How would TNA originals do in WWE?


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Now, I was thinking about this the other day, around the time that I started watching wrestling faithfully, there was alot going on, but every once in awhile we would see some WCW guys make the switch over to the WWE(F),

1st. The Giant, or The Big Show.
2nd. Chris Jericho
3rd. The Radicalz (Benoit, EG, Dean Malinko, and Perry Saturn)

Now when all of these guys made the jump they were automatically put into a pretty big storyline.

Big Show-- Joined the Corporation and helped Vince out alot.
Jericho-- debuted and interrupted The Rock, (im not sure exactly who his first feud was w/ but thats a pretty big person to interrupt.)
Radicalz-- I remember them sitting in the front row the night they came in the wwe, I'm thinking that one of there first, if not thee first feud they had was against DX.

So all of these guys who had never been in the WWE before, make the jump and automatically get put in good, respectable story lines.

My Question is... Would this happen to TNA originals?

I'm not talking about guys like Jeff Hardy, RVD, Kurt Angle.
cuz we all know how Christian has been treated since returning to WWE. (although I would like to think if Angle ever decided to come back, he'd be used a little differently.)
I'm talking about guys who have never been in The WWE.
Probably with the exception of Sting, Cause I think it would be safe to say, if the Stinger made the jump, he'd be getting a pretty good push.

But what about guys like AJ Styles, Joe, Abyss, Beer Money, MCMG's, etc?
would they be put in good storylines? get title shots?

What dou you guys think?
well, take a look at Kaval.. or the other guy (i dont remember his name now) they were both TNA, and came over and where are they? FCW. did Jericho, or eddie, or big show have to go to the minors before coming up? no. and how have they used Kaval? paired him up with LayCool (dont mind that as much) and have him lose most of his one on one matches, and get his ASS kicked my sheamus. TNA guy will not get the same reaction, or treatment that the old WCW guys got, because TNA is not a household name yet, it really is like the old ECW, more then it is WCW, but give it a few years, and maybe we'll see.
If a wrestler has left the WWE and gone to TNA and then come back, they have gotten the short end of the stick ie. Christian and Gail Kim. But I do think that people that come from TNA can still be successful, we just haven't seem to many move to the WWE from TNA. Kaval in nXt is looking quite good right now but I would like to see what he can do on either RAW or SD! and see how his character is treated on the big stage. I don't think many stars from TNA would fit well in the WWE's current style and rating. However, I could see Beer Money Inc. as very big stars in WWE if they made the move, either as a tag team or if they split up and went there seperate ways as they are both great on the mic and in the squared circle.
It's very hard to say for sure. Some guys that came to WWE from elsewhere found great success, while others were pretty much fed to the wolves. The majority of WCW and ECW guys that came in over the past decade have been misused, such as Jerry Lynn, Rhyno, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Diamond Dallas Page, Lance Storm, Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome. But there have been some that persevered and went on to accomplish a lot, such as Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and Team 3D/Dudley Boyz.

As far as TNA goes, there are a couple of guys I think that could do well in WWE if they make the jump. Considering how critical many of the TNA athletes have been recently, it wouldn't be surprising to see an exodus much like we saw 10 years ago with the Radicalz.

But back to the topic: I'd see Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Latin American Xchange, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Desmond Wolfe and Samoa Joe making the jump. Those are the ones I see having a realistic chance of success in WWE.

But as long as you can add some value or bring something to the table, should it really matter if you've found success outside of WWE?
The WWE will never put TNA stars over their own. Case in point Ron killings, was shit as K kwik became successful as The Truth, came to WWE one of the most over faces, yet constantly jobbed out. WWE treats all of it's creations better than people who made themselves successful, look at CM Punk, first time he lost the world title he wasn't even in the match, he has the best feud of the year with Jeff hardy and is then jobbed out to the undertaker and forced to manage Festus and mercury. The only guys who jumped and got good treatment were the guys who had never worked for Vince before and were seen as helping him beat the competition.

