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Hulk Hogan Blames Vince Russo For Quality Of Impact?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Hulk Hogan was reportedly overheard at the recent E3 convention saying that Vince Russo was to blame for the quality of Impact Wrestling, reports The Wrestling Observer. Hogan's comments were in response to fans saying how bad Impact was right now. Hulk was at the convention promoting his new video game.


Smells like a bunch of click-drawing bullshit to me simply because of how the thread title would seem to indicate controversy, but I figured it's worth the discussion regardless.

Thoughts on this?
This just sounds like hearsay without any substantial proof. It could have been Hogan being polite and not sticking up for Vince if a fan was complaining about him, it could have been a wink and a smile type remark, it could have been lots of varying factors.

If Hogan were really THAT upset about Russo and Impact, surely something would have been done before now? Also, if it's Russo writing the Hogan/Sting story just now then it would be hypocritical of Hogan to then rag on the writer about one of the most highly praised storylines TNA have at the moment.

Probably nothing to this at all and I agree it smacks of 'click-drawing bullshit,' guess they are earning the "dirt" part of the name "dirt-sheets"
It is either nothing of consequence or a work they are laying the seeds for. For all we know Hogan said it as a joke if he even said it. I could see them using Russo to try and turn Hogan face if they go that route though. Imagine the heat Russo could get if he comes out and buries the X-division worked shoot style next Thursday. Then again I would not find it very surprising if there were people trying to push Russo out behind the scenes.
now they want to pint figures at who to blame for TNA's failing. I wouldn't just blame Russo, I blame Hogan as well. I mean coming on now, these guys work together in WCW and they haven't learn that they don't work well together. First Bischoff came on the interview like last yeah i believe and said he like working with Russo, now this guy hogan throws Russo under the bus. Shouldn't Hogan have had some ideas like creatively to how to improve the product. Al he done was change the 6 sided ring to 4 sided ring that's all He hasn't been able to make the young guys stars so they aren't going anywhere.

I know one thing for sure, Hogan might do another interview saying he didn't say Russo is to blame and gonna say the media was twisting his words. like i said before, Hogan should be blaming nobody but himself. I mean is he in creative meetings or something. Doing something to help the company because I am not seeing it
I doesn't come off to me as him "blaming" Russo for anything negative.

That would mean that Hogan was conceding to the fan that Impact had been bad recently(which it has not been).

I believe Hogan was just informing the fan that (regardless of how good/bad the show is) he is not the one responsible for the quality of Impact. The writers, or more specifically the head writer Vince Russo, is because he's the one writing the show. Further seperating Hogan's kayfabe involvement from his real life responsibilites with the company.

I think anyone using this as a way to stir-up controversary is simply inferring things that aren't actually there.

I'm sure Hogan would have answered the exact same way had the same question been asked, yet with a more positive spin.
now they want to pint figures at who to blame for TNA's failing. I wouldn't just blame Russo, I blame Hogan as well. I mean coming on now, these guys work together in WCW and they haven't learn that they don't work well together. First Bischoff came on the interview like last yeah i believe and said he like working with Russo, now this guy hogan throws Russo under the bus. Shouldn't Hogan have had some ideas like creatively to how to improve the product. Al he done was change the 6 sided ring to 4 sided ring that's all He hasn't been able to make the young guys stars so they aren't going anywhere.

I know one thing for sure, Hogan might do another interview saying he didn't say Russo is to blame and gonna say the media was twisting his words. like i said before, Hogan should be blaming nobody but himself. I mean is he in creative meetings or something. Doing something to help the company because I am not seeing it

First i can't handle people that can't spell, and second don't check their post before they post it, i mean "pint figures" come on. And unless there is proof he said it, sounds like a bunch of crap. By The Way Russo is head of creative and has final say on everything, so when in doubt always do like i do and blame Russo!
Soooo... Hulk Hogan is blaming Vince Russo for... the emphasis on the wrestling X Division? Yes? No? Go a little further back? For Jarrett/Angle and Fortune/Immortal? Why? Was that stuff bad? If anything, Russo deserves some praise for getting out of the hell hole of irrelevance that was TNA circa November-January.

