Hulk Hogan vs Hollyoowd Hogan - Which one did IWC like most?

Who was better? Hulk Hogan vs Hollywood Hogan?

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Hollywood Hogan

  • The mix of them both, Hollywood Hulk Hogan ( Like in The Rock WM 18 match)

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Dark Match Jobber
Saw this thread and wanted to see my self what IWC like most.

I've seen almost everyone in IWC loves heels more than faces.

And when it comes to the biggest baby face in wrestling history you almost see IWC liking the more heelish Hollywood Hogan before Hulk Hogan. Most in IWC circles loving the NWO, and cheering for the wanna see if Hollywood Hogan character was more popular then Hulk Hogan.
Causal fans we already know they screamed for Hulk for 20 years +.

Let's cast and see the votes!

A quick reminder on Hulk Hogans career.











Hulk Hogan
- The ultimate mega babyface and good guy
- Epic Entrances - Fans were on the feet and going apeshit American Made(WWF) or Real American(WCW)
- Charisma for a life-time
- Larger than Life character

- 10 most Classic matches that become the biggest matches in wrestling history
Hulk Hogan vs André The Giant,
Hulk Hogan vs The Iron Sheik,
Hulk Hogan vs The Warrior,
Hulk Hogan vs Macho Man Randy Savage,
Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair,
Hulk Hogan vs Sergant Slaughter
Hulk Hogan with Mr T vs Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff
Hulk Hogan vs Undertaker
Hulk Hogan with Sting&Goldberg vs Sid Viscious&Kevin Nash&Ric Steiner,
Hulk Hogan vs Vince Mcmahon

- Epic Trademark 1 : - Ripping the shirt of before the match.
- Epic Trademark 2: - Hulking up going mad and could turn around any match
- Epic Trademark 3: - YOUUUUUUUUUU!
- Epic Trademark 4: - Listening to the fans and doing the legdrop
- Epic Trademark 5: - Listening to the fans and posing after the matches, like Bobby Heenan said the fans could stay all night just seeing him do that and scream.
Hollywood Hogan - A transformation to a monsterheel.











- A monster heel that sold his soul and went to the dark side
- Revolutionized proffessional wrestling and starting the second boom
- Biggest heel turn of all time
- Epic Entrances to the amazing Vodoo Chile by Jimi Hendrix
- Founding father of the NWO with Nash&Hall

- 10 most Classic matches:
Hollywood Hogan vs Goldberg
Hollywood Hogan vs The Rock
Hollyoowd Hogan vs The Giant
Hollywood Hogan vs Sting
Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair
Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper
Hollywood Hogan&Bret Hart vs Sting&Warrior
Hollyood Hogan&Scott Hall&Kevin Nash vs Sting, The Giant and Lex Luger
Hollywood Hogan vs Lex Luger
Hollywood Hogan with NWO Kevin Nash&Scott Hall vs Stone Cold and The Rock

Epic Trademark 1: Spraypainting the title and opponents with NWO
Epic Tradmeark 2: El-guitar to Jimi Hendrix with the NWO-belt
Epic Trademark 3: NWO-beat downs if someone is a threat to the NWO and the title
Epic Trademark 4: Extremly heelish using anything, weapons like, steelchairs, the belt, and the world title
Epic Trademark 5: When you are NWO you are NWO 4-life

Had a hard time to put the Hollywood Hogan match vs The Rock, because he went in as a heel but turned face under the match. It was almost like a mix of Hollywood and Hulk. Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Hogan played a great heel, in part because by the mid 90s fans were already getting savvy to backstage events like Hogan's refusal to put others over, and because his character had grown stale. Brett Hart was playing his goody too shoes, say your prayers, etc character in WWE and he wrestled better. Ric Flair was considered "more cool" with the flamboyant robes, women, LeBron James said two years ago, for many of today's athletes, Flair was their favorite because he was the "originator of bling" smart fans respected Flair more because of his work ethic and match schedule. WCW fans never embraced Hogan because he was the standard bearer for WWE and WCW was "Flair Country"..... Hogan's heel turn was completely unforeseen but it still made sense since much of it was rooted in what fans already believed about him, at least to an extent, behind the curtain. Hollywood Hogan also took the NWO angle to a whole new level and made them maybe the hottest heel gang ever, at least since the heyday of The Four Horsemen.

That said Hogan's original gimmick from his second WWE stint, his "Hulka-Mania" era, may not have been the most complex character ever created but Hogan played it pitch perfect, and he was the main star that catapulted wrestling in general and WWE in particular into the pop culture mainstream. Andre was big, Piper was big, Savage was big, Dusty was big, Flair was certainly big, and without those guys wrestling in general doesn't enjoy the boom it did business wise in the 80s, but Hogan was main attraction. Im not sure how much the industry would have boomed without Flair, Dusty, Savage, etc in that decade but Hogan was the biggest attraction, and there is no doubt about it.