And even the. Those guys are still treated worse, big show, Jericho are routinely made the bitches of the vince brigade. TNA stars would be ruined.
Aside from Kaval, who has had a fairly decent push on NXT being paired with the unbelievably sexy Laycool, they are extremely likely to either be jobbed out or to be stuck on the midcard for years despite being seemingly over with the fans. I see basically 2 outcomes that could happen, they could go the way of Brayden Walker, aka Chris Harris, or go the way of R-Truth. Brayden Walker was extremely over in TNA as Chris Harris and part of one of the biggest tag teams that they had at the time and he was thrust with an unbelievably bland gimmick that had him doing knock knock jokes and saying his name all of the time. This guy had a total of 2 matches, and while he won both of them, the performances he gave in the matches were less than decent and the finishes were extremely wtf before he was let go pretty much immediately after his second match. Now in R-Truth's case he was an extremely over main eventer in TNA and even teamed with Pacman Jones in a strange gimmicky way a few years ago and now he has been jobbing and yet still garnering a great fanbase somehow. Sure he has already won a singles champion in a less than stellar reign but he has also managed to defeat the Miz, DiBiase, and others on many occasions and has been placed on Team Cena at Summerslam so things could be looking up for him in the not too distant future. While a great deal of TNA stars are over there I doubt that they could do all that well in the WWE and would most likely get the Chris Harris treatment though most likely stay longer and be slightly more memorable, since Vince seems fairly against letting former TNA guys get the good gimmicks at first.
In my opinion, wrestlers from rival factions should get the short end of the stick. Take the invasion angle of 2001, of course Vince McMahon going to book the WWE guys over the Alliance. Why push two promotions that went defunct over the one left standing? It doesn't make sense. Of course, you can make more business....but did those defunct company made business with those guys? Not enough to prevent their assets being dumped to VKM.

People brought up the argument of Braden Walker... what happened after they "knock knock", "who's there?", "2-0", "featured endeavored!" him? Did he go back to the TNA to prove that the WWE dropped the ball on him? Remember Stunning Steve Austin when he left WCW and headed to the WWE (opps, i forgot about his short stint in that promotion in Philly, well i'm not only one, 80% of the wrestling market back then did the same thing). Austin had to start with the likes of Savio Vega the same way Braden Walker had to start with the E(C-show)W. And if the WWE dropped the ball on him, why hasn't anyone picked him...right....back.....up.

So if the TNA originals were to arrive at Planet WWE, they need to work themselves up the food chain...since they are at the bottom of it (long way to climb, that's why Kaval was made into a rookie). If the WWE saw huge potential in them, they will get push the way Y2J was pushed when he first stepped foot in the WWE. Otherwise, if TNA couldn't exploit them to megastardom, why should WWE bother? There is only soo many Stone Cold, Mick Foley, you named them from a bag of chips (rival roster). And for everyone of them, you'll get a bus full of busts, selling out bingo hall caliber talent.
The WWE will never put TNA stars over their own. Case in point Ron killings, was shit as K kwik became successful as The Truth, came to WWE one of the most over faces, yet constantly jobbed out. WWE treats all of it's creations better than people who made themselves successful, look at CM Punk, first time he lost the world title he wasn't even in the match, he has the best feud of the year with Jeff hardy and is then jobbed out to the undertaker and forced to manage Festus and mercury. The only guys who jumped and got good treatment were the guys who had never worked for Vince before and were seen as helping him beat the competition.

And even the. Those guys are still treated worse, big show, Jericho are routinely made the bitches of the vince brigade. TNA stars would be ruined.

This post actually made me laugh it is so full of shit. Ron Killings is being jobbed out? Why is he in the main event at Summerslam? Why is he one of RAWs biggest faces? Vince must be really punishing him for having once been in TNA, to put him in the main event of one of the WWE's biggest PPVs...

