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How would you book Ryback?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ryback has finally gotten a meaningful storyline, being able to feud with the guy who beats everyone the WWE considers irrelevant but will lose to anyone important, but this has made me wonder about how Ryback has been booked.

Based on WWE's use of him, Ryback has been presented as a lazy bully.

Ever since making it big on the solo scene, he hasn't really done anything to pursue any belts. He actually beat Rusev via count-out before Cena did, but apparently felt that was enough to back out of the feud. Even though the real reason was that Rusev had to feud with Cena, it reeked of Ryback taking what he could get and getting the hell out of dodge. He weasels his way into other wrestlers careers, but never seems to follow anything through. Much like his 'kinda' conflict with Rusev, it seemed like he was going to have a storyline against the Big Show, but nothing ever came from it. He has also teased becoming a tag team with Ziggler and even pursuing Rollins, but these ideas fell through. Ever since the collapse of the authority, he has done very little.

Yet he'll interrupt Bo Dallas and beat him up. I was shocked when he bullied his former friend Curtis Axel for no other reason than to pander to the crowd. This was especially jarring as Axel looked genuinely hurt by Ryback's verbal burial (before being genuinely hurt by a Shell Shock). It seems to me like Ryback is picking on people who wouldn't give him much of a fight. If memory serves, he attacked Mark Henry from behind when they had their rematch after Survivor Series. It should also be noted that Ryback was willing to sell out to the Authority before Kane started getting on his nerves.

But he keeps giving all these 'inspirational' speeches about how far he has gone, which in his defense, aren't bad speeches. This reminded me of when Mark Henry did the same, shortly before turning heel on the Big Show...

I kind of want to see Bray kick his ass, just because I feel Ryback has been written as an attention ****e jerk-ass, who lacks the guts to step up and try to get a belt. Obviously once again, this was probably not WWE's intention. It's merely bad writing mixed in with a lack of room for the Big Guy on any of the cards. But how would you book him from here? Turn him heel? Have him go for one of the belts?

Personally, I think it's too soon for him to be heel. If this happens, I think it would be cool if Bray succeeded in corrupting Ryback, who would become his muscle. This can re-establish Bray as a dominant force. However, I think they could salvage Ryback if Bray takes him to the limit only to lose. Ryback ends this storyline victorious, having conquered Bray and his mind games and now being stronger and more determined than ever before. Then he can move on to challenge for...whatever belt is available. I don't mind the idea of him going after the WHC, but there are too many potential upcoming champions coming up. But I think he could go after the U.S or IC Belt without obstructing too much talent.

I prefer Bray over Ryback, but I think Bray's chance at being a true main eventer is over. His loss to the Undertaker was the nail in his coffin, while Ryback still has a chance. But you never know what can happen. I just believe Ryback needs to get involved in the important storylines a bit more instead of just being treated as overpowered support.

I would also suggest that the WWE stops having Ryback bullying weaker wrestlers, especially when they're supposed to be friends and maybe cut down on the 'inspirational speeches'. We get it. Ryback has come far despite various road blocks. Start talking about the feud, not your back-story...
To be completely honest, I wouldn't book him, I just think there's better out there, and his catchphrases are tiresome though I'd be quite interested in your Wyatt corruption angle. With the lack of any particular crowd reaction to this feud, it's basically become a Loser Becomes Jobber match, and it probably wouldn't be all that great for the winner either. But the corruption thing could reignite both characters if done right.
When you think about it, both Ryback and Wyatt are one-trick ponies. Ryback has his "Feed Me More" chant and Wyatt has his mind games. We saw nothing new from Wyatt during his Ambrose or Jericho feuds, while the Undertaker storyline was only unique because the Undertaker wasn't present. The only way for this storyline to work at all is to have something different occur with them, something unexpected.

Otherwise, all they have to offer is subpar matches. I don't see any golden banter between the two either, so I'd be surprised if there was any chemistry.

Edit: Ryback actually can banter with people, but it's usually more comedic and light hearted- which doesn't mesh with Bray at all. In fact, Bray is kind of a wet blanket when you really think about it...
Bray Wyatt would be made infinitely stronger if he lost to people because they sold themselves out. Just a thought.

As for Ryback - he has at times shown a weird audience connection. I would take him off TV and wait until he has shown in training he can do all the classic strong man spots - she'll shocking Big Show type things. Then I would give him the push he started with. Only way slower. Start on superstars and main event. He should be winning non stop for ages. If that takes off again, brilliant, if it doesn't any thoughts of him being a big star should be binned.

