How would you rebook Wrestlemania 16?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok this is the fourth part of my series about rebooking some of the worst and not so good Wrestlemania's, so lets begin

2000 is arguably one of the best years in the WWE, WWE shoved to many wrestlers into this event as they could and ruined the main event with McMahon involving all of his family in it and shoving Mick Foley and Big Show just ruined it for me. The Dudleys/Hardys/Edge & Christian Ladder Match was AWESOME and Jericho/Benoit/Angle was very cool with the 2 falls for both of Kurt Angle's titles. so im going to rebook the way I think it should of been so here i go.....

Main Event
Iron Man Match Speaical Ref:Shawn Michaels
The Rock vs Triple H

I know this was the main event for Judgement Day 2000 but how hot both men were during the build up to Wrestlemania that match could of main evented Wrestlemania 16, and would of created that big match feel and it would of made history as the second ever Iron Man Match could of been epic.

2 Falls 1st for the Europen title 2nd for the IC title
Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle

I really enjoyed this match so im keeping

Street Fight
Big Show vs Shane McMahon

this also happened at Judgement Day but this would of been cool to have happened at Wrestlemania instead, shane could blamed Big Show for loosing at NWO, because he would of so Rock could headline with HHH,

Grudge Match
Billy Gunn vs Roadogg

lets say billy gunn was'nt injuryed after DX turn on him he gets revengae on Roadogg at Wrestlemania.

Tag team match
X-Pac & Tori vs Kane & Paul Bearer

could be a pretty fun match.

Traingle Ladder Match Tag Titles
Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christan

just an awesome match!!!!!!

Hardcore title Battle Royal
i liked this match for some reason!

6 man tag match
Too Cool and Chyna vs The Radicals

after this match Chyna and eddie hook up so i'd keep it the same because Latino Heat Baaabbbbyyy!!!!!

what would you do?
I am one of the few who actually enjoyed Wrestlemania 2000. I really enjoyed the story behind the main event. However, it was far from perfect but WWE didnt have 2 of its major stars on the card due to injury - Stone Cold and The Undertaker so it obviously suffered. If I remember rightly I think SCSA returned the month after at Backlash.

To be honest I like you card but not alot I would change. I liked the Main Event, The triple threat for the IC was a classic and Hardys/Dudleys/E&C put on a good match - as always!!!

The Blackman/Snow vs APA was worth it just to see Blackman and Snow attack that stupid cheese character!!!
I really don't remember the card that well but I would have changed that main event match....I feel that main events at WMs should be one on one matches not 3 or 4 way matches....hhh and the rock both had enough momentum and drawing power to main event WM...there was no need for foley or big show, especially that foley was retired the month before..and the whole mcmahon family thing was stupid, and vince,steph and shane joining together at the end was even dumber
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