The best you can come up with is CM Punk? Really? (although wasn't he more ROH than TNA?) The same CM Punk that won the money in the bank? Wow Vince hates him. The same CM Punk who is Smackdown's number 1 heel? Vince must really hate him. You act like Punk is the only champion ever to get "screwed" out of a title. You also make it sound like he is the only one who ever had to lose to the Undertaker. Because that NEEEEEEEVEEEERRRRRR EEEEEEEVEER happens to anyone else.

Next, you claim Vince only rewards those who come to the WWE from another company, if they had never been a previous WWE employee. This made me about piss my pants I was laughing so hard. How many titles did Jeff Hardy win before he left the WWE the first time? How many did he win after coming back? Hardy was a long time WWE employee who left and wrestled for another company. After he comes back, he gets a bigger push than he ever had his first time around.

Then there a previous WWF employee, who left Vince, made a lot of money for a rival that almost put Vince out of business, who returned. By your logic, upon returning, Vince buried him. Well...if you count a Wrestlemania match with one of Vince's biggest stars being buried. If you count winning the WWE title after returning as being buried. If you count winning the tag team titles with a current main eventer being buried. If you count getting a feud with Vince himself, and coming out on top being buried. Yeah, you are right. Vince McMahon fucking buried Hulk Hogan on his return. He buried him so deep, he put him in the WWE HOF.

Jericho is obviously being buried too. He is totally Vince's bitch. Being one of the top heels in the entire company proves how much Vince hates him.

Your entire post is completely invalidated by reality.
If you were to look at history, then it's easy to think that the TNA Originals wouldn't be used very well in the WWE. I do believe that Vince missed a golden opportunity when it came to WCW. Vince allowed the rivalry with WCW to become personal, which I don't think was something that he could have avoided given some of the things that Eric Bischoff pulled. After all, when a guy comes right out and says that he wants to put you out of business, how can you not take that personal? Vince won the war against WCW but, instead of using the WCW brand and maybe even keeping it operating, he buried it to signify that he ultimately did win. I understand why he did it, but it was still a major screw up on his part.

There's been a lot of talk about how the ECW Originals were treated in WWE since TNA's recent ECW reunion show. I agree that a lot of the guys in ECW didn't exactly get used or treated well, but the difference there is that, quite frankly, most of the ECW guys really weren't all that good to begin with. I know that the ECW diehards will balk at this as they tend to look at ECW through rose colored glasses in much the same way some TNA fans look at TNA, but most of the wrestlers in ECW really weren't worth having around. I'd agree that Vince probably did make mistakes in regards to a few members of the ECW roster that actually had some talent, but most of them were just dead weight.

When it comes to TNA Originals, well I don't think anybody can really say for sure. Some TNA marks will flat out say that they'd get buried and some WWE marks will flat out say that there'd be no doubt they'd be used well. In the end, I really don't know here. There are a lot of guys in TNA with talent and if the WWE managed to get some of them and wound up screwing up with them because of their past association with TNA, then the WWE would deserve any and all criticism flung their way.
This post actually made me laugh it is so full of shit. Ron Killings is being jobbed out? Why is he in the main event at Summerslam? Why is he one of RAWs biggest faces? Vince must be really punishing him for having once been in TNA, to put him in the main event of one of the WWE's biggest PPVs...

Lost his only title 2 weeks after winning it. Is one of the most over faces, yet his only success has been a 2 week reign as US champion. Ron Killings got over as a face about 3 weeks into his WWE run and he's accomplished what exactly? He's in a 7 man team for a PPV. WOW what a fucking achievement.

