How would have the new WWE "kids" debut?


Little Jimmy
So, over the last few weeks/months the WWE has signed Awesome Kong, Sin Cara and Tyler Black...this thread is simple how would you debut them.

Since the WWE is usually about debuting new superstars right after Mania (See: Lesnar, Brock: 2002) the one rule about this debut is that you have to debut this superstar AFTER Mania. (So no debuting someone to insert them into a current storyline)

You can pick just one, 2 or all 3 of the mentioned new talents. Also, please specify what brand.

For me:

Awesome Kong: I'd debut her at Extreme Rules after Mania. Have a bunch of random divas found laid out in the back. Eventually, Beth Phoenix wins the Divas Title and challenges whoever is destroying the other divas to a match. Extreme Rules we get a falls count anywhere match for the Divas title...Beth vs Kong...then at Over the Limit we see them in a Last Woman Standing Match...later on we can see Kong vs Natalya and others...

Tyler Black: I'd debut him on SmackDown after Extreme Rules as a darker character. Not Vampire or Zombie dark, but kind of quiet and goth like...let him slowly destroy and dismantle his opponents. Lead him to a match with Kofi for the IC title which could steal the show. After that, just let him slow build. When Bragging Rights comes around, I would love to see Black and CM Punk or Daniel Bryan put on a wrestling clinic (maybe move Bryan to SD! in the draft to let this match happen at SummerSlam for the IC title)

Sin Cara: Assuming Del Rio wins the WHC at Mania; I'd have Del Rio then face Mysterio at Extreme Rules in an I Quit Match...Have Mysterio say "I Quit" and disappear. On an ep of SD! after, he does the same to Chavo. This prompts Del Rio to say that he's the greatest Mexican in the WWE and no one can touch him. This leads to Sin Cara coming out and challenging Del Rio for the WHC. Del Rio beats Sin Cara...but Cara is made to look good enough to stay in the midcard for the rest of 2011.

Your thoughts?
Awesome Kong: Anonymous RAW GM says Eve has a mystery opponent at Mania. Kong debuts and squashes Eve for the title. Eve's title reign has made me want to make my eyes bleed and I cannot wait until Kong takes it from her. She is colossal and on the grandest stage of them all, she takes it from Eve. Yes I know it's WM and she wins her debut match. #1 like the Divas title means anything #2 Like people haven't won titles in their debut before.

Tyler Black: Air a bunch of vignettes for him. Debut him as a heel. It'd be good if he feuded with Kofi Kingston for the IC title. Start it off after enough vignettes, Kofi is in a random match on SD and Tyler walks out slowly, very dark like and just stands and stares right at Kofi on the ramp. Confused and distracted, Kofi loses and thus Tyler wants something Kofi has. Have him win some matches though before feuding with Kofi over the IC title. Maybe have him wrestle but still distract Kofi.

Sin Cara: Work in a program with Rey is really the best way to put it. Maybe once Del Rio gets the strap then Rey could be his first challenger. Del Rio is ambushing Rey and then out of nowhere, Sin Cara, after his massive hype, can get on the turnbuckle and hurricanranna Del Rio and chase him out of the ring and coming to Rey's aid.

But yours look pretty good as well.
I don't know enough about Black to comment on him, but here are the others:

Kong: They like to get a lot of Divas onto WM, so I envision a 3-on-3 match with something like LayCool and Vickie vs Eve, Kelly Kelly and Gail Kim. At some point, Vickie will be in the ring cowering from Kelly Kelly while LayCool, Eve and Kim are on the outside. Kong will storm the ring and destroy Kelly while Vickie does her evil laugh and announces her as her new enforcer.

Sin Cara: Depends on if he enters as a face or a heel. As a heel, I would have him cost Rey his match at WM to set up a series of matches over the next few months. Maybe he even aligns himself with Del Rio before turning on him at SS. As a face, I think Rey wins WM and on the following SD, Cody Rhodes comes out and destroys Rey. The next week, an injured Rey says he has a friend that wants to meet Rhodes at Extreme Rules. We never meet the person until the match itself when it's Sin Cara. Rey and him can have a run as tag champions or something. Then Rey wins the title at Royal Rumble and Sin Cara wins the Rumble, and chooses to face Rey.
Cody beats Rey up heavily the smackdown before mania and when he gets to mania expects no Reay, but Rey shows up anyway, looking like not problem at all, Rey faces Rhodes at WM only really it's Sin Cara with Rey's mask on, Cody wins and takes the mask of to find another mask underneath it, only this mask is Sin Cara's which results in Confusion until Smackdown.

