Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame

New Day nailed it with their statement today... they're indifferent.

Frankly that's how it should be with Hogan from now on... hating on him won't make a difference, nor will supporting him. Hogan craves that approval/heat... if people simply no sell him then he will get bored quickly and want to leave/give up any ideas of being a thing onscreen again... which is pretty much fine with me.

Kudos to Big E, Kofi and Woods for having the balls to say "So?" rather than a puff piece.
so let me ask you something then, if you don't view their HOF as equal as those in other sports, Why does it matter do much who go in and who's out. If WWE is going to take out everybody that done something Wrong in their personal life, you wouldn't have one guy in that hall of fame.

Eh we're skewing off topic here. My comment was in response to you saying but Trump is in and that Hogan has to be in for legitimacy sake. I'm not really concerned about the legitimacy of the WWE HOF.

Plus on the whole hogan didn't do anything to get forgiveness, he's getting a fucking award from all the good thing he did with children and telling them to learn from their mistake. He went on a national tour pretty much telling everybody that would listen that he's sorry about what he did and has learn from his mistake. But like always those who hate Hogan for what i supposedly did on a professional side, don't want to believe that the guy as change and has learn from his mistake.

You can be a bad person with shades of good. Just because he helped children doesn't make what he said go away.

He never directly acknowledged what he said and why it was wrong without making an excuse. He was over 50 when he said those comments. People that old tend not to change much. Telling people to always be aware of what they are saying because you never if you are being recorded is not indicative of being sorry. That is just my view. I don't think we are going to be able to agree here.

It’s not whataboutism, it’s plain and simply calling out hypocrisy....point blank.

Say all that you want but bottom line, WWE are hypocrites. Plain and simple.


Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

Hahaha, so slapping multiple women around is no big deal! Spare me dude. That’s hilarious bullshit right there.

Just too f’n funny.

Tell me when I said that.

I don't understand your line of thought here. How does me saying this isn't a thread about Stone Cold = Me thinking women being beat is no big deal?
Is anyone really surprised he's back in?

I am certainly not. Its shitty to say but Hogan is good enough to do what he did and stay in the Hall of Fame.

Someone who never watches wrestling and couldn't name one person on the roster still knows who Hogan is. Thats why he is back in.

If one of the Bushwhackers said this, They're done and would never be heard from again.

I don't agree with the double standard but thats just how the world works. I haven't heard the apology, I honestly don't know the story well enough to have an opinion on it but the reason he's back in his pretty obvious...they can make money with him again.
Listening to Booker t talk about this situation, it made me think a little bit about the whole situation. In a way He's right about this, who are we to judge what happen in the privacy of somebody home. All we know is what we saw on the tape. We don't know the circumstances or how Hogan was when he said thoses thing.

Does it makes what he excuses him for what he said. Hell no. But he don't need to be condemned for the rest of his life either.

Also, my personal take on this is that when it comes to a apology, action speak louder then word. Anybody in this situation could have apologize and said that he mean it. Hogan went a step further and actually did something to seek forgiveness for what he did and this meant more to me then any half ass apology he could have given.

Anyway, it more on the black community shoulders to accept is apology or not.
I'll admit to misspeaking. I've lumped this HOF reinstatement into the same discussion as him being back in the WWE in an active role. The YouTube videos are already rolling out. I have no objection to his reinstatement. Giving him a new role and platform is what I find questionable, unwarranted, and is more effort than it's worth. Don't confuse that with ambivalence towards his achievements and don't bother me with history that I lived through. I don't see Hogan's presence in WWE being a net positive in 2018.

I don't care as long as 2K are now allowed to include him, even as DLC, in the WWE2K19 video game.
Tell me when I said that.

I don't understand your line of thought here. How does me saying this isn't a thread about Stone Cold = Me thinking women being beat is no big deal?

Here's the thing, you are coming onto this forum, and from what it seems, you are questioning why the WWE HOF now has Hulk Hogan back in its ranks. Maybe I am misconstruing this, but it sounds if you are against such a thing occurring.

I mean, let's be honest here, if we as a society are going to be morally outraged over this, why aren't we holding other dubious legends in WWE's hallowed halls to the same standard?

That's why I am calling out this government surplus sized pile of bullshit out, I feel the same way about people who ARE pro-reinstatement of Hogan, but would just as quickly bemoan Chyna being inducted.

Bottom line is, this thread has displayed moral outraged to an infantile degree, did my decorum suck in a lot of my replies on the topic? Yes, I will be the first to admit that, but I would love to hear anybody make their case as to why Hogan SHOULD NOT be reinstated into the HOF.

