Hunter S. Kravinoff

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Wrestler's Real Name: Andrew Morgan

Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Hunter S. Kravinoff

Wrestlers Nickname: N/A

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 245 lbs.

Hometown: White River, Ontario

Billed From: the East African Republic of Uganda


Harrys: Introducing first, from the East African Republic of Uganda, weighing 245 pounds, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

Harrys: And the challenger, from the East African Republic of Uganda, weighing 245 pounds, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from the East African Republic of Uganda, weighing 245 pounds, Hunter S. Kravinoff!

-----------Hair color/length: Shortish, dark brown.
-----------Eye color: Hazel.
-----------Facial Hair: Thick moustache, goatee.
-----------Ring Attire: Brief-sized, zebra-pattern tights. Black tape on hands and wrists. CM Punk style knee pads (black) and kick pads (with a zebra-patten which matches his tights).
-----------Backstage Attire: Black suit with a blue button down shirt. The camouflage of this jungle.
-----------Physical Features: Toned, heavily muscled, a murderous look in his eyes at most times.
-----------Tattoos: None.

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Kravinoff was raised by apes in the jungles of Uganda. Upon conquering every threat that the wild had at its disposal, Kravinoff joined modern civilization to hunt man on its own terms. This hunt has taken him to WZCW, where he hopes to prove his dominance over man on a level playing field and prove to humanity that he's the ape trained wild man he claims to be.



-Versatility: Having taken down everything from deadly ostriches to polar bears with his bear hands, the key to Kravinoff's game is versatility and the ability to think on his feet. He's ready for any kind of opponent.

-Brawling: Being an unrefined, animalistic competitor, Kravinoff is not what you’d call a fine-tuned catch-as-catch-can expert. But he makes up for this by being a scrapper, and a good one at that.

-Submissions: Kravinoff is not trained for Olympic style wrestling, but if he locks you in a submission (which one of his finishers is), he's sure to let his dominance be known. If he have you in a hold, he's hurting you. Intensely.


-Too Savage for Organized Competition: Unrefined blood-lust has its disadvantages. Tunnel-vision when he gets on a roll, the occasional failure to adhere to all the rules, etc.

-Short Fuse: The referees and fans can get to him which can lead to disqualifications, fines, etc.

-Not Formally Trained: He may be a total badass motherfucking killer, but he doesn't have the formal training to expect or counter a few surprising roll-ups, submissions, etc.

Trained By: The Ape Population of Uganda/Self Trained

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History: Kravinoff was born in Uganda to a mother and father who moved from American to study the wildlife of Africa. At an early age, he lost his parents after a fatal confrontation with ivory poachers. Soon thereafter, Kravinoff was taken in by a family of apes who raised him as one of their own and taught him to defend himself. In doing so, Kravinoff developed a love for competition that led him to leave his adopted family as a young adult and travel the world in search of the greatest challenges the wild had to offer. Once he climbed to the top of the food chain and killed the biggest game in the untamed world, Kravinoff set his sights on civilization. For a lengthy period of time, Kravinoff occupied the shadows of major metropolitan cities, taking in the language and learning the rules of the concrete jungle. Once he felt comfortable with his ability to weave seamlessly into the fabric of civilization, he joined WZCW to fight the deadliest game in the world on its terms.

In the middle of 2010, Kravinoff began experimenting with his newfound ability to communicate intricately with other humans. In doing so, he formed his first human partnership with the Japanese mastodon Wasabi Toyota. At Apocalypse 2010, Kravinoff and Toyota defeated the Ghetto Stars to win the WZCW World Tag Team Championships. However, the reign was short-lived as Kravinoff was taken out of action at Unscripted 2010 by the Crashin Movement.

Returning to WZCW shortly before Lethal Lottery III, Kravinoff disowned Toyota, claiming that human connection and trust had made him weak and vulnerable. Kravinoff then set his sights on singles competition and began carrying a portrait of Sigmund Freud, citing gross misinterpretations of Freud's work to help justify his own hunger for blood. At Ascension 32, Kravinoff's partnership with the memory Freud came to an end when Big Dave destroyed the portrait and left the Ugandan in tears. During this period, Kravinoff put his tentativeness regarding human connection on the back-burner as he looked to advance his singles career by forming an alliance with fellow WZCW star Barbosa. Unfortunately for the Wildman, this run in WZCW was cut short on account of emotional trauma suffered during his feud with Dave.

The Wildman took an extended sabbatical, hiding in the rural Kentucky wilderness and providing food, shelter, and protection for a former Pizza Hut waitness named Dolores and her son Jacob. However, Dolores would eventually take her son and leave Kravinoff, crushing the spirit of the once great WZCW star. In the weeks leading up to Lethal Lottery V, a weak, dejected Kravinoff would be discovered and brought back to civilization by John Constantine. Forming a strong bond with the man who gave him renewed purpose, Kravinoff has devoted himself completely to the Power Trip.

