How will Big Show/Kane be remembered?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know they've been around forever, and obviously been involved in every type of angle twice at this point in their careers, but Show and Kane are the only two Attitude Era guys still performing on a regular basis.

Fair enough their matches aren't as exciting as they were 10 years ago, but they're the two most seasoned wrestlers on the roster. I would've thought the 'real' wrestling fans would respect and appreciate the fact that these two guys care enough to keep going well past their heyday.

Must kinda suck for Big Show to be out performing, and have fans literally yell at him to retire. Moments like that are when wrestling fans cross the line from passionate to ungrateful.

My question is, how will Big Show and Kane be remembered in 15 - 20 years time? Will they be two of the most dedicated wrestlers to ever compete in the ring? Or will they be those two guys that always lost and everybody was sick of?
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and I'm sure with time, they will be remembered well, especially Kane.

I don't think fans are being ungrateful, they are sick of Big Show. I'm one of them. Not lying here, but if he retired tomorrow I'd be happy. You mentioned that they've been around forever, that's true, but why are they still on TV taking up a lot of time each week that should be given to younger talent? Why are they in almost every fucking main event on RAW in the last year?

Kane I like, in small doses, Big Show can eff off and never be seen again. I'm sick to death of him, and I used to like him.
As the people who stuck around too long and became irrelevant. No one will be interested in watching "concessions" or "corporate" Kane DVDs. They'll want to see him when he was a monster. The same for Big Show. No one wants to see him struggling to hit chokeslams. They want him when he was a legit monster. He has overstayed. Should have gone a long time ago, or at least gonevery part time.
I know they've been around forever, and obviously been involved in every type of angle twice at this point in their careers, but Show and Kane are the only two Attitude Era guys still performing on a regular basis.

Fair enough their matches aren't as exciting as they were 10 years ago, but they're the two most seasoned wrestlers on the roster. I would've thought the 'real' wrestling fans would respect and appreciate the fact that these two guys care enough to keep going well past their heyday.

Must kinda suck for Big Show to be out performing, and have fans literally yell at him to retire. Moments like that are when wrestling fans cross the line from passionate to ungrateful.

My question is, how will Big Show and Kane be remembered in 15 - 20 years time? Will they be two of the most dedicated wrestlers to ever compete in the ring? Or will they be those two guys that always lost and everybody was sick of?

One thing can be certainly sure about the Big Show. He will never be remembered as THE GIANT who beat Hulk Hogan for the World Championship Title in his debut match.. He'll be just remembered as the tallest and heaviest guy in the WWE. No ones gonna remember his time in the Ministry of Darkness or The Authority. He switched from Face to Heel way too often to be stable as a character. I guess he'll be remembered for a whining and weeping giant. Don't deem me as a Big Show hater. He's a great worker busting his ass for years but in 20 years people won't remember him much!!

As far as Kane is concerned, whatever crappy disdain he's right now, he'll be remembered as a Monster! He'll be remembered as the half brother of the Undertaker! He'll be remembered as the guy who had most eliminations in Royal Rumble history!

One thing can be certainly sure about the Big Show. He will never be remembered as THE GIANT who beat Hulk Hogan for the World Championship Title in his debut match.. He'll be just remembered as the tallest and heaviest guy in the WWE. No ones gonna remember his time in the Ministry of Darkness or The Authority. He switched from Face to Heel way too often to be stable as a character. I guess he'll be remembered for a whining and weeping giant. Don't deem me as a Big Show hater. He's a great worker busting his ass for years but in 20 years people won't remember him much!!

Come on man, don't be so salty... Big Show will be remembered as one of the greatest big men of all time along with Andre, Taker, and Kane. He's the only man to win the WCW, WWE, and ECW World titles and has been involved in feuds with everybody from Hulk Hogan to Stone Cold Steve Austin to John Cena... think about that. He's been one of the most solid hands for the past 12 years and deserves more respect than "fuck off" or "just retire already." He's put his heart into pro-wrestling and has done more than most can ever hope to accomplish. In his rookie year, I remember him hitting a top-rope dropkick... guy was impressive. In 20 years, the people that have followed Big Show his whole career will remember him very fondly. At least I hope they would.

Kane will be remembered as one of the most dominant men in WWE history, and as a bonafide monster.

Both are undoubtedly legends in professional wrestling.
I know they've been around forever, and obviously been involved in every type of angle twice at this point in their careers, but Show and Kane are the only two Attitude Era guys still performing on a regular basis.

Fair enough their matches aren't as exciting as they were 10 years ago, but they're the two most seasoned wrestlers on the roster. I would've thought the 'real' wrestling fans would respect and appreciate the fact that these two guys care enough to keep going well past their heyday.

Must kinda suck for Big Show to be out performing, and have fans literally yell at him to retire. Moments like that are when wrestling fans cross the line from passionate to ungrateful.