Now, that doesn't mean I want him back on the air, and figuring into any storylines. But as far as any sort of WWE Legends deal, and inclusion in projects like video games, you're goddamn right I'll want to see that, especially if guys like Michael Hayes, Iron Sheik, Ultimate Warrior, and Steve Austin are going to factor in.

It's nothing but a double standard, if people want to picket and whine about Hogan, if no one wants to do anything about those four aforementioned names.

Therefore, I am more than ready to talk about these people on this thread, since I think they are more than worth mentioning.
It was BS how? What has Hogan physically done to show he was sorry? Retweeting on social media doesn't mean a damn thing. He was sorry he was caught. The only reason people are able to overlook this and say "no big deal" is because they are probably just as racist as Hogan is in private. If Hogan insulted any other demographic besides black people, I bet WWE wouldn't dare reinstate him.

Not everyone thinks it's "no big deal", and I am one of them, I damn well know it was an irresponsible, hurtful, and unfair thing to say about an entire group of people. Especially, with the fact that Hulk Hogan has had the fortunes of a very diverse fanbase, for his entire career.

The fact he resorted to racial epithets towards his daughter's girlfriend is abhorrent, however, his HOF banishment was bullshit, again his contract for his actual on-air role being terminated, I am very indifferent towards. But the HOF banishment was ridiculous, considering the following people that were either still in the WWE HOF at the time, or were allowed in afterwards, as listed below:

- Steve Austin (domestic battery not once, but twice)
- Ultimate Warrior (homophobia)
- Iron Sheik (a wordsmith when bandying about racial epithets towards blacks, if there ever was one)

And then there's Michael Hayes, who was allowed in the HOF in 2016, and had some rather unsavory things to say to Mark Henry, regarding his African-American heritage.

So you and therockiswwf, please do present to me an argument how it's not a double standard that Hogan got removed form the HOF, while WWE still heralded the four aforementioned names I listed.

I do so look forward to your responses.
If the WWE was not a publicly traded company, the Hogan stuff would have been kept in the building. The problem is that after the tapes came out, WWE had no other options but to distance themselves. By NOT doing what they did when they distanced themselves, it would have caused an uproar amongst shareholders. It would have hurt stock prices. That is NOT something you want as a publicly traded company.
Here's the thing, you are coming onto this forum, and from what it seems, you are questioning why the WWE HOF now has Hulk Hogan back in its ranks. Maybe I am misconstruing this, but it sounds if you are against such a thing occurring.

I'm more questioning why Hogan is back in WWE ranks rather than the HOF. I'm not particularly against or for it as I don't view the WWE HOF as legitimate.

Business-wise, I don't really get the decision here.

I mean, let's be honest here, if we as a society are going to be morally outraged over this, why aren't we holding other dubious legends in WWE's hallowed halls to the same standard?

That's why I am calling out this government surplus sized pile of bullshit out, I feel the same way about people who ARE pro-reinstatement of Hogan, but would just as quickly bemoan Chyna being inducted.

Because the topic of this thread is Hulk Hogan. That's why I talked about Hogan. If I had to talk about everyone who did something wrong, this would be a really long post.

Bottom line is, this thread has displayed moral outraged to an infantile degree, did my decorum suck in a lot of my replies on the topic? Yes, I will be the first to admit that, but I would love to hear anybody make their case as to why Hogan SHOULD NOT be reinstated into the HOF.

My moral outrage isn't fake. It isn't due to PC culture. I'm just not a fan of racist people.

Now, that doesn't mean I want him back on the air, and figuring into any storylines. But as far as any sort of WWE Legends deal, and inclusion in projects like video games, you're goddamn right I'll want to see that, especially if guys like Michael Hayes, Iron Sheik, Ultimate Warrior, and Steve Austin are going to factor in.

It's nothing but a double standard, if people want to picket and whine about Hogan, if no one wants to do anything about those four aforementioned names.

Therefore, I am more than ready to talk about these people on this thread, since I think they are more than worth mentioning.

Because, again, this is a thread about Hulk Hogan. The title is literally "Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame" and not "Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame meanwhile Trump, Austin and a glass of milk are in but hey, what about that Benoit guy that killed a bunch of people, etc."