Title History: 1x WZCW World Tag Team Champion (w/Wasabi Toyota)

Entrance Music:

Entrance description: Kravinoff struts confidently to the ring before walking up the steps and climbing through the ropes. Once in the ring, Kravinoff playfully jaws with some of the ringside fans before crouching in the corner and waiting for his opponent and/or the opening bell.


-Ugandan Death Knell (Inverted DDT into Dragon Sleeper w/Body Scissors) – Primary Finisher
-Double-Underhook DDT (Shades of Drew McIntyre) – Secondary Finisher

15 Most used moves:

-Double-underhook suplex
-Sit-out double-underhook suplex into a pin
-Running-bulldog w/head locked
-Straight kick to the head, shades of ROH Austin Aries
-Dragon suplex
-Tiger suplex
-Texas Cloverleaf
-Running Bucklebomb
-Backdrop driver
-Muay Thai Flying Knee
-Heat Seeking Missile (Austin Aries style suicide dive through the bottom and middle ropes)

-Running Dropkick in the Corner

Sample RP:

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the latest webisode from! I am your host, Jeremy Borash, and I'm standing outside the door to the WZCW application office to bring you your first look at some of the latest applicants to this great company and perhaps even a few of the future cornerstones of the organization. Not only is this a great feature for hardcore fans of WZCW, but it's gotta be a thrill for young fighters looking for a chance to get their voice out there for the very first time! Oh, and here comes one now!

Camera turns to the left and follows the applicant, wearing a black suit and a blue button-down shirt, as he approaches Prazak. The potential combatant looks aloof as he approaches. He seems more tepid than you would expect from someone who desires a career in front of the camera.

Welcome to WZCW. Are you hear to apply?


Well don't be too timid! I'm Jeremy Borash with the web show, and this is your first chance to say something to fans of the fed and, potentially, your future fans. Can you give us a few words?

Yeah..., said the fighter in an English accent.

That's one word, and the same one you already gave us. Come on, you can do better than that! What's your name, fighter? Where are you from?


The applicant closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, swallows deeply, and opens his eyes. This time, there is no trepidation, no aloof stare. There is only purpose and confidence in the man's eyes, as though he's become someone else in the heat this moment.

I'm Hunter S. Kravinoff, blood-sports' best kept secret, a vicious, cerebral journeyman from Uganda.

And I'm a killer.

Yeah, just like every other WZCW fighter to ever cut an interview. Word to the wise, speaking in such over-dramatic absolutes doesn’t scare anyone. We’ve heard them all a thousand times before. You should be able to come up with something a little more original than "killer." You know where I'm coming from here?

I know exactly where you're coming from, Jeremy Borash, but you'd be best served not to pass such quick judgement on a man you know nothing about.

Okay. What should I make of you, rookie? What makes you different than everyone else who wants to get into WZCW?

*speaking with conviction and poise, emphasis in every syllable*

I'm. A. Killer.

Yeah, you said that already. You’re really going to have to work on your interview skills if you want to make it in this game Mr. Kravinoff.

No, I don’t think I do. It’s not my fault sarcastic broadcast journalists such as yourself feel the need to pass me over as another generic applicant just because other men have diluted the meaning of the world “killer.” I am what I say that I am, no exaggeration, no hype necessary. I’m a killer, and I’ve been doing it all my life.

Okay, you kill things. Like on hunting trips? Duck season, wabbit season, right?

Wrong. I hunt everything. In every season. Every year since I was born in blood. Quit mocking me or I may hunt you.

Awkward pause...

How did you come to be so sassy when interviewing large muscle-bound men who obviously see themselves as skilled fighters?

Well, I...

DON'T ANSWER. You should know a rhetorical question when you hear one, Question Man.

I've can take this from here. Let me cure all your misnomers about what I am right here and now.

Turns to the camera.

And I'm sure you've embedding your ignorance in your viewers, so I'll address them directly.

You have no idea who I am, so you’d best not judge me as just another muscle-bound oaf looking to talk himself up as the cock of the walk. How do you know who's a killer and who's not, who longs for blood and agony and who doesn't, who isn't just a little more versed in the delivery of death than everyone else? I'll save myself the trouble of waiting for your replies and just assume that the astute among you have figured out that you don't have a clue. So bearing in mind that you have no idea who I am, allow me to throw a few quick tidbits about myself out there so you can understand just how hard life has made me and how quickly you should extinguish the notion of not taking me seriously. I watched my parents die when I was an infant, I...

Borash gawks in a manner that would indicate he's extremely unsettled by this. Kravinoff turns to address him.