Hogan has a knack for saying whatever he can say to keep some skeptics smiling. I wouldn't blame him if it weren't for the fact that he doesn't even try to protest or be clearer. I'm sure he was a little clearer than "he did it *points at Russo*" but we get faaaaar more comprehensive and detailed explanations from Bischoff. That says quite a bit.
First i can't handle people that can't spell, and second don't check their post before they post it, i mean "pint figures" come on. And unless there is proof he said it, sounds like a bunch of crap. By The Way Russo is head of creative and has final say on everything, so when in doubt always do like i do and blame Russo!

I believe Hogan was just informing the fan that (regardless of how good/bad the show is) he is not the one responsible for the quality of Impact. The writers, or more specifically the head writer Vince Russo, is because he's the one writing the show. Further seperating Hogan's kayfabe involvement from his real life responsibilites with the company.

I forgot about this aspect. That is basically wrestler 101. If people do not like something blame the writer. Hogan has been a wrestler a long time, that response is practically instinct at this point. I would like to know what Russo really thought the first time he heard about abyssamania though.
First i can't handle people that can't spell, and second don't check their post before they post it, i mean "pint figures" come on. And unless there is proof he said it, sounds like a bunch of crap. By The Way Russo is head of creative and has final say on everything, so when in doubt always do like i do and blame Russo!

Yeah, and to add to your points, who in the Hell said TNA Failed?

Hmm, highest rated show on Spike Television? CHECK

Consistently draws strong ratings in it's demographic? CHECK

Company is in the black? Check

Company is advancing as a product? Check

I guess all of that amounts to failure.:unsure:

As for the top-ic. I am sure that this is either a misunderstanding or just a load of crap. I just don't see it being a real issue or Russo would probably be gone already, especially since TNA as a whole has been better now than it has in quite some time.
I agree completely. Impact is getting closer to catching Smackdown in the ratings. I happen to enjoy Impact, gives me something different to watch other than the WWE which is kinda boring at this moment. But i still blame Russo! :)
I think TNA was awesome before Hogan and Bischoff came in. That doesnt mean they havent made their fair share of good contributions, but they've made some uneccessary changes to the product. Vince has had his share of bad ideas, and hell, with his involvement in the demise of WCW theres no question as to why people give him crap whenever he does something. The fact is you cant blame one man on the downfall of a company. Russo is just that, one man, and a writer at that. His word isnt final and I'm pretty sure if Hogan had such a big problem with his storylines he would do something about it instead of whining at E3.
Honestly TNA sucks because of their presentation and stale storylines. They rehash nWo everytime a major superstar comes to their company.

Booker T? Main Event Mafia.

Ric Flair? Fortune.

Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff? Immortal.

You want to talk about WWE's stale main event scene? Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, Edge have all been staples in the main event scene of the WWE of the past few years, and they have retired, or walked away. What does WWE do? Push Sheamus to the main event, push Nexus, push The Miz. WWE knows how to use new talent and get them over.

I watch TNA lasted week. Why are Scott Steiner and Sting main eventing? Why is Kurt Angle still in the main event scene? Where is Samoa Joe? Where is AJ Styles? Where is Matt Morgan? The problem with TNA is that there is no Cena, no Orton, no main guys. What if Angle, Steiner, and Sting retired or got injured? They're trying to make Anderson "that guy" but it's not working. TNA needs a new writing staff, or a new show. One show could be for the older guys, and another one for newer talent.
First Impact is not bad at the moment it's actually the best it's been for a while.

2 maybe he had some idiots talking to him and asking him questions and I can picture Hogan in my mind being full of bullshit or just wanting to be left alone saying it's Russo's fault whether he believes it or not.
This is like overhearing that Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. Nobody saw him do it, so does that mean it actually happened? Someone saying they overheard Hulk Hogan saying this could or could not be true, but until or unless there's proof to back up these claims, they're just that---claims. Now, is it that far-fetched to suppose that Hogan WOULD say this? No, not at all. Is it totally out of the loop to assume that there's some truth behind it? No, not at all. I just take these things with a grain of salt. If Impact sucks (and at times it does), it's because of a number of people & things surrounding the company, not just one particular person. Because I could easily say (and have said) that having someone like Hulk Hogan, a viable member of the the company, once again on TV makes the product suffer. That would then be on him. I'm not even sure how much leverage Russo has within the company as a whole, if any at the present moment. Again, just hearsay until otherwise proven correct or incorrect. It is what it is sometimes.
Half the posts on this thread are prime examples of why the IWC is looked upon negatively. It was RUMORED that someone OVERHEARD Hogan saying this. Could there be a more bullshit "article" posted on the main page. It doesn't say a damn thing. Its absolutely nothing. Now, lets just imagine for a second that it is true. If Hogan really said this, their are more or less only three things he could have said about Russo.

