How Will King Mo Be Booked Once He's on the Active Roster?

Where will King Mo be on the card post-BFG?

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So King Mo debuted on Impact, pretty nice debut, and I like his music too, would've liked him to have spoken on the mic but other than that no real complaints. I watched him on the Impact post show and he does seem to be a very knowledgeable fan.

Now people will inevitably compare the scenario we have with Tyson as enforcer for Austin vs HBK. Now here Tyson was shown in kayfabe to be at least on par with both of them in a fight (and why wouldn't he, he's the baddest man on the planet after all!)

They seem to be going along the same route with Mo, they showed that Roode backed down from him. But once this is all done with, will Mo be on the same main event level as Storm and Roode? Or will he be put down on the card?
I'm gonna say he'll end up being a mid card guy or a tag guy. If I had to choose, I would find him a tag partner. The tag division is lacking so they can use another team. Also King Mo is gonna be green in the ring, and I have no doubt that TNA will debut him too soon, so they should get him a veteran tag partner.
I can't see his career in TNA lasting long. He's gonna be doing both MMA & professional wrestling at the same time, that's a schedule that will not work out and eventually he will have to pick one to leave and I don't see him picking MMA. If it couldn't work out for Bobby Lashley, it won't for him either.

Post-BFG, I see him feuding with either Storm or Roode, whoever he costs the match at BFG, but I think it will likely be Roode cause Storm needs to win to end the feud once & for all and Roode has pretty much faced every main eventer including Aries & Hardy but Storm hasn't, so I can see Storm getting the first shot at the champion after the PPV. Roode will blame him for his loss to Storm, leading to Mo's debut match at Turning Point against Roode and King Mo will defeat him. Once he's done with Roode, I
think we'll get a feud between Kurt Angle & King Mo to see who is the better (freestyle) wrestler/submission specialist, that will be looked at as a "dream match" for TNA. Another "dream match" is Samoa Joe vs. King Mo, which I also see happening.

After that, it's hard to say where he will go due to his MMA-wrestling schedule and because we don't know how he is in the ring yet. Like I said though, he won't last long in TNA but those matches with Roode, Angle & Joe are bound to happen while he's still there.
I don't think he will be used as main event talent. HE IS, after all, first and foremost, an MMA Star, not a Pro Wrestler.
I don't see King Mo's career lasting all that long in TNA. I don't really have any reason for thinking that, it's just something in my gut telling me. I might be completely wrong on this, but I have a feeling that Mo is there because he sees it as a relatively easy gig that he'll make a good deal of money from. Mo wouldn't be the first guy from "legitimate sports" to crossover into pro wrestling thinking that it's gonna be easy money. I believe that was part of the motivation for Adam "Pacman" Jones signing to TNA several years back and we all saw how well that turned out.

As for where he'll ultimately wind up on the roster, that's hard to say. In my opinion, the smart move would be to place King Mo in a tag team in which his partner is able to carry him. As has been pointed out, Mo is completely green so he's most definitely gonna have shortcomings & weaknesses that can only be overcome by experience and time. However, the fact that TNA has made something of a big deal about this suggests, to me at least, that they might not go the smart route. They might put him right in the middle of a feud against Bobby Roode after BFG. There's already "tension" between them after Mo's debut last Thursday so maybe TNA is hoping to get as much attention as possible out of Mo even if he's not really ready to feud with Roode, or really any other major star on the roster in singles competition. I admit that I might be wrong on that as I've never seen Mo wrestle. However, given the amount of time that he's been training and the fact that he's never wrestled a match on life television; it's a reasonable assumption.

While this ultimately means little, I think he needs to ditch that little crown or tiara or whatever the hell it was. It looked awful and made Jerry Lawler's crown lookl ike a million bucks.
While he shoved Roode on Impact the other day and had a face moment with Storm in the ring, how many faces walk around with a robe and a crown? I know his name is King Mo, but still. I see him costing Storm the match. This will lead to a feud between Mo and Storm, while Roode goes on to chase the TNA Title now that he will be able to after Jeff Hardy wins at BFG.

After both feuds are over, Storm calls out Roode for some "unfinished business." This is a perfect way to further build the feud between Storm and Roode and eventually make it for the Heavyweight Championship and get the proper payoff it deserves.

While it keeps Mo as a singles competitor, it is a great way to keep a long term feud going. Also, this gives Mo a good rub as he's competing against one of the most over guys in the company.

The main issue I see with this is where will Austin Aries be in this situation. He'll obviously have some kind of rematch, so this may take until Turning Point to all pan out.
Bobby Lashley. You can't do both full-time.

Professional boxers- and I'm talking about the elite of the elite here, the kind that sell on television- will take a fight every year or so. MMA fighters, on the other hand, will fight every six months, and spend much of the preceding time in a fight camp geared towards developing a strategy against a particular fighter. There's just way too much of a time commitment to be a professional wrestler AND a mixed martial artist, full time, at the same time.