It would be a double standard if I said Hogan should not be in but Trump should be. It is not a double standard if I talk about Hogan in a thread about Hogan but not Trump.
At the same time, it doesn't mean that just because the title of the thread about Hogan that we can't use other people as example. Hogan is being reinstated in the hall of fame, that's great, he deserve to be their since He's pretty much why WWE exist in the first place. The hall of fame is full of guys and girls that did or said horrible thing in the past and they didn't get ban from the hall of fame so I fell like it was a double standard in this case.

Do I want Hogan back in from of the camera, maybe once just to see how the crowd react to him but not in a regular role. But as far as him being in the HOF and being use for videogames, toys and other product, why not use him to his full potential. He still got a strong fan base and is a big celebrity so why not use that.

The fact is, this was a calculated risk they took which turn out to be a good move. Media from around the world who don't cover wrestling covered this story. I live in Montreal and pretty much every media in both French and English covered this story and that never happens here, so it was free publicity for wwe and help the company overall, so I guess that the gamble pay off for them.
I'm more questioning why Hogan is back in WWE ranks rather than the HOF. I'm not particularly against or for it as I don't view the WWE HOF as legitimate.

First of all, there's no guarantee he is actually back with WWE, he is back in their HOF. There has been nothing but rumors about a potential WWE return, but that has NOT been confirmed.

And again, the post itself is about Hogan's reinstatement into the WWE HOF, therefore, you are the one that has been going off topic. Let that sink in for a second.

Business-wise, I don't really get the decision here.

As stated, we don't know if Hogan is going to have a role with the promotion, like at all.

Because the topic of this thread is Hulk Hogan. That's why I talked about Hogan. If I had to talk about everyone who did something wrong, this would be a really long post.

This statement here shows how stupid your bullshit arguments are. The justification for bringing up misdeeds by those like Michael Hayes, Ultimate Warrior, Iron Sheik and Steve Austin are because they ARE in the WWE Hall Of Fame, and have an association with WWE to this day, in some way, shape or form.

Therefore, to hold Hogan to a double standard, but yet not even consider the hypocrisy of the aforementioned shows that your statement is a steaming pile of horseshit. The fact that I mentioned other WWE luminaries does not constitute whataboutism, and it's beyond relevant. Period fucking period.

My moral outrage isn't fake. It isn't due to PC culture. I'm just not a fan of racist people.

If that's the case, maybe you should be more consistent then, considering how infuriatingly racist Iron Sheik has been in the past.

Because, again, this is a thread about Hulk Hogan. The title is literally "Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame" and not "Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame meanwhile Trump, Austin and a glass of milk are in but hey, what about that Benoit guy that killed a bunch of people, etc."

It would be a double standard if I said Hogan should not be in but Trump should be. It is not a double standard if I talk about Hogan in a thread about Hogan but not Trump.

You have no argument, your opinions are bullshit, and you can't handle being challenged from a valid point of view, so fuck your asinine shite, amigo. Fuck it really hard.
First of all, there's no guarantee he is actually back with WWE, he is back in their HOF. There has been nothing but rumors about a potential WWE return, but that has NOT been confirmed.

And again, the post itself is about Hogan's reinstatement into the WWE HOF, therefore, you are the one that has been going off topic. Let that sink in for a second.

So now all of a sudden you are concerned about staying completely focused on just Hogan being in the HOF? Then why are you talking about Austin, Warrior, etc? They aren't Hogan.

I've let it sink in. Dear lord, WHAT HAVE I DONE?

As stated, we don't know if Hogan is going to have a role with the promotion, like at all.

Still don't get it even if they don't bring him back beyond this. Seems like they already milked him dry and this only serves to piss people off.

This statement here shows how stupid your bullshit arguments are. The justification for bringing up misdeeds by those like Michael Hayes, Ultimate Warrior, Iron Sheik and Steve Austin are because they ARE in the WWE Hall Of Fame, and have an association with WWE to this day, in some way, shape or form.

Therefore, to hold Hogan to a double standard, but yet not even consider the hypocrisy of the aforementioned shows that your statement is a steaming pile of horseshit. The fact that I mentioned other WWE luminaries does not constitute whataboutism, and it's beyond relevant. Period fucking period.

Breathe man. It is a double standard if I say that Trump should be in but Hogan shouldn't. It is not a double standard if I talk about Hogan in a thread about Hogan. I'm not sure why that is hard for you to understand.

If that's the case, maybe you should be more consistent then, considering how infuriatingly racist Iron Sheik has been in the past.

You have no argument, your opinions are bullshit, and you can't handle being challenged from a valid point of view, so fuck your asinine shite, amigo. Fuck it really hard.

Who said I was a fan of the Iron Sheik?