The best you can come up with is CM Punk? Really? (although wasn't he more ROH than TNA?) The same CM Punk that won the money in the bank? Wow Vince hates him. The same CM Punk who is Smackdown's number 1 heel?Vince must really hate him. You act like Punk is the only champion ever to get "screwed" out of a title. You also make it sound like he is the only one who ever had to lose to the Undertaker. Because that NEEEEEEEVEEEERRRRRR EEEEEEEVEER happens to anyone else.
Yeah he won a ladder match and wasn't even in the match were he lost the title, he has arguably the best feud in the past 3 years with the most over face in the company and is crushed in a squash match 2 months later. Now he's a mid-carder facing off against another mid-carder in a faction vs. monster angle. Remind me how again how well treated he is? He's got more mic skill than every person in the WWE, he's got better in-ring skills than everyone currently employed by the WWE, yet he's not on the top show and he's routinely made a bitch. Certainly CM Punk is treated with the same level of respect as the inferior talents made by Vince. :rolleyes:

Next, you claim Vince only rewards those who come to the WWE from another company, if they had never been a previous WWE employee. This made me about piss my pants I was laughing so hard.
Read again ******, he only rewarded guys who jumped and helped him beat the competition.

How many titles did Jeff Hardy win before he left the WWE the first time?
Light heavyweight championship, intercontinental championship, tag championship, european championship, hardcore championsip.

How many did he win after coming back?
Intercontinental, tag and world.

Hardy was a long time WWE employee who left and wrestled for another company. After he comes back, he gets a bigger push than he ever had his first time around.
Last I recall he was in a rather acclaimed match in 2002 for the Undisputed Title and it was at a time when he was only a mid-carder. Not to mention that Hardy's first TNA run was relativly eventless and never drew attention away from the WWE.

Then there a previous WWF employee, who left Vince, made a lot of money for a rival that almost put Vince out of business, who returned. By your logic, upon returning, Vince buried him. Well...if you count a Wrestlemania match with one of Vince's biggest stars being buried. If you count winning the WWE title after returning as being buried. If you count winning the tag team titles with a current main eventer being buried. If you count getting a feud with Vince himself, and coming out on top being buried. Yeah, you are right. Vince McMahon fucking buried Hulk Hogan on his return. He buried him so deep, he put him in the WWE HOF.
Hulk Hogan can't be buried, simple fact. You think there was nothing in it for Vince to keep Hogan around? Hogan's the only person in the history of wrestling who can pretty much control every outcome imaginable. Not to mention that Hogan was pretty willing to lose clean to The Rock, HHH, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, etc. during his second run. Try again.

Jericho is obviously being buried too. He is totally Vince's bitch. Being one of the top heels in the entire company proves how much Vince hates him.
hmm, Jericho didn't he just lose 2 matches to Evan Bourne? Didn't he go from WHC to jobber in the span of 3 months? Yeah, remind me again how Jericho isn't a fucking door mat by comparison to guys like HHH?

Your entire post is completely invalidated by reality.
No, that'd be your post. Being put in a main event match doesn't mean you get the best treatment possible. Booker T was in the main event against the Rock in Summerslam 01, he was also partnered with Goldust a year later, but I guess that doesn't matter. According to you, anyway.
I half agree with Reddannihilation and half Davi, but i'll only address Reddannihialtions post.

Lost his only title 2 weeks after winning it. Is one of the most over faces, yet his only success has been a 2 week reign as US champion.

Is R-Truth really that over? I obviously need to turn my TV up because i'm not hearing massive pops when he does ANYTHING. Just because people sing along to your theme music doesn't mean you're one of the biggest faces on the brand, otherwise Al Snow was a hugely over face.

Ron Killings got over as a face about 3 weeks into his WWE run and he's accomplished what exactly? He's in a 7 man team for a PPV. WOW what a fucking achievement.

I've not seen SSlam yet, but i bet he got beat with a shit move in about 2 minutes right? As much as it is the ME of Summerslam of all PPVs, being in a match where the majority of your involvement is standing on the ring apron and getting eliminated immediately after say, a clothesline does not reflect well on you in the eyes of the audience.

And he wasn't put in that match due to star power was he, really? It was because they needed 7 guys for a tag match and only had Edge, Jericho and Cena as actual ME talent to use, so they needed 4 more guys. When one if Bret 'The Cripple' Hart and originally The Great Khali (yes there was a swerve, i know, but still) that makes Truth and JoMo look like C-listers, alongside the novelty act and the KissCam giant.