Don't gawk yet. That barely scratches the surface.

Kravinoff turns back to the camera.

After sitting for days in the hot, sticky, mess of blood and body parts that the militant rebels of Uganda left my parents as, I grew hungry. My first memories were of extreme violence, the first taste I can vividly recall is that of blood. In those days I was born anew. I wanted more of that taste.

The camera zooms closer as Kravinoff speaks, each word laced with a startling seriousness.

I was taken in by a community of apes, who -

-- Okay, let me stop you there! Heavily muscled fighter or not, I can't let this farce go on any longer. Do you think WZCW is a joke? Why are you wasting the fans' time with this hoax? This is the most insulting thing I've ever --


Kravinoff stares angrily at Borash, who is in turn startled by being cut off so intensely.

...You have to believe me, Mr. Borash, this is no joke. And you have to understand that you can’t interrupt me again.

As I was saying, I was taken in by apes who cared for me, nurtured me, and protected me as I learned the way of the jungle. They showed me the law of the land, and I in turn followed it. Not only to survive. But to satisfy my predatory blood lust. Each hunt was ecstasy, but as with anything, the satisfaction dulled after I killed again, and again, and again. I’d oversaturated my taste for small game by the time I was 15, so I stepped by game up and bagged my first rhinoceros. No gun, not knife. Just my bare hands and what nature gives us to play with. You’d be surprised how easy it is to snap a neck with discarded twigs. Killing that rhino gave me anything but a dull feeling... It made me feel... alive.

Kravinoff stares down Borash for good measure to insure he’s not interrupted, then turns back to the camera.

By 19, I was King of the African jungle. Fearsome, Godly, revered. And bored. It was at that time I left the comfort of Mother Africa and set sail to find the deadliest creatures on Earth and conquer each, one-by-one, one-on-one in their natural environment. I’ve taken polar bears in the arctic, I’ve taken pythons in the hottest deserts on Earth, I’ve taken great white sharks in the vastest salt-water oceans this planet has to offer. Each new conquest brought with it a greater satisfaction to my hunger, a greater sense that I was the most menacing being to ever roam this land or any like it. Never before has a higher-thinking animal been both reborn in blood to create a killer hunger and raised away from common humanity. Never before has there been a more serenely perfect mix of nature (human is the deadliest game after all) and nurture. And so, having conquered the kingdoms of my animal brethren, I thirst for new conquests in my human realm.

Five years ago, the stalk began. I hid in the shadows of this iron jungle, learning of your human languages, observing your superior cognition, becoming acquainted with your laws. The law of this jungle is like no other on Earth. I cannot simply take any street-walker into my deadly grasp and consider him as ready for a fight as I am. I could end any being in this jungle like that, but if I am to be proud of my conquest, I must defeat man by playing by his rules, the same way I take the alpha males of the Serengeti by theirs.

And so I am here, ready to do battle in a socially acceptable blood sport, ready to do battle with the supposed finest fighters in this realm. Ready to once again have the taste of human blood on my lips... it’s been too long....

..........Mr. Kravinoff, far be it for me to doubt you, and take this as no disrespect, but I have a feeling some of our viewers will be... sceptical of your credentials. I have a feeling they won’t take your word for all of this, great story that it is. Do you have anything to say to those people?

In mother Africa, my adopted mother, Barbara, my ape mother, took me in and showed me a level of affection that any human would expect of their own kin. Unfortunately, I feel she knew little of the real me, the me deep down, the me that resides in my head. Although I knew of only the very basic, elementary, universal communication I’d acquired from interacting with the ape community, I knew deep down inside that I was of higher mental capacity than those I shared a bunk with. I couldn’t express to my ape mother the whole of my being like I would have been able to do with my birth mother, rest her soul. That is why I speak so freely and honestly about my past, so that other cognitively high-functioning beings can see me. The real me. In a way that my ape brethren were unable too. In letting the fans of this sport see who I am, I hope to develop a deep understanding and affection with each and every one of them. In time, I hope they become the family I never had. I’m here for more than to satisfaction for my blood-lust. I’m also hear for real love, love that comes from letting someone see you for what you are.

Erm... Thank-you for your time Mr. Kavinoff. I’m almost certain that your words will have some sort of an impact on the WZCW fan base.

Thank-you for the words of encouragement, Jeremy. I’m sure my words will affect the fighters of this organization as well, because it’s only a matter of time before they find out that Hunter Kravinoff is for real and that the hunt... is on.

Kravinoff walks past Borash, enters the office, and closes the door behind him. After he’s sure Kravinoff is gone, Borash begins to make off-the-record remarks to his cameraman, not realizing that the tape is still rolling.

What a crock. Can you believe that guy?
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