Actually though, looking at his build and his limitations I'd probably put him in a tag team with Rhyno. Similar names and weird physiques, they could really bring something interesting to the table in the division.
That is one thing that has always bugged me. For a guy who looks so strong, he doesn't seem to BE as strong as Cena or Cesaro. I expect to see him hoisting guys like Big Show, Henry and Kane with ease, but he rarely does. Maybe his lower body isn't as strong or Shell Shock is just that difficult to execute on bigger men (the reason I think Cena's AA should be appreciated is that it allows him to lift anyone).

I don't agree with putting him on Main Event or anything, but I agree that a slower push is necessary...there just needs to be more of a sense of direction. WWE actually did that right with Rusev, even if they bungled it near the end. He'd move on to stronger competitors and it felt natural. Ryback's pushing always just feels so premature.
It sucks he's in a feud with Bray, they both could use the win and would be hurt if they lost.

I guess I'd try to end this Bray/Ryback feud ASAP since it's not like the feud is buzzing. Have Bray win clean at Payback. Meanwhile, Rusev captures the US title or fails to defeat Cena and Lana sides with Ryback and Ryback and Rusev feuds throughout the summer, one-on-one at MITB, one-on-one at Battleground, final match at Summerslam where Ryback picks up the win (title if Rusev is champion), if Rusev isn't champion, Ryback faces the champ next/defends the title if he's champion after beating Rusev, he then feuds with a freshly turned Jack Swagger throughout the fall, NoC, HIAC, Survivor Series, then goes into WM season as champion.
Ryback was fine during his initial push. When he started getting over huge, and they pulled him back and turned him heel, it killed off any momentum he had and he's never been able to get it back. Feuding with Wyatt won't help him in that cause either as Wyatt has lost or failed in many of his feuds as well.

I've grown tired of the promo's Ryback gives, and he can be quite good on the mic. He's been handled all wrong for a long time now, and once that happens, it's not impossible to come back but it just takes longer.

If he's to receive another push, it has to be done much more slowly than before, and should happen organically. If it doesn't he's a mid carder for life.

It's no secret I'm not a fan of Wyatt's and unfortunately, any feud that he's in doesn't have my full attention, this being another one. Everyone talks about what a big star Wyatt will be and who's he's feuded against, but they fail to mention that he's lost almost every major feud he's been a part of. Those that made sense anyway, which haven't been many. Wyatt is another wrestler the WWE hasn't handled well, and it's coming back to haunt them.
I just believe Ryback needs to get involved in the important storylines a bit more instead of just being treated as overpowered support.

And it might turn out the way you suggest, based mostly on how management views him in the long term. Presumably, they're monitoring fan reaction to him every minute he's out there....and if they see the spark they need, he'll get more actual storylines.

Ryback's problem, in my opinion, is that he's a one-trick-pony. He's a bully with a big body, whether appearing as a face or heel....all that's different as he alternates between the two is whether he beats up good guys or bad guys. He utilizes a quirky sense of humor to try and entertain fans, and it's up to the individual fan whether they go for that or not.

Yes, he moves around the ring better than one might think, yet his build still leaves him a ponderous dinosaur, fit for nothing but straight ahead rushes toward his opponent that can rarely be countered......and when Ryback is on defense.....well, forget that because he's never on defense.

If you like muscular builds and power moves in the ring, Ryback is the guy for you. Still, I feel the reason his development seems strained and sketchy is because WWE wants to alternate Ryback between the midcard and upper-midcard, occasionally featuring him as a guy headed for the top, who never quite gets there.....while also using him as talent enhancement for other guys who will elevate themselves by virtue of having achieved victory over the "monster."

Where would this leave Ryback in concern to world title aspirations of his own?

Nowhere, that's where.
Ryback's kind of a weird dilemma. He has an exponential amount of the things you can't teach... mainly intensity and presence. He's not terrible in the ring either, but for some reason, the fans don't seem completely sold on Ryback at this point (myself included). Perhaps it's because he has yet to really develop his character as other have already mentioned. What is Ryback? Is he a guy who's had to fight adversity his whole life? Or is he the guy who's had everything handed to him? He's played both characters at this point, and not very well I might add. If Ryback can find that one piece that he's missing than WWE can really start to go with him.

As for how I would book Ryback... I'd keep the mic out of his hands until they figure out why he's saying what he's saying (if that makes sense). Don't just put him out there to talk about his knee injury or his life... relate it to the damn story-line with Bray, otherwise Ryback just looks stupid. Also, if WWE is going to go with this "overcoming adversity" gimmick, than Ryback needs to be booked like it. He can't go out and kick everyone's ass in 2 minutes.... he needs to be the underdog, much like John Cena has been throughout his career.
You see, once I posted a thread on Ryback because he became so irrelevant after his run as the part Team Cena at the Survivor Series. After that, he got fired, then he returned back, Thanks to John Cena and Sting, forth and back his time went in the WWE.