In the NWO Hogan was the icing on the cake, and he did a great job initially, but even without Hogan the NWO Invasion was a red hot angle and the idea of completely turning WCW alliances on their head - making guys like Flair & Arn Anderson team up with Sting and Savage for instance, was extremely interesting at a time frankly when the business was relatively dull....WCW was already doing well, often beating WWE head to head, but it was the attraction of seeing the stars of the 80s in their last big hurrah, Hogan, Flair, Anderson, Sting, Savage, Luger, all basically doing the same thing they did 10 years earlier, which fans found moderately more entertaining than watching guys people didn't recognize fighting on RAW. The NWO angle would have been huge and I believe would have firmly tilted WCW way in the battle between the two companies without Hogan, but his heel turn, a huge event, certainly helped and elevated it. Still his impact on the business and WWE in particular in the 1980s was much bigger and with that I have to vote for "Hulka-Mania" Hogan.
The smart fans destroyed both characters in the yearly Wrestling Observer polls. Per Wikipedia, here are the unsavoury accolades he won votes for:

Least Favorite Wrestler (1985, 1986, 1991, 1994–1999)
Most Embarrassing Wrestler (1995, 1996, 1998–2000)
Most Overrated (1985–1987, 1994–1998)
Worst Feud of the Year (1991) vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Worst Feud of the Year (1995) vs. The Dungeon of Doom
Worst Feud of the Year (1998) vs. The Warrior
Worst Feud of the Year (2000) vs. Billy Kidman
Worst Wrestler (1997)
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1987) vs. André the Giant at WrestleMania III
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1996) with Randy Savage vs. Arn Anderson, Meng, The Barbarian, Ric Flair, Kevin Sullivan, Z-Gangsta, and The Ultimate Solution in a Towers of Doom match at Uncensored
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1997) vs. Roddy Piper at SuperBrawl VII
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1998) vs. The Warrior at Halloween Havoc

Looks like Hollywood received more hate from the smarts, and I'm guessing that remained true once people got the internet and the IWC was born. I found Hollywood quite embarrassing from 1997 onward and much preferred Hulk, even though I wasn't crazy about him either.
Although Hollywood Hulk Hogan was alot of fun and it allowed Hogan to be more creative....nothing can touch Hulkamania brother !

Icon vs Icon WM 18 vs The Rock, when Hollywood turned back into Hulkamania and - hulked - up.... the fan reaction, J.R's and King's reaction and The Rock's surprised face were awesome and it's one of my favorite Wrestlemania moments.
The smart fans destroyed both characters in the yearly Wrestling Observer polls. Per Wikipedia, here are the unsavoury accolades he won votes for:

Least Favorite Wrestler (1985, 1986, 1991, 1994–1999)
Most Embarrassing Wrestler (1995, 1996, 1998–2000)
Most Overrated (1985–1987, 1994–1998)
Worst Feud of the Year (1991) vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Worst Feud of the Year (1995) vs. The Dungeon of Doom
Worst Feud of the Year (1998) vs. The Warrior
Worst Feud of the Year (2000) vs. Billy Kidman
Worst Wrestler (1997)
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1987) vs. André the Giant at WrestleMania III
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1996) with Randy Savage vs. Arn Anderson, Meng, The Barbarian, Ric Flair, Kevin Sullivan, Z-Gangsta, and The Ultimate Solution in a Towers of Doom match at Uncensored
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1997) vs. Roddy Piper at SuperBrawl VII
Worst Worked Match of the Year (1998) vs. The Warrior at Halloween Havoc

Looks like Hollywood received more hate from the smarts, and I'm guessing that remained true once people got the internet and the IWC was born. I found Hollywood quite embarrassing from 1997 onward and much preferred Hulk, even though I wasn't crazy about him either.

Being the biggest name in the industry - whoever it is will attract haters as well as fans. Look at John Cena in the current era.
If there was a vote for worst band of all time- you could bet the Beatles would feature on it, despite being the #1 most popular band of all time.

For all the Hogan was worst at this... worst at that...he cleaned up in dozens of other magazine awards. I recall Hogan winning PWI wrestler of the year awards (despite his lack of in ring ability)... and he was ranked #1 in the PWI all time list that was published in 2003.

