How would you of......?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
I got to thinking about the invation angle and how the biggest part that made no sence to me was Stone Cold Steve Austin joined the Alliance. For those that dont know the reason that never made sence to me was the fact that SCSA hated WCW because of the way his was fired. This is not an Invation angle thread.

From there I thought what if Steve Austin never got fired from WCW?
I honestly got to say WWF would have lost the war because SCSA was the corner stone of the story lines.

Would of the Stone Cold character ever of been created?
I have to believe yes for only 1 reason Bishoff said he started to use real names and personality to make it more relatable.

What role would of he played?
I would have had him and Bishoff have words on TV then have Bishoff start using his position to make Steve life hell eventually the Stone Cold character will be born. I will not have him side with either WCW or nWo till Bishoff sides with the nWo. When Sting gets blacklisted have SCSA be the first to trust him.

Now this is just how I believe it could have been but inquiring minds want to know.

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