1. "I'd like to talk to Russo about the direction Impact is going. I think we have the potential to put out a better product."

2. "Fuck Vince Russo! He's a no good piece of shit, and everything shitty in TNA is his fault!"


Now do you understand how stupid it is to start screaming "fuck Hogan" or "fuck Russo" in your post. We have no idea what was said, if anything was even said at all. Again, I don't even understand why WZ would post such a bullshit "article" without have some source of proof of what was said.

Can't say I'm surprised that immediately people started the same old shit about "TNA was better before Hogan" and "Hogan is a whiny bitch". Its so fucking embarrassing. These forums would be so much better if people knew what they were actually supposed to be mad about before making asses out of themselves.
Thank god there is another "verbally kick the shit out of Hogan" thread. Thankyou!

Anyway, TNA knew what they were getting into when they hired Russo back in '02 or whenever it was. Dixie Carter (and I quote, lol):
"How can we make this company so shite that people actually vomit whilst watching? I know! Pacman Jones and Vince Russo."

For fuck sake. Hogan signed with the company, when? 2009? So that is at least 6 years after TNA Impact's debut. And Hogan didn't think about what he was getting himself into? At all? Well, I'm not surprised, it's Hulk Hogan. Anything for money.

But, the quality of "Impact Wrestling" (oh, and on a side note, did they call it "IMPACT" wrestling because the impact on professional wrestling is so shit they just had to spread the news?) is not because of Russo. It is because of Russo, Carter, Hogan and Jeff Hardy. Yeah, I said it, Jeff Hardy.

Kid: "Mommy, I wanna watch Jeff Hardy!"
Mom: "Tune into TNA Impact Wrestling."
Kid: "OK... (later on) Mommy, can I do the things Jeff Hardy does?"
Mom: "If you try hard enough, Little Jimmy."
Kid: "Look Mommy, I'm smoking weed."
Mom: "Whhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttt?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Impact Wrestling is shit because... well, it just is, ok?
Oh, and also, everyone saying the Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett storyline is awesome, similar to Edge/Matt Hardy, just a tad. Immortal vs Fourtune. nWo vs every other bugger? Jeff Hardy smoking on national telev... oh wait, he always did that!
Actually, I remember a couple weeks ago there was a report out saying hogan/bisch were complaining in the back wanting Russo gone, the report also said even jarret was agreeing with Hogan/Bischoff after defending Russo for years. It all comes down to Russo is dixies guy, for some reason, and won't fire him. I also remember reports where Hogan was planning on getting rid of Russo when he first signed with TNA, but than found out Russo was untouchable because of Dixie. It's why heyman didn't sign, Dixie says "I'll give u complete control," but when u try and make changes and get rid of certain people(Russo) she won't allow it.
Honestly TNA sucks because of their presentation and stale storylines. They rehash nWo everytime a major superstar comes to their company.

Booker T? Main Event Mafia.

Ric Flair? Fortune.

Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff? Immortal.

You want to talk about WWE's stale main event scene? Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, Edge have all been staples in the main event scene of the WWE of the past few years, and they have retired, or walked away. What does WWE do? Push Sheamus to the main event, push Nexus, push The Miz. WWE knows how to use new talent and get them over.

I watch TNA lasted week. Why are Scott Steiner and Sting main eventing? Why is Kurt Angle still in the main event scene? Where is Samoa Joe? Where is AJ Styles? Where is Matt Morgan? The problem with TNA is that there is no Cena, no Orton, no main guys. What if Angle, Steiner, and Sting retired or got injured? They're trying to make Anderson "that guy" but it's not working. TNA needs a new writing staff, or a new show. One show could be for the older guys, and another one for newer talent.

I agree, I have no desire to see two guys in their 50's fight in a main event of a show in 2011. I don't give a damn about "nogastical feel," or the reason older wants want to see guys in their 50's, or 60's wrestle, or embarrass themselves.