King Mo is on a bit of a hiatus from MMA fighting right now, however. (One enforced by the various state athletic associations.) He's got the time to put in appearances to help sell the biggest PPV of TNA's year. Afterwards? His suspension is up in January, and you can expect a promoter to pick him up for a fight then. He'll be in camp, training. I'd expect him to do the Brock Lesnar thing, except with a lot less PPV buys. He'll show up, make an impact (pardon the pun), leave, and come back every once in a while.

And, likely, eventually disappear without people noticing it all that much.
TNA would be inept to use such a high profile signing in the mid card. King Mo will obviously end up feuding with Kurt Angle, there is no other real option. Mo, if he is to continue doing both MMA and wrestling, will have to be booked as unstoppable. Look how WWE dropped the ball having Lesnar lose to a cartoon character. Killed his heat immediately. TNA are surely not THAT stupid. Are they?????
You can't book a guy who is not going to be around very long or just part time as unstoppable. That just makes your whole roster look weak. Once he leaves you're stuck with a bunch of guys who just jobbed to a part timer. That is what you call losing heat.

The Lesnar comment is a joke because besides Punk, Lesnar gets the most heat. Plus he brings in the buyrates. Jobbing to Cena didn't hurt him at all.
It all depends on what TNA does about his MMA schedule, he will most likely end up in the mid-upper card division, or thats at least what I would do, but due to TNA's excellent booking team thel probebly throw him in a mainevent feud with bobby roode after BFG.

Also due to his MMA schedule, I don't think King Mo will make a impact in TNA or Pro Wrestling, I like that he wants to do both, but if you want to do good in one, you have to leave the other.
Just a thought here, what if TNA was able to book Kurt Angle vs King Mo in a sanctioned MMA fight?

I think it would be interesting. Kurt has been talking about a potential MMA fight, so why not do it in TNA to make money for his own company? Also there is a possibility that King Mo can bring MMA fans to watch the event. The only downside I see is if King Mo looses to a non-MMA guy he might look weak.

Either way, I think it's worth considering.
Just a thought here, what if TNA was able to book Kurt Angle vs King Mo in a sanctioned MMA fight?

I think it would be interesting. Kurt has been talking about a potential MMA fight, so why not do it in TNA to make money for his own company? Also there is a possibility that King Mo can bring MMA fans to watch the event. The only downside I see is if King Mo looses to a non-MMA guy he might look weak.

Either way, I think it's worth considering.

It would never work in a million years and it should never happen in Pro-Wrestling....EVER!

If you're talking about a legit MMA bout, King Mo would slaughter Angle cause he has so many nagging injuries, a broken neck and he's 43. If Daniel Puder could embarrass Angle back in the 2004 Tough Enough competition then King Mo could do it in seconds without breaking a sweat. Honestly, all he would need to do is just slap on a quick Rear Naked Choke as soon as the match starts and then it's over, Kurt would have to tap instantly or risk damaging his neck even more. Secondly, they would never let Angle compete in a real MMA fight, he tried to get on The Ultimate Fighter but Dana White said he didn't pass his medicals. Angle talking about getting into MMA is just a pipe-dream, it will never happen for him, he's so battered & broken down.

If you're talking a staged MMA fight, no MMA fans will tune in to see it cause they are fans of real fighting, this would be an insult to them and I don't think Pro-Wrestling fans would be interested in seeing it either. The majority of times Boxing matches, Sumo matches, MMA matches etc. have been booked in wrestling, fans have chanted "BORING" and "WE WANT WRESTLING". And seeing as it's TNA, this would just be a poor mockery - remember AJ Styles vs. Frank Trigg? Jeff Jarrett's MMA fights? - but then again, in any wrestling company it would be a poor mockery.
I don't see him lasting too long in TNA, but while they have him I am sure he will do some high profile feuds. I could see him against Angle for sure, and it looks like he an Bobby Roode will have issue with each other. Will be interesting to see how well he can go in the ring, and while he lasts I am sure they will use him as much as they can.
King Mo, isn't going to do anything major. He's just going to be to TNA what Mike Tyson was to WWE. A major name in combat sports who may get into some storylines with people, referee a match, etc. but probably isn't ever going to be in a big match over a title, or a match at all.
I can see one of King Mo's feuds in the future would be with Samoa Joe. I think the potential on that feud would be awesome if executed correctly.
Just from what I seen of King Mo last week, I hope he doesn't stay in TNA too long. He oversells things and is the stereotypical outside guy coming into pro wrestling just for media coverage. It isn't like he wants to be in wrestling just because he loves it. Another story of an underacheiver coming in to do something meaningful elsewhere to see if it sticks. This is Impact Wrestling's main problem. Instead of going after big name free agents like an MVP or John Morrison, they choose King Mo? To be honest, I am not a big fan of MMA nor do I even know who King Mo is. It's really just a shameful attempt by both TNA & Strikeforce to capatilize on media. People should be on television because of skill and merit and not to pander to the media.

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