I agree though Hogan is less appreciated by smart fans- many of whom prefer working ability over showmanship.
I think Hollywood Hogan gets more respect from smarts than babyface Hulk... though as a kid at the time Hogan was the guy who roped me into the business to become a fan- despite the kayfabe belief at such a young age! I can't turn against Hogan for that very reason.
I didnt really watch wrestling in Hogan's "heyday" as the American Hero. I'm guessing that if I did, then I'd be more of a fan of his work from that period as he was unbelievably charismatic and a phenomenal showman. As it stands though, whenever I watch anything from his "take your vitamins, say your prayers" era I find it cringingly bad and cheesy. It just doesn't entertain me at all. I reckon I'd have been a Flair/Horsemen/Savage/Piper fan than Hulk.

However, I do enjoy his time as "Hollywood" Hogan in WCW, the nWo formation and early months was just COOL, and it certainly reinvigorated Hogan's career, as the fans were starting to lose interest and turn against the clean-cut superhero character he was still playing. The team of Hogan, Hall and Nash fitted perfectly together and seeing Hogan as the ultimate bad guy was a complete 180 degrees from what almost any fan could remember, which made it fresh, must-see TV.

I guess I'm one of the guys who always likes the "bad guy", so much more entertaining than a stereotypical clean cut "good guy".

Hollywood Hogan for me. 4 life.
Most in IWC circles loving the NWO, and cheering for the wanna see if Hollywood Hogan character was more popular then Hulk Hogan.

I'm old enough to have watched Hogan in the 80's. While I was too young to understand that Hogan was 'performing' more than wrestling, I remember the wave of popularity that swept pro wrestling, with Hogan leading the charge.

To my mind, nothing Hogan did subsequently was bigger than his deeds as a good guy in WWE during his heyday. Yes, the NWO and Hollywood Hogan was big business......and it's easy to dismiss Hulkamania in it's prime if you were too young to have witnessed it.....but Hogan's influence was so huge and changed so many fans' view of wrestling.....that nothing could ever top it.
Id say the IWC probably likes Hulk more considering he has earned a certain degree of respect, even from the ungrateful brats that make the majority of the online community whereas Hollywood just represents the things that people resent about the man himself; backstage shenanigans and all that stuff. Me personally, I couldn't choose one over the other as I love them both equally for different reasons.
Without Hogan, professional wrestling doesn't exist as it currently does.

That said, I always hated Hogan. Not until nwo came around. I still didn't cheer for him, but he became an interesting figure to watch n root against.

Nothing after nwo matters in regards to hogan
This is a tough call. Hulk Hogan is an icon that made WWF/WWE and without him we wouldn't be here.

But Hollywood Hogan hade more depth in his charater. He was amazing at getting heat and working the crowd. He was such an amazing heel that people threw stuff in. And his laugh was epic :D

People felt so betrayed like "why did you leave us" and was so hurt, and that made the whole angle so personal. Wrestling felt real back then.

But, without Hulk fighting the evil forces in that ring brother, there would be no Hollywood.
Being the biggest name in the industry - whoever it is will attract haters as well as fans.

Stone Cold has something to say about this. Anyways, to answer the question I liked Hollywood Hogan better. Why? It was a more interesting character and allowed WCW to defeat the WWF in the ratings war 84 straight weeks. If I had grown up in the mid to late 80s, I would have probably liked Hulk Hogan better. Besides, the smark in me would almost always like the heel better.
While I never considered myself a huge fan of Hulk Hogan in any persona, I liked him a lot more as Hollywood Hogan for various reasons. First and foremost, I just thought he was a lot more entertaining as a heel; he just seemed so much fresher and struck me as more relevant than he had been in a while. That's not to say that he was ever irrelevant, but Hogan was never truly the same ultra dominant babyface after dropping the title to Warrior at WrestleMania VI; he was still insanely over and was still the biggest star in the sky, but Hulkamania was no longer this supreme force that'd been. Besides that, Hogan fans were getting older, times were changing and Hogan hadn't really changed with it.

Another reason I enjoyed Hollywood Hogan more was I new how epic a heel turn was for Hogan, it may have been the last true shocking heel turn as this was just a few years before the internet not only took over the world but became part of everyday life itself. While the knowledge of wrestling being "fake" was already well known, there was still some mystique as the curtain hadn't been completely pulled away. Nobody saw a Hogan heel turn coming and the reaction of fans was one of the most epic moments in WCW history, possibly all of wrestling history. Fans were throwing popcorn boxes, empty beer cups, full beer cups and damn near anything else; they were truly outraged and felt betrayed that Hulk Hogan, the ultimate good guy, had turned his back on the fans that'd made him a mega star.

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