to get started before I shit on it.
Reply 1: I agree. I said it wouldn't work from Day 1.
Reply 2: I said it wouldn't work within 5 seconds of it happening.
Reply 3: Intelligent reply defending gimmick/angle
Reply 4: It can never work. You're an idiot. Did I mention I knew it wouldn't work before anyone else did?
Good dichotomy of a wrestling spam thread.

OP: I'm not going to wait for a gimmick/angle to get started before I shit on it.
Reply 1: I agree. I said it wouldn't work from Day 1.
Reply 2: I said it wouldn't work within 5 seconds of it happening.
Reply 3: Intelligent reply defending gimmick/angle
Reply 4: It can never work. You're an idiot. Did I mention I knew it wouldn't work before anyone else did?

This sums up this thread perfectly.
I would like to see this happen:

Brodus funks his way out to the ring, squashes someone and starts dancing after the match, then mid dance..... he just suddenly stops and grabs a mic


He then starts talking about how he created The Funkasaurus gimmick to get himself noticed, and now the WWE Universe had taken notice of him, he is going to be himself. Then absolutely smash the fuck out of the jobber with a chair, grab a table and smash his opponent through it.

Then he can revert back to the "monster" Brodus we all expected.

Boom. Job done. Clay is taken seriously again.
Why does every wrestler need to be taken seriously though?, why must it be so unacceptable for people to just have fun?

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