Hunter Jackson vs. Darren Bull

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Both men will be looking to avenge their losses from last week's AF as they are set to take each other in singles competition. Darren Bull will be recovering from a personal contest against former WZCW wrestler and his tag team partner Joe West whilst Jackson will be simply looking to pick up some momentum. Will Hunter's calm attitude be enough to take down Bull or will Darren keep his frustration levels down whilst he beats the man of spirituality?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The camera turns on as we see Hunter walking barefoot through a lush forest. The sun is partially blocked by a thick canopy of leaves and the ground is soft under his feet. He walks for a while with no set destination in mind just enjoying the feel of the grass under his toes, the sun on his face and the wind in his hair. After walking for about an hour he comes to a clearing with three women in it. One is a beautiful woman young woman, the second is a middle aged woman and the third is a wrinkled old crone. They are all sitting around a fire and look up at the same time and smile at him.

Maiden: Welcome Hunter we have been waiting for you for a while. have a seat with us we have much to discuss.

Hunter walks to the fire and sits down so the woman are in front of him. He looks at each one smiling at all of them as he gets comfortable in the grass.

Matron: We know all about you Hunter. We know you are a Shaolin monk who wrestles for WZCW. We know you are on a losing streak since you won your first match with Jack Skinner & how that your team with him ended rather abruptly. You are trying to find your way in this world and you feel you need to do it alone

Hunter looks at her with a quizzical wondering how these 3 strange women know so much about him even though he has never seen before in his life.

Crone: That's not all we know Hunter Jackson. We know on Aftershock you have an upcoming match with Darren Bull. He is in the same boat as you. He is on a losing streak & just left a tag team as well. The only difference is you are still on the right path while he is just as angry and full of hate as he ever was.

Hunter looks back and forth between the 3 women thinking long and hard about what they told him.

Hunter: If you know all this maybe you can help me find a way to beat Darren and get out of this slump I'm in. I can use all the help I can get right now.

The Maiden moves closer to Hunter and puts and hand on his leg.

Maiden: That's all we're here for Hunter. We want to help you find the path you are meant to take and we will be with you every step of the way.

Matron: There is no easy way to beat Bull. He is always angry and will take that anger out on anyone in his way. You Shaolin Discipline of not hitting first is all well and good but you need to strike first and get the upper hand.

Crone: don't worry about karma Hunter. you are responsible for your own destiny. Whatever you put out good or bad will come back threefold. We believe in you and know you will win. Stay calm and strong and let Darren's anger get the best of him and you will win.

With that the 3 women get up and walk out of the clearing leaving Hunter alone with is thoughts. He looks out by the fire and sees a book. He walks over and picks it up as the camera fades to black
The scene opens in a dark living room. There seems to be a turned on TV. The television is focused on KC IV. It seems like the event is now ending with Kurtesy standing tall with the WZCW World Title. Just as all of that is happening we hear some movement coming from a near.

What the hell happened? How did this blanket get on me?

It seems to be, Darren Bull who is making all the noise. He is seen sleeping on a red couch and covered up by a blanket as well. He is able to remove the blanket and seems to be quiet hazy.

Who in the hell left the television on? I bet it was Chris who left it on.

Actually it was me.

Who are you?

There seems to be a mysterious voice coming from another place. The voice seems to be coming off from a reclining chair. The man or woman who is talking can’t be seen due to the fact the chair is facing towards the TV and Bull is behind the chair.

WOW! Has it really been that long, that can’t even recognize my voice? I still remember the day you went over to jail and visited me. Oh, how you rubbed it in my face about your first win and how you get to feast on your freedom.

Wait! There is only one person who I have ever told that to. He is still in jail and doesn’t get out ‘til tomorrow when I go pick him up.

Or, maybe that same man got smart and escaped jail. Maybe that exact man tricked some prisoners to help him out. That man is me.

It can’t be. It’s you, dad.

