Hulu, helping or hurting?


Annnnnnnnnd boom goes the dynamite!
I'm sure that the majority of you atleast know what Hulu is, if not have used it. For anyone that doesn't it's a website that makes full tv episodes(past and present), behind the scenes clips, movie previews, full movies, and other entertainment from television and the internet available to watch for free. I am a big fan of this place for many different reasons. I'm a big fan of the show Heroes and this is one of the shows that is on Hulu. So, when I miss an episode or just want to see it again I can go there and see it for free with commerical breaks at the same times but only lasting for about 30 seconds, which is really nice. That is pretty much the main idea behind it. Even the WWE has 5 stations( Clips of Raw, Clips of SD, ECW, Classic Clips, and Extra/Diva clips).

The thing that I can never make up my mind on is if this is hurting television or helping. I can think of good points for both sides, but don't know which ones are actually true.

The pros would be that I can discover shows that I didn't see when they were on, which in turn could cause me to watch them on tv. One example for me would be the show Aressted Development. I didn't watch this show when it started but always heard good things and didn't want to jump right into the middle of it. On Hulu they have all the episodes from all the seasons. Now I understand that this really doesn't affect tv b/c it isn't on anymore, but what if it was? I would be able to catch up online and then want to watch it when it airs on tv. It is tough to think of a show that isn't on Hulu so I see this as a plus for tv shows that are still airing. Another example is the show Southland, before the 1st episode aired the pilot was on Hulu a week or so before. I didn't get a chance to see it but I'm sure others did and that causes them to watch the show on a weekly basis now.

But this could also be bad. If I know that I can just watch the same thing that I can watch on tv whenever I want, with less commericals, and start/ stop anytime I want is there really any reason to watch it on tv? Almost all of the points that I tried to make above could be tweaked alittle and used here as a con to it.

I persoanlly love Hulu, I have an account and subscribe to a few shows and all the wwe stuff. But I was just wondering what the thoughts of all of you are.
Potentially stupid question time...

How does this place avoid copyright infingement laws? And if it doesn't, how much longer is it gonna last?
i think it helps to be honest. without it i couldnt catch ecw which has full episodes. and without it i wouldnt be as into buying a ppv
I dont think it hurts, Some people dont watch TV all the time, or they work and dont have TV.

So its essentially not that big a deal.

I watch house on Hulu when I miss it, or the times are screwed up which fox does ALOT. And Im happy, but all in all, Im not a huge TV person anyway, Im a cpu person, so it works out in my favor.
How could Hulu hurt TV when networks basically pay (from my understanding) to have their shows aired on the site, also keep in mind most TV shows make full episodes available to watch (after they've aired on TV) via their websites these days anyway
How could Hulu hurt TV when networks basically pay (from my understanding) to have their shows aired on the site, also keep in mind most TV shows make full episodes available to watch (after they've aired on TV) via their websites these days anyway

It could hurt the same way the internet hurts newspapers sales. Why worry about setting aside a specific time on a specific day to watch something on tv when you know you'll have access to it whenever you want hours after it airs?

And another question I should has thought of before, should all networks use one website(Hulu) or should they use their own? I think as a consumer all of them in one place is great, but with the easy access to other network's shows wouldn't that draw people from one network to another?

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