Did you just discover the word fuck? Fun word but best used in moderation.
So is anyone really surprised that he may be back in the WWE's good graces? Personally I thought when this first happened he wouldn't be back until after his death, I was wrong.

Considering most think the HOF is a joke I guess it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things. The more important thing would be to see if he will welcomed back on TV or if he won't show up at all. Reports are the roster's reaction was mixed to his apology during a meeting. I'm sure their feelings are more important to the WWE than someone's opinion on an internet wrestling forum.
I think he is not the worst WWE Hall of Famer and probably is not gonna be the worst on it.
Yeah, he is a racist or he has racist ideas, but I think we need to reinsert him. Probably he is a racist due to young/first comments on him and he made himself the idea. We need to change it, even how hard is to make it. The big problem is that he was supposed to be a role model, and he is not, as Titus said on Twitter.
New Day nailed it with their statement today... they're indifferent.

Frankly that's how it should be with Hogan from now on... hating on him won't make a difference, nor will supporting him. Hogan craves that approval/heat... if people simply no sell him then he will get bored quickly and want to leave/give up any ideas of being a thing onscreen again... which is pretty much fine with me.

Kudos to Big E, Kofi and Woods for having the balls to say "So?" rather than a puff piece.

I've become indifferent to New Day, and how they were shoved down our throats (especially having them break the tag-team record to spite Demolition).

So maybe I should ignore them and no sell whenever they come to the ring with their stupid catchphrases and their pancakes.

I would rather listen to Hulk Hogan than New Day (especially annoying Xavier Woods). I don't mind Kofi or Big E as singles competitors, though.
I think he is not the worst WWE Hall of Famer and probably is not gonna be the worst on it.
Yeah, he is a racist or he has racist ideas, but I think we need to reinsert him. Probably he is a racist due to young/first comments on him and he made himself the idea. We need to change it, even how hard is to make it. The big problem is that he was supposed to be a role model, and he is not, as Titus said on Twitter.

I don't believe "being a role model" should be a criteria to going into a sporting HoF.

It should be based on your achievements. I would rather get someone who is disliked but talented in, over some boy scout whose list of wrestling achievements are questionable.

It isn't a "Boy Scout" or "Humanitarian" Hall Of Fame.

Gandhi and Martin Luther King were great role models, doesn't mean that they should be put into any sporting Hall of fame, so why does character even matter?

I do, however, draw the line at serious crime. As far as I am concerned, Chris Benoit is the only guy who should be kept out solely on his out-of-ring actions. If you murder, rape, molest or sell drugs, then you shouldn't be in. Crimes should be the dividing line.

Jerry Lawler is in, despite being charged with sodomizing a girl in the 90's. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is in, despite assaulting three women. Hogan dropping the 'N bomb pales in comparison to those. Yet, being racist, sexist or homophobic seems more of a "crime" to the media and most people than actual crimes themselves.

If O.J. Simpson is still in the NFL HoF, then Hulk Hogan should be in the WWE one, for his "lesser sins".
I don't believe "being a role model" should be a criteria to going into a sporting HoF.

It should be based on your achievements. I would rather get someone who is disliked but talented in, over some boy scout whose list of wrestling achievements are questionable.

It isn't a "Boy Scout" or "Humanitarian" Hall Of Fame.

Gandhi and Martin Luther King were great role models, doesn't mean that they should be put into any sporting Hall of fame, so why does character even matter?

I do, however, draw the line at serious crime. As far as I am concerned, Chris Benoit is the only guy who should be kept out solely on his out-of-ring actions. If you murder, rape, molest or sell drugs, then you shouldn't be in. Crimes should be the dividing line.

Jerry Lawler is in, despite being charged with sodomizing a girl in the 90's. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is in, despite assaulting three women. Hogan dropping the 'N bomb pales in comparison to those. Yet, being racist, sexist or homophobic seems more of a "crime" to the media and most people than actual crimes themselves.

If O.J. Simpson is still in the NFL HoF, then Hulk Hogan should be in the WWE one, for his "lesser sins".

You are really bad at analogies and comparisons.

Using OJ and Hogan in an if/then statement regarding their offenses, whether you write "lesser sins" or not, is ridiculous.

You also make the point that Gandhi and Martin Luther King should not be put into sporting halls of fame...when NO ONE would make the point that either should.

I think I understand the point you are trying to make; but, that was a horrible way of doing it.

I also feel your judgment of some and not others shows your lack of education on the topic. Again, it seems your heart MIGHT be in the right place, but your mind is nowhere near where it needs to be here.

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