Hulk Hogan needs to retire at WM 25

Hogan v Cena... what the hell? That would absoluetly suck as a wrestling match! The occassion would be enormous I'll admit, it would be a case of Old School v.s New School at the highest order, but Cena needs someone like Shawn Michaels/Triple H/Edge/Chris Jericho, who are sound wrestlers, to bring out the best in him. Cena would have to carry Hogan all match long until Hogan had his transformation and then he'd pick up the win.

As a wrestling match it would be painful bad but I'm sure the atmosphere would be incredible.
Hogan v Cena... what the hell? That match would absoluetly suck! And thats coming from a Cena fan!

I totally cannot see it happening, but then again, I could potentially see Edge feuding with The Big Show, leaving Cena open for a new opponent...the Hulkster???
I think everyone needs to move on from Hulk Hogan. As for him retiring, I think for him not to show up or get involved in WM25 festivities is good enough for me! Cena v. Hogan would be a terrible gimmick match. 1) Cena == Hogan, it'll be like Hogan fighting himself!
Now theres talk of Hogan being the legend that will face Jericho at Mania. Dammit, I really wanna see Stone Cold do it.

' The word making the rounds at the No Way Out PPV on Sunday was that Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan were in talks about the possibility of Hogan doing a match at WrestleMania. John Cena was originally rumored to be Hogan's opponent, but WWE clearly shook things up at No Way Out and started a John Cena vs. Edge program on RAW. With Mickey Rourke's WrestleMania involvement still up in the air, there's now talk of Hulk Hogan wrestling Chris Jericho at WrestleMania as part of the ongoing "legends" storyline'

I could see Hogan face Cena. Remember like 4-5 years ago when Hogan and Edge teamed up? Edge can bring that up and have Hogan jump Cena. If there going with Cena and Hogan this is how they could possibly set that up. That would leave Big Show and Edge doing their started feud.
I could see Hogan face Cena. Remember like 4-5 years ago when Hogan and Edge teamed up? Edge can bring that up and have Hogan jump Cena. If there going with Cena and Hogan this is how they could possibly set that up. That would leave Big Show and Edge doing their started feud.

What so Hogan would be a heel?? Noone wants to see that and noone would accept it. It would just make people boo Cena which the WWE do not want.

But btw if somehow Austin and Hogan are both on the card WRESTLING (say austin vs jericho and hogan vs cena), then surely they should wrestle each other. I mean come on! I dont care that Austin vs Jericho would be a way better match, surely Austin and Hogan should wrestle in what would undoubtedly by the very last chance to do it.
Hogan at WM25... It just sounds right. Hogan is in his late 50's... Its time for him to have one last match in the WWE, just to cement the end of his legacy in WWE history as one of the all-time greats (if the not THE all-time great). With legendary-esque matches in the works for Mania already (possible Austin match, possible Legends battle royal, possible Flair appearance of some sort, 'Taker vs. HBK, etc etc), a Hogan match would seem to fit right in on a PPV that was promised to 'relive the past' and 'have alot of surprises' (accordin to good ol JR).

Im not sure who is opponent would be, but one of the options that I saw alot of people put forth was for him to face Cena. Awesome idea. And, to be honest, I honestly dont understand all of the people bashing this possible match. Are you guys even wrestling fans? Was Flair/HBK a great wrestling match? Not really. Was there an epic story, & the culmination of a true legends career in a match vs. a man who's name is synonomous with Wrestlemania? Hell yes. Thats why that match was AMAZING. Do you think Hogan/Andre at Mania III was a good wrestling match? Of course not. But it was a spectacle, something EVERYONE wanted to see, which is what made it great. Hogan vs. a viable challenger (such as Cena) would have both of these- an epic story w/the culmination of a career PLUS it being a spectacle that everyone would love to see (Hogan at Mania, one last time). Would it be quality wrestling? Probably not. Would it be an entertaining sports spectacle, something that you would love to see? Yes, it would, and dont lie about that.