I'm eagerly awaiting Kong, but i think she'll most likely end up as someone's enforcer which tends to happen with overly sized athletes, i mean imagine her coming in winning the divas title at mania...who in the heck had a chance of taking that from her...ever!
Awesome Kong: Eve and some other face diva, except for Beth, beat Lay-Cool (if they're still together, if not the Bellas) in tag match. When they're celebrating the victory, Kong comes out and absolutely crushes them while the heel team runs away.

Tyler Black: All I know about him is that he worked for ROH. I never seen him work or know enough to answer for him.

Sin Cara: He's almost definitely gonna debut as a face. And his signing is already well known, even among the Universe. No surprise entrances here. Hype up his debut, acknowledge his popularity in Mexico, and make sure his first match showcases his talents well.
Sin Cara: Rey dominates WM; Following Smackdown, Rey has his near retirement speech (Similar to HHH) but wants a better challenge than Rhodes; Out comes Sin Cara; In his first english promo, Sin Cara (probably difficultly) tells Rey that he accepts his challenge. Sin wins his debut match & wins Rey's respect which could bring some prestige back to the WWE Tag Titles.

Awesome Kong: This can go 2 ways. 1) Vickie G. debuts Kong during a Divas title match on the following RAW (Yes RAW). Kong dominates everyone in the ring, thus bringing Kong into the title picture (Much Believable). Or 2) Air vignettes.

Tyler Black: First I want to say that WWE made a smart choice signing Rollins, but won't be smart if they didn't use him within the next 3 months. This can also go 2 ways, lazy or Active.
Lazy: Debut him as a new member of The Corre or Nexus
Active: Let Kofi hold the title until near Extreme Rules when Seth Rollins debuts during a Kofi promo, telling him to watch his back. I wouldn't have Seth talk much, just say eerie & intimidating sentences, but Vince loves promos, so just have Seth kinda scare Kofi into a match, and let Kofi retain. This builds a memorable feud seeing their athletic abilities.
Sin Cara: Mysterio beats Rhodes at wrestlemania and the following week on Smackdown Rhodes demands a rematch at Extreme Rules, and he wants it to be an I Quit match (since all matches have some type of stipulation) and Mysterio accepts. At Extreme Rules, Cody beats Mysterio but continues to punish him after the match. At that point, Sin Cara runs down to the ring and beats up Rhodes. Mysterio is then injured and Sin Cara feuds with Rhodes.

Kong: will just dominate any diva in sight or become a bodyguard for somebody

Tyler Black: I am not too familiar with him but I really hope he is not put on NXT. Since being online it is not too important to most and he won't get enough time to be recognized
Kong: Show up on RAW following WM and destroy the divas...all of them (faces and heels). Instant heat.

Tyler Black: Run-in during a random Daniel Bryan match or segment and beat DB down. Grab a mic afterwords to explain that the two of them "come from the same place" and Black has a problem with DB for whatever reason. Instant feud.

Sin Cara: Show up on Smackdown following WM & destroy Rhodes and Mysterio. Instant heat, instant high profile and instant feud/s.
Im going to go with Sin Cara,

My only problem here is, even though Mania is over, the storylines carry over after it ends.. sooo im assuming you mean to not interrupt any storylines before Mania. with that in mind.

Face storyline:

Cody Rhodes loses to Mysterio at mania, but is then furious enough to beat Mysterio down trying to remove his mask, Rey goes unconscious, laying lifeless as Rhodes digs his fingers underneath the mask. Rhodes starts to pull off the mask, getting it past Rey's jaw, up towards his nose. All of a sudden, the lights go out, cameras are flashing, and out comes The Man Without a Face, the crowd goes electric, Sin Cara makes his way down the ramp, and into the ring completely dominating Rhodes, saving Mysterio from getting his mask removed.

He doesnt have to wrestle a match to make an impact at first.

Heel storyline:

Again at mania, Edge vs Del Rio for the World Championship.
Del Rio is dominating the match, but it gets turned around, Edge starts in on Del Rio, finally hitting the spear,both are down, and when its seemingly going to be Edge's win, out from the crowd comes a masked wrestler, who most would know is Sin Cara, Ricardo Rodriguez jumps on the apron to keep the ref from counting both Edge and Del Rio out, Sin Cara jumps up and hits Edge with this amazing move, thus helping Del Rio win the World Championship, they then have a Mexican Celebration in the ring.

