Hypothetical: WWE Title or match with HBK?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here is a hypothetical.

Let's pretend that "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels had not retired.

Which would you prefer to see at Wrestlemania XXX ?

(a) Daniel Bryan win the WWE Title?

(b) Student v Teacher:- Daniel Bryan v "Mr Wrestlemania" Shawn Michaels?
(You have play on HBK cost Bryan the HIAC match, and calling him a "B-Lister". Imagine the promos).

(c) Shawn Michaels v Daniel Bryan and Triple H v C. M. Punk?

Or Shawn Michaels v C.M. Punk and Daniel Bryan v Triple H ?
First off, I wish HBK didn't retire, He was my favorite wrestler for close to 20 years. Out of your list I would love to see The Showstopper vs The Best In The World. They would put on an incredible match, with high flying elbow drops galore! But anybody could take it, but I could see after a grueling match, HBK goes for some chin music, Punk ducks, grabs his torso and slams him into the mat applying and winning with the Anaconda Vice, as the arena erupts into euphoria. (I would rather see the Rock vs HBK but that's another thread for another time,lol) Great Topic!!!!!
It's difficult to say as both would be of definite interest to a lot of people.

WrestleMania XXX is the biggest show of the year and since The Authority has screwed Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Championship since SummerSlam, WrestleMania is the best opportunity to deliver on the payoff that a helluva lot of fans wanna see happen.

The idea of Bryan vs. HBK is one that could work easily in my opinion. The teacher vs. the student aspect pretty much writes itself and I've little doubt they'd deliver a match that could steal the show. Plus, HBK coming out of retirement to work one more match would help draw more buys for WrestleMania XXX.

Personally, if I had to go with one, I'd rather see Bryan win the title at this point. Considering that Bryan ultimately has to go through Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista all in one night, it has the makings of an epic WrestleMania moment. When you consider how lackluster Orton vs. Batista would be, the inclusion of Bryan into the match is the only way to salvage the title match. Allegedly, WWE wanted to do Bryan vs. HBK for WrestleMania but left it up to HBK to decide. If true, then Michaels obviously decided to remain retired and he's stated numerous times that he's content with his career. As fun as it would be to see HBK return for one more match, it's probably for the best that he won't. The crowd in New Orleans would crucify Orton vs. Batista, resulting in what may well have been the most lackluster and disappointing WWE Championship match in WrestleMania history.
E) Punk vs HBk and DB winning the title.

The promos from Punk and HBk would've been great with 2 of the best talkers in history going at it on the mic, and by god they would've put on 1 hell of a match,

There no question that DB and HBK would've put on a MITY level match, and it would've definitely been great to see. But really it's just another distraction from the main storyline of DB's title chase, which needs a huge payoff like a WM win to justify all the time and effort that went into it. As amazing as HBK vs DB would've been, the next day DB goes back on the title hunt and whenever he does finally get it won't be as great. Now if by some insane situation where HBK was the WWEHC and they could've had their match at the main event *drools* yeah yeah I know I'm nuts, but a guy can dream, right? :p
I'd go with Option C. That segment where HHH, HBK, Bryan and Punk we're all in the ring, the crowd really bought into the confrontation.

The thing is you would have to make the stipulation on both matches to be where the winners get in the main event of Wrestlemania. That would be the only scenario where I could see Punk being happy and the fans not having to feel like they're picking between Punk/Bryan
It's difficult to say as both would be of definite interest to a lot of people.

WrestleMania XXX is the biggest show of the year and since The Authority has screwed Daniel Bryan out of the WWE Championship since SummerSlam, WrestleMania is the best opportunity to deliver on the payoff that a helluva lot of fans wanna see happen.

The idea of Bryan vs. HBK is one that could work easily in my opinion. The teacher vs. the student aspect pretty much writes itself and I've little doubt they'd deliver a match that could steal the show. Plus, HBK coming out of retirement to work one more match would help draw more buys for WrestleMania XXX.

Personally, if I had to go with one, I'd rather see Bryan win the title at this point. Considering that Bryan ultimately has to go through Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista all in one night, it has the makings of an epic WrestleMania moment. When you consider how lackluster Orton vs. Batista would be, the inclusion of Bryan into the match is the only way to salvage the title match. Allegedly, WWE wanted to do Bryan vs. HBK for WrestleMania but left it up to HBK to decide. If true, then Michaels obviously decided to remain retired and he's stated numerous times that he's content with his career. As fun as it would be to see HBK return for one more match, it's probably for the best that he won't. The crowd in New Orleans would crucify Orton vs. Batista, resulting in what may well have been the most lackluster and disappointing WWE Championship match in WrestleMania history.

I actually think that they should add another stip to the Bryan v Triple H match at 'Mania. Triple H should say that their match will have a special referee, and it is none other than "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.

Remember that HBK went heel on Bryan, and is now part of the Authority. So Triple H would use Shawn to screw Daniel, but have Bryan win anyway, and either have HBK turn on Triple H and help Bryan, or Bryan wins on his own, and then puts a LeBell Lock on Shawn after the match.
I actually think that they should add another stip to the Bryan v Triple H match at 'Mania. Triple H should say that their match will have a special referee, and it is none other than "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.

Remember that HBK went heel on Bryan, and is now part of the Authority. So Triple H would use Shawn to screw Daniel, but have Bryan win anyway, and either have HBK turn on Triple H and help Bryan, or Bryan wins on his own, and then puts a LeBell Lock on Shawn after the match.

The problem with that is that Triple H vs. Bryan will overshadow the main event. However, it would be awesome if Bryan beats Triple H in the opening match and mid-way through the show, Triple H announces that HBK will be the Special Referee of the main event.

And then Shawn counts Bryan's win, finally providing resolution to their feud.
So the options are:

1. Daniel Bryan winning the World Heavyweight Championship

2. Daniel Bryan VS Shawn Michaels

3. Shawn Michaels VS Daniel Bryan & Triple H VS CM Punk

4. Shawn Michaels VS CM Punk & Daniel Bryan VS Triple H

Out of those options.... 1 and 2 interest me far more than 3 and 4 do. I'm in no hurry to see Trips face Punk again, we already saw it a couple of years ago. Michaels VS Punk could be interesting, but I'd much rather have Bryan face Michaels or win the world title. So option 3 and 4 are definitely eliminated for me. Now then, option 2 would be pretty awesome. Daniel Bryan VS Shawn Michaels would be a show stealer, absolutely no questions asked. They could do it at a different Wrestlemania event or even at Summerslam though. Bryan's popularity is growing so much that he MUST be in the World Heavyweight Championship match and he needs to win it. His career defining Wrestlemania moment is coming, and WWE can make a fortune off of it. Option 1 is my choice out of those in the opening post. The match in option 2 can still take place at another time. Option 1, they have a limited time to capitalize on.

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