I would love to see Hogan wrestle at WM one last time, and this year is the perfect year for him to do it. The card is shaping up quite nicely, and if a Hogan mach was involved, it could get alot of old-time fans watching again, especially if he was featured in the preceeding weeks on Raw or SD! But, if Cena is involved with Edge, and since alot of other top guys are almost already locked into other feuds as well, who could face Hogan? Well, if cannot be Cena, I think a good opponent MIGHT be Vladimir Kozlov IF they couldnt get a bigger name to face him. I think that would be very entertaining, and they could do an America vs Russia build to it (this is something I originally saw 'Taker doing, but it looks like hes involved with HBK, which is fine). Plus, you could have Hogan go over Kozlov and finally end his streak in a classic Mania match. It would be awesome!
Hogan at WM25... It just sounds right. Hogan is in his late 50's... Its time for him to have one last match in the WWE, just to cement the end of his legacy in WWE history as one of the all-time greats (if the not THE all-time great). With legendary-esque matches in the works for Mania already (possible Austin match, possible Legends battle royal, possible Flair appearance of some sort, 'Taker vs. HBK, etc etc), a Hogan match would seem to fit right in on a PPV that was promised to 'relive the past' and 'have alot of surprises' (accordin to good ol JR).

Im not sure who is opponent would be, but one of the options that I saw alot of people put forth was for him to face Cena. Awesome idea. And, to be honest, I honestly dont understand all of the people bashing this possible match. Are you guys even wrestling fans? Was Flair/HBK a great wrestling match? Not really. Was there an epic story, & the culmination of a true legends career in a match vs. a man who's name is synonomous with Wrestlemania? Hell yes. Thats why that match was AMAZING. Do you think Hogan/Andre at Mania III was a good wrestling match? Of course not. But it was a spectacle, something EVERYONE wanted to see, which is what made it great. Hogan vs. a viable challenger (such as Cena) would have both of these- an epic story w/the culmination of a career PLUS it being a spectacle that everyone would love to see (Hogan at Mania, one last time). Would it be quality wrestling? Probably not. Would it be an entertaining sports spectacle, something that you would love to see? Yes, it would, and dont lie about that.

I would love to see Hogan wrestle at WM one last time, and this year is the perfect year for him to do it. The card is shaping up quite nicely, and if a Hogan mach was involved, it could get alot of old-time fans watching again, especially if he was featured in the preceeding weeks on Raw or SD! But, if Cena is involved with Edge, and since alot of other top guys are almost already locked into other feuds as well, who could face Hogan? Well, if cannot be Cena, I think a good opponent MIGHT be Vladimir Kozlov IF they couldnt get a bigger name to face him. I think that would be very entertaining, and they could do an America vs Russia build to it (this is something I originally saw 'Taker doing, but it looks like hes involved with HBK, which is fine). Plus, you could have Hogan go over Kozlov and finally end his streak in a classic Mania match. It would be awesome!

Thank God somebody else is sane; Hogan vs Cena might be bigger right now then Hogan vs Rock the only match that can be bigger than Hogan vs Cena is Hogan vs Austin. I think people forget that wrestling is fake; in ring performance really doesn't matter its how the wrestlers makes the crowd feel. Hogan will out pop anybody ask The Rock and HBK. I think it would be a great passing of the torch from Hogan to Cena.
I could see Hogan face Cena. Remember like 4-5 years ago when Hogan and Edge teamed up? Edge can bring that up and have Hogan jump Cena. If there going with Cena and Hogan this is how they could possibly set that up. That would leave Big Show and Edge doing their started feud.

They wouldn't have Hogan as a heel, remember Wrestlemania X8? Hogan was meant to be the heel in his match vs Rock, they did everything to build him up as a heel. Even going so far as to having Hogan nail The Rock with a pipe and then crash into the ambulance Rock was in with his truck.

The result? 80,000+ chanting Hogan's name before the match even started.

As for one last match for Hogan i wouldn't be that against him going up against Jericho as he has the skills to carry anyone in a match. Tbh it's annoyed me that Jericho isn't in any of the main events, but that's for another discussion.
They need to do a real send off for Hogan, if they can for Flair who wasn't really a WWE legend but rather a WCW/NWA legend who wrestled in WWF/E then surely a legend who made his name in WWF and went on to be a legend in WCW and then returned as a bigger legend to WWE deserves a real send off.

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