Ok that one wasnt as well thought out, but whatever it works. lol
I think it would be too obvious to have Sin Cara feud with Del Rio/Mysterio. Why not have him debut on RAW, to draw the Mexican fans to both RAW and Smackdown (RAW for Mistico, Smackdown for Rey, with Del Rio teetering between). I don't think he could be put into a feud as of yet due to his poor English skills, so have him debut against say Evan Bourne, and take it from there. To spotlight him way too early without English wouldn't make sense.

As for Kong, she should just run rampant on the womens division, backstage, during their matches etc, until winning the womens championship and holding it til easily next year.
Sin Cara - I'd have video package hyping him coming, then debut him on Smackdown sometime after WrestleMania. He's their new "it guy" and I'd build him slowly with a long winning streak, maybe give him a good reign as I-C Champion.

I must disagree with those who want to throw him in with Rey Misterio right off the bat. Sin vs. Rey is a major PPV match and should only take place at SummerSlam or WrestleMania, and should be used for Rey to "pass the torch" to Sin.

Awesome Kong - Personally, I'd like to see her squash every so-called "diva" in WWE who was hired purely because she looked good in a bikini but couldn't wrestle (e.g., Kelly Kelly, The Bellas, ...). Alas, I see her either being Vickie Guerrero's bodyguard or her being humiliated in a match with Trish. I can tell you right now they are NOT going to do a redux of Kong's feud with Gail Kim.

I'm drawing a blank on what to do with Tyler Black, so I'll have to pass on him.
Well, i would debut sin cara next show after wrestlemania when del rio and rhodes are beating rey down then, he makes a run in and hits the la mistica to one of them sending a strong message to the world

For kong i would debut her the night after mania when there is a triple threat match or else and gm sends a mail making it fatal 4 way with addition of kong who comes and squashes everyone to become champion in her debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sin Cara needs to be involved with Mysterio on his debut, as if he is acknowledging the great Lucha Libre star... and then take over from him by defending his honour and tagging with him (against maybe Del Rio/Rhodes) before moving into his own feuds
I don't think that Sin Cara's debut shoud have anything to do with Mysterio. It seems that everyone assumes that this is what wi happen. I'm sure a match between the two of them woud be epic but it needs to be saved for next year's Wrestlemania.

What shoud happen is he shoud be used to bring a rebirth so to speak of the cruiserweight division. On the Raw after Mania either McMahon comes out or the Raw G.M. announces that the belt is being reintroduced and a tournament wil take place to crown a new champion. Sin Cara wil debut in this tournament. The tourney will include Sin Cara, Evan Bourne, Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, Chavo Guerrerro, Trent Barretta, Tyson Kidd, and the debut of either Hunico(aso formey known as Mystico) or Xavier Woods(Consequences Creed). In the end it would come down to Sin Cara vs. Evan Bourne for the new Cruiserweight Championship and after a phenomonal match Bourne would come out on top they would shake hands and celebrate and then Sin Cara will leave the ring to give Bourne his moment only to be attacked by Alex Kozlove on the stage. Kozlov was shown in the video hyping Sin Cara on Raw ast night and being familiar with the lucha libre style it would be a good first feud for Sin Cara.
Sin Cara- I'd have Sin Cara cost Rey Mysterio the match at Wrestlemania and come out the next Smackdown and say that Rey Mysterio is too old to be the masked savior of the WWE, and there's an instant feud that will culminate at Summerslam. Sin Cara needs to be heel in order to make an impact. This needs to happen because it's the only plausible way to have Sin Cara debut.

Awesome Kong- I would have her debut next week on Raw and let it be known that she wants the Diva's Championship. She would go against Eve at Wrestlemania and go over. This is again, the best way to have her make an impact.

Tyler Black- With guys like him, WWE always has a chance to make it epic, but it usually ends up being lazy.

Lazy- Tyler Black will probably debut as a member of the Corre, NxT, or Nexus.
How I Would Do It- I would have Sheamus win the United States Championship next week on Raw, and retain at Wrestlemania. The next night on Raw, have Sheamus brag about how he beat the only man worthy of the US Title (DBD), and how he's going to go after Cena or Miz, whoever the champion is at the time. Tyler Black would then come out and state that he wants to win the US Title in his debut match. Black would win by DQ, and start a feud with Sheamus.

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