Yeah he won a ladder match and wasn't even in the match were he lost the title, he has arguably the best feud in the past 3 years with the most over face in the company and is crushed in a squash match 2 months later.

You're talking about both his 1st two reigns at once here aren't you? It's confusing.

He won MiTB........ so? That means he got the instant title reign award just to see if he could draw with it. So they weren't saying 'we know he'll do well as champ' it was 'let's see how well he does as champ'. And then jobbed him out repeatedly throughout the reign. He didn't actually beat anyone during that title reign except JBL. Every other match ended in DQs or run ins.

His second MiTB win resulted in him jobbing to Kane and Umaga in succession and then suddenly becoming champion. So i've got to agree, Punk's been given a golden opportunity, but also had his legs taken out from him with shitty booking decisions. I don't think it's Vince doing a 'I'll prove the TNA stars can't get over like my WWE stars' attitude, but the way they booked Punk during that time frame was fuckin' stupid.

And Jeff may have been one of the most over, but he definitely wasn't the most over.

Now he's a mid-carder facing off against another mid-carder in a faction vs. monster angle. Remind me how again how well treated he is?

Just be thankful he's actually on the PPV.

He's got more mic skill than every person in the WWE,

No he doesn't. He's as good as guys like Edge and Jericho, but he's certainly not better than them.

he's got better in-ring skills than everyone currently employed by the WWE,

Well we'll never know really, since no one is really able to show their true capabilities in the 'E' these days. I hope you're not saying that because he has semi-flashy moves list. His ring psychology isn't always great, but then who's is these days?

yet he's not on the top show and he's routinely made a bitch. Certainly CM Punk is treated with the same level of respect as the inferior talents made by Vince. :rolleyes:

The fact that he's actually leading a stable and is given a microphone frequently AND wrestles ME talent on a regular basis, completely contradicts that statement.

Read again ******, he only rewarded guys who jumped and helped him beat the competition.

Vince rewards those who he thinks deserves it (fuck knows what Swagger did to earn a Title reign, but anyway....). Big Show, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, HHH, Booker T, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, RVD and Jeff Hardy are examples of guys who jumped ship and busted their asses for ages before they became World Champions working for Vince McMahon.

Steve Austin, their biggest talent ever (arguably), still spent a year as The Ringmaster, and then another 2 years trying to shake that terribel gimmick before they put the belt on him.

Foley had to damn near cripple himself 50 odd times before Vince made him the champion.

Benoit and Guerrero had to wait 5 years a piece before becoming champions.

Jeff had to prove he was reliable for 2 years before he became champion and then what? The ******** went and jacked it in didn't he? From the moment they had that Survivor Series match where he and HHH teamed up in '07, Jeff Hardy WAS the ME scene in the WWE. And where had he been just prior to his return again?.......

Light heavyweight championship, intercontinental championship, tag championship, european championship, hardcore championsip.

Only 2 of those 5 titles actually exist anymore and aren't really worth acknowledging, especially as they were simply invented so that WWE could say they actually pandered to the cruiserweight and hardcore wrestling fans. Once those styles of wrestling became less popular and the other companies were gone, Vince got rid of them almost immediately.

Intercontinental, tag and world.

World title x3 after 2 years as a ME'er, compared to how many years where he only ever had one title shot?

Last I recall he was in a rather acclaimed match in 2002 for the Undisputed Title and it was at a time when he was only a mid-carder.

It's only acclaimed because so many Hardy fan boys thought he'd actually win it for a few seconds so therefore it must have been an amazing match.

It's 15 minutes of Jeff doing half of the same old crap he usually does, and the rest of it is him getting his ass handed to him by Taker. It's not that great a match.

Not to mention that Hardy's first TNA run was relativly eventless and never drew attention away from the WWE.

At that stage in Jeff's career and TNA's existance, why would it have?

Not to mention that Hogan was pretty willing to lose clean to The Rock, HHH, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, etc. during his second run.