My question is, how will Big Show and Kane be remembered in 15 - 20 years time? Will they be two of the most dedicated wrestlers to ever compete in the ring? Or will they be those two guys that always lost and everybody was sick of?

I think they'll be remembered as two of the most versatile superstars WWE has ever had. They can switch back and forth as faces and heels and not experience a drop off. Sadly there's no younger big men I can say the same for. They're going to be missed.
To me Big Show and Kane will be remembered for being the first two SuperStars in history to ever win the WWE, WCW / World Heavyweight, and ECW Championship Title Belts. They both had memorable debuts. They both have great careers, and with both currently in the Authority, they are in a perfect storyline to retire, if they choose to. Of course that would entail a face turn against HHH, but who doesn't love a hero riding into the sunset story.
The Big Show is the greatest giant in wrestling history. I grew up with Andrè, but on his best day he wasn't a third as good as Big Show. Big Show could move for a big guy, and there's a reason he's a 7-Time World Champion and has been in main event matches at three WrestleManias and headlined one. He's held every title imagineable and worked with every big name in the business. I don't care what anybody says, Big Show is one of the greatest of all time.

Kane is also a great big guy. In terms of in-ring ability, he's not quite as good as Undertaker (post-2001, prior to that Taker was mediocre), but he's miles beyond most other big guys. He's held almost every title there is, and has run with every dumb storyline he's been given and made them work.

Both of these guys are future WWE Hall of Famers, but my personal preference is Big Show. He should be the headliner for his HoF class.
If audiences cheer for Kevin Nash, who wasn't as good of a worker and hogged the spotlight even more during his time, then they'll look fondly upon Big Show and Kane over time.
I think they'll be remembered as two of the most versatile superstars WWE has ever had. They can switch back and forth as faces and heels and not experience a drop off. Sadly there's no younger big men I can say the same for. They're going to be missed.

In the time of 15-20 years later, with the amount if casual fans in WWE, they certainly aren't going to remember anything about WCW or ECW. Tell me how many of the fans know the legacy of King Lawler? They can't find it out unless they made some DVD on him or when he's getting into the Hall Of Fame..I'm repeating it I'm not a Big Show hater, I respect his career..

Kane is one of the most successful characters in WWE history. He used to wrestle as Isacc Yankum - then as the fake Diesel. His debut was even better than The Undertakers 7 years earlier. His career went from strength to strength -hes held every major title in the WWE probably by now! His character should also evolve as it has done. He should return to being the mask wearing Kane - but slightly make it better than before - with a darker and edgier Kane - it would start a new chapter for Glenn Jacobs.
Before he retires (same as with Undertaker) - they have a mini world inside the WWE for Undertaker and Kane's gimmicks - they could get some youngsters in to that world and write that in to the storylines.

He is a Hall of Famer.

Big Show is also a Hall of Famer. But he wasn't ever an exceptional talent in WWF - he was always a special attraction performer. Big Show used to be very talented when he started in WCW - he used to do moonsalts.

His weight was a problem from 1999- 2005 - and his knees had their troubles about 10 years ago. He does not have the impact he could have still as he is over exposed on WWE TV shows. But he is a HOF'er and an all round great guy!
Why are they still around? The E can't find replacements for their larger than life statures. Not many super heavyweights out there these days.

How will they be remembered? As two of the greatest big men of all time. There are so many great accomplishments between the two. I just wish they would give me a chance to start remembering them.
Nobody ever cared about The Giant/Big Show. Kane made an imprint on the hearts of fans by being awesome during the Attitude Era. People are more forgiving of Kane and he doesn't attract the same barbed reactions as Big Show, whom people just wish would go away. With Kane, it's that they wish he was interesting again.

If Kane were to bow out with a final run as his 1997 incarnation (not the lame 2011 model) he'd be remembered very fondly and fans would be willing to overlook the last five or so years. Big Show will be remembered as an inconvenience.
WWE has truly not used these two well the last few years. Big Show seems to change from heel to face and back like the wind and Kane is no longer a scary monster because he has been booked to lose clean so many times to pretty much every top name on the roster. It's a shame because it has slowly killed the very real attraction these two were for very long.

I do think if WWE made a concerted effort to give a quality push to either one for an extended period they would re capture that lost appeal, especially with older fans who remember their former glories.

Big Show in particular has been one of if not the best "Big Men" in the ring performance wise for many years, and even though some minor health issues and age have slowed him down he can still deliver a very good match when asked.

Over all I think they'll be remembered as very important stars in WWE success through multiple decades, near the top of the second tier of performers, maybe not in the Cena/HHH level (which would be today's version of Austin/Rock or Hogan/Flair/Savage in terms of long term sustainability and success) but just underneath. And that's not a bad place to be, a place where guys like Lex Luger, Ted DiBiase, Ricky Steamboat, and many more live, not the absolute biggest of the biggest but very big.

Not every hitter can be Ted Williams or Babe Ruth but that doesn't mean someone cant be a great HOF caliber hitter.