Then he had a tag team run with Dolph Ziggler, again he became so irrelevant. Now I'm happy that he got a feud. But the only concern is, WWE or Bray Wyatt never justifies us why this feud has been ongoing. Bray Wyatt never says things clearly, he never confronted Ryback face to face or neither did Ryback searched for him or called him out. Its gonna be just one more week until Payback where they both are heading but we don't have a clue why this is happening??

But if they justify us about this feud and try to take it to another PPV things can be interesting!

Ryback is the Next victim of Future endeavors. Ryback is a big guy with no potential. He gets the big pops but really is a simpleton it the ring....I run you over. His meathook could easily be a finisher but decides to break out the turtle shell shock crap. You can't compare him to the pops of Cena, Bryan, or even Regins.

He has been heel, face, heel , face in his short term so much it is hard to figure out what he is supposed to be. He was just a bully picking on people and now he is a hungry gorilla that is stiff in the ring. ( Scott Steiner anyone)

They could make him a face brock Lesnar and he could fight once every 4 months and just suplex people.
Well as always giving him feuds would help. People will always argue "is Ryback over or is the Feed Me More chant over?" Well how about we actually book Ryback. At this point I'd say he's a better version of Roman Reigns, can cut a better program, has more experience in the ring, has more love for the business and is just better in general...the problem being the WWE doesn't care about him.

While he is in relatively elite company feuding with Wyatt, the feud is going to fail Ryback no matter what happens. The slow build would work, or him just winning this feud, but after Bray lost to Taker this might be too bad of a loss for him. Neither guy gains much and both lose a lot if they lose. Now if the WWE were to swerve us, it might just work. I think a double turn could be perfect here, if these 2 could even pull it off. Bray finally becoming face, Ryback turning heel and joining the Authority as their muscle. Both guys would gain a lot from that, granted I don't think Ryback as a heel works too well but it's an idea
Ryback is the Next victim of Future endeavors. Ryback is a big guy with no potential. He gets the big pops but really is a simpleton it the ring....I run you over. His meathook could easily be a finisher but decides to break out the turtle shell shock crap. You can't compare him to the pops of Cena, Bryan, or even Regins.

He has been heel, face, heel , face in his short term so much it is hard to figure out what he is supposed to be. He was just a bully picking on people and now he is a hungry gorilla that is stiff in the ring. ( Scott Steiner anyone)

They could make him a face brock Lesnar and he could fight once every 4 months and just suplex people.

You're wrong. If you don't think he has potential, I get it. I think Ziggler would be a shitty main eventer, but I also admit that I'm in the minority. Ryback's potential (or lack of) is a fair point though, but it doesn't matter. He does get loud pops and since he has returned as a face, I've rarely seen the fans tear him apart. I hear he wasn't received very well on a NXT match (although most of that was directed at Big Show) and he recently got another Goldberg chant, but managed to get the crowd back on his side. But as long as he gets any kind of reception, he could have the talent of Great Khali and it wouldn't matter. If he was ever going to be future endeavored, it would've been during his Rybaxel days.

While it could happen in the future, he isn't "next in line" unless he does something unforgivable in reality.

Well as always giving him feuds would help. People will always argue "is Ryback over or is the Feed Me More chant over?" Well how about we actually book Ryback. At this point I'd say he's a better version of Roman Reigns, can cut a better program, has more experience in the ring, has more love for the business and is just better in general...the problem being the WWE doesn't care about him.

This is a good point. Many feel that the "Yes" chants are more over than Daniel Bryan. I disagree about him being a better version of Reigns, simply because I've yet to see an exceptional match from him. Reigns has delivered more exceptional matches than people give him credit for. I find it baffling that WWE doesn't seem to care about him, yet they refused to let Big Show or Rusev- who both were being built for more relevant feuds- to go over him.
Anyone who says anything about a chant being over but the person isn't is an idiot and I have no idea when that shit became a topic of discussion. It's funny nobody seemed to think about that when everyone else like Austin, Rock, etc had their shtick. Nobody says "well the rock isn't over it's the smela la la la la that's over" because it's stupid as shit

On to ryback. I like Ryback. They made mistake turning him heel, he had no plans post-Cena and people still liked him so there was no reason to do that.

He is limited from a performance standpoint because of his size and lack of cardio but he has the intangibles in spades. He's essentially another Warrior or Goldberg type. You don't really showcase him in long term feuds but you have him steamroll guys and occasionally chase a title, win said title and lose it due to cheating by the heel. He can be a top guys but not the top guy.