The man then stands up and looks over at Bull. It does turn out to be Bull’s father; Jake T. Bull.

No. How did you get out?

Man, every time you go out there to wrestle you get stupider, huh? I’m just kidding, son. I simply got some guys from the prison to help me out and they did an old school prison fight. As soon as they did that, I proceeded to steal a prison guard’s keys and use them to open the door.

Okay, that makes sense and all. However, how did you get here?

Oh, that’s a funny story. Well, you see….

Just then Darren and Jake start to hear some police sirens.


What the hell, you were followed by police officers.

I swear, I had no idea they knew were I was going.

Did it ever occur to you that I was your most recent visit? Not only that, but I had to have custody of you, tomorrow. Meaning, that they already have a clue to your whereabouts.

Well, no.

The police officers then hit Darren’s front door open with their battering ram.

Officer #1: Both of you put your hands in the air.

Officer #2: Do as he tells you.

With all of the officer’s yelling. Chris comes on down to check on the problem.

What’s the trouble?

You too, put your hands in the air or we will fire.

Now, get on the ground and put your hands behind your heads.

As, the cops go on to put on the handcuffs, we can see a very terrified face on Bull’s face.

This can’t be happening.

Just as Bull says that, we hear an alarm clock going off.


What duh?!

Darren extends out his arm and turns off the alarm clock.

Great it was all a dream. I should hit the shower because I got a busy day.


It is around 2:15 and we see a court room. There seems to be some people in the room. Half of the people in there are in an orange prison suit. One of the men in the prison suit is sitting next to Darren Bull.

Come on son talk to me.

Okay, I will tell you one thing. That is that this stupid thing better be over soon.

Just then the security officer tells everyone to stand up for the honorable judge, Judge Rudy.

Okay, we have many things to do today. So, let’s start things off with the case of Jake T. Bull.

Both Bulls walk over to the judge’s podium as the security opens a small gate. Once both men are inside they stand firmly and await the judge’s word.

In the case of Jake T. Bull, I hear sentence you to live under your son’s custody. You will are hereby are free, but you will be under your son’s care.

With that announcement Jake almost brakes out in tears while Darren is emotionless. As they both walk out of the court room some guy coughs out “Lucky”.


After a silent car ride the Bull’s have arrived home. Darren leaves his father’s sight and makes him carry his own stuff. Once inside, Darren calls Chris from the kitchen. He whispers that the man over there is his father and to show him the guest room. Chris then does do exactly that with no questions asked.

5 Days Later

5 days have past since Jake coming over. Neither Bull has talked to one another. Jake has mainly been working on his new room. Meanwhile, Darren has been practicing for his upcoming match at AF against Hunter Jackson in his basement.

Okay, Chris now I’m going to try and do a new move okay.

Sure thing, boss.

Just as Darren climbs the top turnbuckle of his own personal ring, his dad walks in on him. With just him being there Darren tells Chris to take a break.

What do you want?

I want to help you out your training.

Like you know anything about wrestling.

I might not, but I do know how to work a computer. You see I might not be able to train you physically, but I can help you mentally.

Well, I do need a good laugh.

You won’t regret it. First off you must know this; you have one of the worst records in WZCW history. I think it’s 1-9.

I don’t see how this is working.

Hold on now. If I’m not mistaken one of those loses come from your opponent this week, however that was back when he had his loser friend with him. No without him, Jackson is hopeless. He can still try and fight. So, you would have to try your best cause Hunter is quiet flexible, so making him tap is out of the question.

Anything else I might need to know?

Yes there is.

Oh, great.

Now these one is important. Hunter Jackson due to his buddhist way will refuse to fight no matter what. Meaning, you can use all your anger and put it towards knowing that. Maybe with this win you can get in contndership for the Mayhem Title.

Thanks for the help dad.

Your welcome.

Jake puts out his hand out for a handshake, but Darren walks away. While Darren goes back to his ring there is a look on Darren's face pride towards his dad.
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