Not every Quarterback can be Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana, or Tom Brady, but that doesn't mean they cant be a HOF caliber QB.

Big Show & Kane, despite how poorly they have been booked in recent years, will be remembered as such.
Both Kane and Big Show will both be fondly remembered in the future, as they've boh accomplished a huge amount in their careers. Perhaps they are starting to overstay their welcome, Big Show especially, but they'll definitely be thought of as legends of wrestling after theyve retired.

Kane won't be remembered as the stooge in the pants, he will go down as history as The Big Red Machine, who has remained relevant and over for nearly 20 years, the little brother of the Undertaker who makes the flames explode from the turnbuckles just by dropping his arms. The original, unstoppable incarnation of Kane is how I (and most others) will remember him. He's always been a great talent.

Big Show on paper has won everything and been more sucessful than Kane, but I think he'll go down as someone who underachieved. Yes, he's probably the best "giant" in wrestling istory but when you see how quick and agile he was in his early days, it's quite sad to see how fast he peaked and how much weight he piled on, which has limited his ring work for years. Show is a genetic freak who had unbelievable ability in his early days, he was awesome. But by being lazy he never quite became the force he should have been, and never was a permament main eventer. He's still a sure fire HOFer though.
I think they will both be remembered as legends in the business and fantastic performers. Kane probably moreso than The Big Show. Kane has always been a good big man, has consistently been over despite multiple iterations of his character and he's always made it work. The Big Show's reputation isn't quite as flattering, even though he's certainly had a Hall of Fame career. They've still managed to book them relatively strong even though nobody really expects much from them these days. It's not like they're being jobbed out. Kane's little angle with Rollins right now is fantastic. The Big Show's angle with Reigns was stale but it's also been a B feud for months. It wasn't that long ago he was seen as a threat.
I think by the time they've retired/semi-retired I'll remember them both very fondly. Big Show might not have developed in the ring much, and I never found him overly convincing as either a face or a heel, but as someone too young for Andre The Giant, seeing him on my screen for the first time was unforgettable, and I'll remember how intimidating he was when he threw Austin through a cage, Lesnar breaking the ring with a superplex, the look on people in the ring's faces in the Rumble when his music hit.

Kane is in more danger of becoming tainted though for me. Jawdropping when he entered the company and for many years onwards, was never a fan of the silly skits they had him doing but when I think of his gimmick, how far-fetched everything with The Undertaker was, it's a great compliment to them both as performers that it worked in a huge way, and an even bigger compliment to Kane that back in the day the reaction he got would rival Takers. However today I find Kane extremely annoying, the main issue is that for being the role of muscle for the Authority, Big Show is totally believable and a perfect fit. Kane is supposed to be psychotic, the big red machine etc. but now pretty much nothing remains from that. He was this unhinged beast and in the space of no time he's portrayed as this Career Guy. they've really started to desecrate that character and I doubt it'll ever regain its momentum.
Also he pretty much completely ruined the main event of Extreme Rules, WWE's #1 issue in terms of bad television at the moment, is this awful on again off again feud with Rollins. Rollins is an ultra arrogant rule-bending heel with four guys who can't wait to get their hands on him, why does Kane need to be inserted into this scenario at all? There had better be some damned good pay-off to this. I mean, The Undertaker's aging and not quite as intimidating as he used to be, but they wouldn't stick him in a bloody tuxedo just so he could justify getting air time.
I think both will be remembered greatly, as both are two of the biggest names in wrestling in the 21st centure.

Kane has one of the most successful gimmicks ever created in wrestling, and the fact that they're both still going strong today is a credit to them both.
I don't really enjoy seeing the same matches over and over, but I feel Big Show brings a lot to a feud regardless of the opponent.

I'd like to see Kane slowly wind down his in ring career and become the full time general manager of Smackdown or something.
Obviously, Big Show will be remembered for his size, but the memories should go a step further: he seems to be working as hard in his 40's as he did in his 20's. The guy still takes bumps that shake the ring and has consistently shown the ability to alternate between heel & face over the years. He's shown much more depth of character than Andre the Giant, yet Andre is regarded as a wrestling immortal while lots of folks want Big Show to fade away. Go figure.

Kane will be a more interesting memory. The guy kept re-inventing himself as the years went by. After his time as a masked monster, he began showing a quirky personality......and followed that up by talking, and it seemed to take everyone by surprise how well he handled it.

Look at him now; he's become a unique performer who has held onto the "monster" aspects of his being and trots them out whenever necessary. Do you think everyone can do that? I don't. But the manner in which he is a member (an official, in fact) of the Authority, yet has become so disgusted with the favored treatment of Seth Rollins, that Kane makes it hard for Rollins to function as part of a group that otherwise eases Seth's mic performance at it's finest.

Lots of folks on this forum are saying this latest Kane incarnation is a waste of time, and wish he would retire.....yet, 10-15 years from now, I might remember him more for what he's currently doing than for anything he did before.

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