Hulk Hogan's Greatest Matches.


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If you would have to say what would the Hulksters top 5 matches of all times what would it be? for me it would have to me from 5 to 1

5)Hulk Hogan VS The Ulimate Warrior 1990
4) Hulk Hogan vs Sting 1997
3) Hulk Hogan vs The Rock 2002
2) Hulk Hogan vs Randy Poffo aka Randy" Macho Man" Savage WMania 5
1) Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant WMania 3.

So what do you think let me know :)
5. Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair (Halloween Havoc 1994)
4. Hulk Hogan vs. Triple H (Backlash 2002)
3. Hulk Hogan vs. the Rock (Wrestlemania X-8)
2. Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels (Summerslam 2002)
1. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant (Wrestlemania III)
Since none of these matches happened in TNA, I would say this topic is going to be bumped over to Old School.:)
hulk hogan vs roddy piper war to settle the score
hulk hogan vs the rock wrestlemania 18
hulk hogan vs andre the giant wrestlemania 3
hulk hogan vs ultimate warrior wrestlemania 6
hulk hogan vs randy savage wrestlemania 5
Well much like in most conversations you have to divide them up into 2 categories: Technical matches & Meaningful matches.

Meaningful / Historically Important

Hogan vs Andre -WM III - arguable the most important match in wrestling history
Hogan vs Sting - Starcade - This was the blowoff match to an epic fued and angle
Hogan vs Warrior- WM VI - supposed the passing of a torch with a clean loss for Hogan Hogan vs Rock - i think this was a validation that Hogan was immortal

Technical Matches

Hogan vs Warrior - WM VI - This match was beautifully layed out with and executed.
Hogan vs Savage - WM V - Love this match, it had a full year of build-up, it had Macho at his best heel, it had drama with Liz. Macho carrying the action.
Hogan vs Vader- Uncencored (year??) I remember it being a pretty good match since Vader was a pure monster back then.

I would ulimtately have to vote Warrior vs Hogan as his best match, since it appears on both lists.
You would be wrong. You would also be in violation of the spam rule, so it's probably a good thing you're wrong. ;)

Of course, the Spam section is a fine, fine place for it, too.:p

As for the topic, I think Hogan's WM match against Ultimate Warrior was his best. For one thing, it seemed to go longer than most of his contests. The way it had been built up, there was palpable tension in the air, and we suspected that this night might be different than the usual endings of his matches.....and this certainly turned out to be the case.

Plus, Warrior was never better than on this occasion. Instead of appearing as a cartoon character, he really worked the match rather than just hitting selected spots. Very exciting.
The 5 that automatically come to mind, in no particular order, are...

Hogan vs. The Undertaker - Survivor Series 1991
Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior - WrestleMania VI
Hogan vs. Andre the Giant - WrestleMania III
Hogan vs. The Rock - WrestleMania XVIII
Hogan vs. Randy Savage - WrestleMania V
1) Hogan vs. Andre (The Main Event Feb '88) - The first time Hogan lost the title and IMO a million times better than their match at WMIII, even if the WMIII match is more historically significant.
2) Hogan vs. Rock (WM18) - My all time favorite match and who could forget the return of Hulkamania at the end of it.
3) Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior (WM6) - The first time Hogan lost clean since turning face back in '84. Its a shame Warrior didn't pan out but at the time was the perfect guy to overcome the power of Hulkamania.
4) Hogan vs. Savage (WM5) - The Mega Powers explode and a great year long storyline that started a year in advance which was capped off in a great main event. TNA could have learned a lot if they watched this program and applied it to the Beer Money split.
5) Hogan vs. Vince (WM19) - I personally enjoyed this match greatly and thought it was fantastic all around. Considering their age they put on a great match and showing. IMO, one of the best matches of the night.
Surprised no one has mentioned his match with Ric Flair from Bash at the Beach 1994. I thought that match was awesome.

I also have to show some love to the Summerslam 1989 main event when he teamed with Brutus Beefcake to face Randy Savage and Zeus. That's honestly one of the most underrated matches of all time.

And lastly, the 'Mania 7 match against Sgt. Slaughter never gets the praise it deserves, either. Great, bloody match.
I always thought that the

Hogan vs Mr. Wonderfull
Hogan vs Nick Bockwinkle
Hogan vs Rowdy Piper
Hogan vs Macho Man
Hogan vs Warrior

and ALL the Hogan Japan matches were great!! You have to watch them!

I never cared for Hogan vs Andre when I was a kid.. I always thought Andre was slow.. but it was a good fued.. its just the match itself wasn't a masterpiece like some claim it to be. But there was A LOT of interest in that match.
I’m not going to say that this is his “greatest”, but my personal Top 5 Hulk Hogan matches are:

WrestleMania – and Mr. T vs. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff
WrestleMania 2 – vs. King Kong Bundy
WrestleMania III – vs. Andre The Giant
WrestleMania V – vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage
WrestleMania VI – vs. The Ultimate Warrior

All these matches took place, at what I believe to be, the very peak of Hulk Hogan’s career. I think his matches at WM IV, VII, VIII, and IX were not as good, but would be included in a Top 10 list. Any matches in WCW could not compare to any matches he had in the WWF, only because of his age at the time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute if his run in the New World Order, but I think his greatest run is from 1985 to 1989.

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