Why is Kurt Angle still in the main event? You don't know, I don't either. It's the fact that Bischoff is well-known of not building anybody up unless your from another company. Goldberg, Booker T and Sting are the only talent he made star's in WCW. I really hope for TNA's future that Bischoff can move on frrm 1997, and actually build up new up-and-coming top star's. Guy's like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe were driving forces for TNA a few years ago, now their being pushed aside for guy's like Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy, the junkie who disrespected a company and their fan's. The fact that the last few champion's were RVD, Jeff Hardy, Sting, and Anderson shows you Bischoff's, Dixie's, and Russo's vendetta about only pushing star's from other corporation's. Also, a top face could benefit very well for TNA, a guy to build the company around, to make it benefitial when building up star's, and make people want to watch the show. Having guys turn face to heel, or vice vera, every few month's is also not helping TNA, just makes it confusing.

They should be using guy's like Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, Jeff Jarret, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Sting to build up new talent for the future. The fact that Kurt Angle is in the main event fued after being there for 5 years is just :disappointed:.
@itssoeasy123 are you kidding me? Why is Kurt angle in the main event picture? He's one of if not the best wrestlers out there today!!! He gave TNA more press than they had in all their existence before he got there. Furthermore you say bully ray should be only used to get over younger talent, he's the number two heel in all of wrestling right now!!! His character has been great!!! Even the writers on these sites like Wade Keller and Jason Powell have picked him as the person who should win the bound for glory series and be the number one bad guy to help carry the promotion!!! He is the epitome of what a heel should be, and has had some pretty damn good matches also, I for one was skeptical about him as a singles wrestler, but as Jason Powell has said numerous times, he's been very interesting and the surprise of the year. Yes you need to build younger stars, but it doesn't happen over night, give IW a chance, they are slowly building to the future with the likes of gunner and crimson, Matt Morgan, Bobby roode, James storm etc. Furthermore, Bischoff is not in charge of who gets pushed and who doesn't, I love how all the Bischoff/Hogan bashers love to say " they don't push the younger guys!" they aren't in charge of who gets pushed you idiots, that would be the head writers job, and last I knew that position belongs to Vince Russo...
@itssoeasy123 are you kidding me? Why is Kurt angle in the main event picture? He's one of if not the best wrestlers out there today!!! He gave TNA more press than they had in all their existence before he got there. Furthermore you say bully ray should be only used to get over younger talent, he's the number two heel in all of wrestling right now!!! His character has been great!!! Even the writers on these sites like Wade Keller and Jason Powell have picked him as the person who should win the bound for glory series and be the number one bad guy to help carry the promotion!!! He is the epitome of what a heel should be, and has had some pretty damn good matches also, I for one was skeptical about him as a singles wrestler, but as Jason Powell has said numerous times, he's been very interesting and the surprise of the year. Yes you need to build younger stars, but it doesn't happen over night, give IW a chance, they are slowly building to the future with the likes of gunner and crimson, Matt Morgan, Bobby roode, James storm etc. Furthermore, Bischoff is not in charge of who gets pushed and who doesn't, I love how all the Bischoff/Hogan bashers love to say " they don't push the younger guys!" they aren't in charge of who gets pushed you idiots, that would be the head writers job, and last I knew that position belongs to Vince Russo...

Kurt Angle? Best wrestler out there? :lmao: Kurt Angle, a veteran, should be used to elevate young talent, especially with him potentailly leaving to go train for the Olympic's. It would be in a good sense for him to job to some young talent to elevate them if he'll go gone for a while. Of course, he's in the main event scene. Why? I have no clue.

I like the Bound for Glory tournament becuase it's a good way to build up talent, but I hope who ever win's doesn't turn into the late 2010 Matt Morgan push.
Seriously? Out of my whole message the only thing you're gonna comment on is Kurt angle being one of the best wrestlers, and you're gonna say he's not? Please oh please list 5 wrestlers better than him right now, I got cm punk and that's about it.
Kurt Angle? Best wrestler out there? :lmao: Kurt Angle, a veteran, should be used to elevate young talent, especially with him potentailly leaving to go train for the Olympic's. It would be in a good sense for him to job to some young talent to elevate them if he'll go gone for a while. Of course, he's in the main event scene. Why? I have no clue.

I like the Bound for Glory tournament becuase it's a good way to build up talent, but I hope who ever win's doesn't turn into the late 2010 Matt Morgan push.

LMAO. You are the same guy who cheered HHH burying the roster for years right?

Or how about how John Cena, the guy in your avatar, who no sells everyone's moves?

Yet you want to complain about Kurt Angle, who has been amazing with everything he has done, being in the ME.

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