He's a big hit with the kids too it seems because he's one of those big, larger than life guys so if he stays healthy I think you looking at some Reigns vs Ryback main events within the next 3 years.
Anyone who says anything about a chant being over but the person isn't is an idiot and I have no idea when that shit became a topic of discussion. It's funny nobody seemed to think about that when everyone else like Austin, Rock, etc had their shtick. Nobody says "well the rock isn't over it's the smela la la la la that's over" because it's stupid as shit

On to ryback. I like Ryback. They made mistake turning him heel, he had no plans post-Cena and people still liked him so there was no reason to do that.

He is limited from a performance standpoint because of his size and lack of cardio but he has the intangibles in spades. He's essentially another Warrior or Goldberg type. You don't really showcase him in long term feuds but you have him steamroll guys and occasionally chase a title, win said title and lose it due to cheating by the heel. He can be a top guys but not the top guy.

He's a big hit with the kids too it seems because he's one of those big, larger than life guys so if he stays healthy I think you looking at some Reigns vs Ryback main events within the next 3 years.

To be fair, even Daniel Bryan acknowledged that the "Yes" chants are probably what got him over. With that said, while I think it's a fair discussion, I usually don't consider it too much myself. But remember that while Ryback had run out of steam as a tag team jobber heel to where he got mild boos, the audience would usually echo his 'feed me more' chants.
The trouble with Ryback is that he, as some others have noted, is a one trick pony. In all honesty, I don't book him at all if it is left to me. I future endeavor him. He is mediocre on the mic, occasionally tossing out a chuckle worthy joke, but offering nothing of merit as regards storyline. He is doddering and pedantic in the ring, with no technical ability to work a decent match. Even as a run them down, punch them out brawler he is lackluster. And to praise Ryback's skill set as being ahead of Reigns' is utterly ludicrous. Reigns has gotten much better and is much more fluid in the ring. And he was never as bad as Ryback to begin with. People shit on Cena for having the Five Moves of Doom, but some of those same people think that the Big Guy and his Two Moves of Mediocrity is special. And the man cannot cut a promo to save his life. Especially backstage, at which point he generally stares, fixated at an unknown spot behind and to either side of the camera, as he speaks in his halting half yell, like a toddler repeating the same routine over and again. Is it a TelePrompter? A cue card? Either way, if he must be booked, have him job to a newly returned Doink the Clown as a Main Event exclusive program.
I'd book Ryback as an enforcer, someone who will even the odds against the heels, someone who will stand up for people, like he did as Cesaro & Kidd's partner on RAW.

The problem with Ryback is that his act can get stale if used to freqeuently, he needs to be used correctly, and just the right amount of time per show. I'd keep him in the main picture though otherwise the more he drops down the ladder, the less the fans will care.
They need to book RYBACK on tv the same way they book him at live events because it works!! I've seen him several times live and he has gotten MASSIVE pops each time because he plays the defender of good, the Big guy that defends the underdog aka a real life super hero!

Each time I've seen RYBACK live somebody is in the ring (hornswoggle, Rene Young, etc) getting bullied and look as if they are about to be destroyed by some monster then his music hits & the place erupts!

So, if I was going to book him right now I would place him in a fued with Sheamus! Sheamus is walking around being a bully, picking on ZIGGLER, etc & I would have RYBACK be the equalizer. Something along the lines of.....have Sheamus beating up Ryder or Slater to the point you think he is going to kill them & Ryback comes out & becomes the BIG GUY that stands up for the little guys! Can't be any worse than what he's doing now!
Ryback is tailor-made for standing up to Sheamus right now. The problem is I personally wouldn't undercut Ziggler right now, he is also on fire as a babyface.
I'd have him lose to Wyatt, but not clean. This might be the perfect time to bring Rowan and Harper back to help Bray. Everyone could win in the end because people would be stoked to see the Wyatt's back together and Ryback would look like a stud because he fended off three guys for awhile.

I wouldn't mind seeing him fight for the now vacant IC title. Even have him win it and defend it in an open challenge style, like Cena, except maybe have it be Smackdown exclusive. Having a few wins under his belt as IC champ could revitalize him. Also, maybe have the open challenge more towards veterans who are kind of in limbo with their gimmicks or storylines. Whereas Cena's fighting newer, up and coming stars, maybe have Ryback in matches with the likes of Fandango, Adam Rose, Swagger, etc

Otherwise, if they bring back the trio teams, like I thought they would last year with Shield, Evolution, Wyatt's and to a much lesser extent 3MB, I wouldn't mind seeing him join forces with Sandow and Axel (as long as they drop the copying gimmick). Ryback can actually be pretty entertaining beyond 'Feed Me More.'

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