But not Orton, who needed the rub more than anyone else out of that list you just gave.

hmm, Jericho didn't he just lose 2 matches to Evan Bourne? Didn't he go from WHC to jobber in the span of 3 months? Yeah, remind me again how Jericho isn't a fucking door mat by comparison to guys like HHH?

I respect Jericho for that. Here's Evan Bourne, who Vince probably resents pushing because he's small but does because Cena and a few others think he has talent, and Jericho is willing to help him get over and help prove to Vince that Bourne's a valuable asset. HHH rarely does that. In fact Sheamus might just be the only person he's ever done it for.

Now i know someone's going to mention dropping the IC belt to Jeff, but seriously? Why was HHH even wearing that belt then? Just so he could pair up with Austin? And didn't he just take it straight back?

No, that'd be your post. Being put in a main event match doesn't mean you get the best treatment possible. Booker T was in the main event against the Rock in Summerslam 01, he was also partnered with Goldust a year later, but I guess that doesn't matter. According to you, anyway.

And yeah, i have to agree whole heartedly with that. Being in one ME doesn't mean you're not going to be jobbing to Santino somewhere down the line in your career or trying to get audiences to give a shit about you fueding with Jerry Lawler over nothing.
Yeah he won a ladder match and wasn't even in the match were he lost the title, he has arguably the best feud in the past 3 years with the most over face in the company and is crushed in a squash match 2 months later.

You're mixing up your times a bit pal, you failed to mention the fact that during his first title reign he was a complete failure. CM Punk, as a face, was not over with the fans. No, it wasn't because he was weakly booked, it was because he was shit. If I recall correctly the crowd soon began to turn on Punk and THAT is why he wasn't in the match to lose the title.

CM Punk is talented, very talented, but he is NOT the wrestling messiah. Calling him the best in-ring wrestler in the WWE is laughable, he's never wrestled a match that will be regarded as a classic. Had Punk cut the same promos he did on Hardy on anyone else he wouldn't have elicited the same response. Jeff Hardy made CM Punk.

On the subject of pushes, people earn/don't earn pushes for a variety of reasons. Regardless of talent and crowd reaction it's also about backstage attitude, something none of us have a right to comment on as we don't work backstage.

And to the other dude saying Hardy wasn't the most over: How come he was selling the most merch and getting the loudest reactions every night? Hardy was the most over face of the year 2009, I don't know how anyone can dispute this.
You're asking two questions here, IMO – one being how would Vince use the newly acquired TNA talents, presuming he somehow acquired a mass of them, that has one answer, and what would happen to said talents over time, which has another answer.

To me, the former is simple – he'd use them just as he's used all other ex-TNA talent since they came to the company, on the D and C-shows, slowly built to the B and A-shows as mid-card/enhancement talent. I highly doubt another invasion angle would take place, but as unlikely as it is to happen, were it to, I'd imagine it would go similarly the route of Nexus or the original WCW invasion angle with all the invaders ultimately losing when it matters most, as what matters most to Vince is his boys and his company coming out on top, as always.

The answer to the second would is a little more difficult to answer, but considering the lack of real success outside of perhaps Jericho in terms of raw ex-WCW talent actually getting over in his company, I'd imagine the odds are still against any of the would-be ex-TNA talent being able to do the same. Not even DDP or Booker T – two of the biggest names in WCW – were really able to capture that brass ring of success in the WWE at all, so I'd be hard-pressed to presume guys like AJ Styles or otherwise would either.
And to the other dude saying Hardy wasn't the most over: How come he was selling the most merch and getting the loudest reactions every night? Hardy was the most over face of the year 2009, I don't know how anyone can dispute this.

I don't think he was that's how. You say he was selling the most merch? Go find me the figures comparing Jeff's merch sales and Cena's, and then i'll admit i'm wrong. And don't try and use pops as a means of judging how over someone is. WWE edit the fan reactions on their programming all the time, ESPECIALLY on SD.

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