I Am a Mark...


Rationality Trumps Cynicism
Lately, the term "mark" has been used more as an insult than an adjective. The first thing that so many of us (the IWC) think about when we hear the word Mark is the Cena/Orton/Triple H superfan with a closet full of WWE T-shirts, action figures adorning his shelves and an Undertaker FatHead above his bed. This is absolutely absurd. Every time someone calls another poster a Mark, he is envoking this image to try to make the other guy feel like he's an unenlightened doofus. This is again, absurd. The Marks of the world are the people who keep the wrestling business in business. They are the ones going to the House Shows, they buy the PPV's, they Do buy the merchandise, but these people are the life blood of the industry. Without faithful Marks, the Undertaker would just be some Pussy Emo guy, Shawn Michaels would have been just another man-****e, and Stone Cold Steve Austin would be in jail. I may have taken some liberties with exaggeration, but you get my point.

I am sick and tired of these jaded cynical assholes with nothing better to do than bash anyone who dares to suspend his disbelief, simply because they've forgotten how. For Chrissakes, it's called Sports-Entertainment for a reason! It's not supposed to be overly realistic, it's a TV show!! Look, we all know it's fake fighting, so why not just sit back, relax, and enjoy the Show?

I am a Mark. I always try my damnedest to suspend the disbelief, perhaps actually believe that this time, John Cena won't be able to get back up. Try to honestly guess at what the next episode might bring instead of cheating and read every spoiler that comes my way. I've owned WWE T-shirts, I've hung the Posters from WWF Magazine on my walls, I bought the Action Figures!! I've outgrown all of those things now, but the sense of wonder still remains.

I Am a MARK...AND I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT!! WHO'S WITH ME?? Or against me...I will accept all opinions or criticisms, I'm not picky.
I think the mark term is used for someone who is a huge fan of a wrestler. That's not bad at all but the term has been used mostly to attack "that fan" who can't admit the negative things or flaws about his/her favorite wrestler. That is also wrong and it's sad the term mark has been used to describe such blinded fans only.

I would call myself a pretty big CM PUNK mark lately. I will defend him whenever someone says he is too small for a main eventer, or is skinny fat, or doesn;t have what it takes to lead a card. But in my opinion I have a valid reason to do that because that are just haters. But if he has some flaws I am not the guy who denies it. every wrestler has flaws.
From what i have seen the term "mark" has not been used as much as the term: "smark' which indicates a wrestling fan that due to knowledge on independent and being anti-cena and orton defines themselves as superior to all. Just because you are a mark or a smark doesn't mean that you are an idiot so I agree with you..

However there are certain marks that criticize every other wrestler because they are no their favorite ( I have seen those before) and those are the ones that deserve the bashing they get.

Long live the MARKS!!!;)

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