How were you introduced to your favorite band(s)?

Pretty straight forward, and I'll start it off. I was introduced to one of my favorite bands, Four Year Strong, through some of my classmates in Study Hall this past year. They're from my area, so I never stopped hearing people talking about them. At first, I was very much annoyed by all this jib-jab, but then I listened to their songs and thought to myself, "Wow, these Worcester guys are good!" They're kind of pop-ish, but they havn't made a name for themselves when it comes to mainstream, which is good because I can't stand most mainstream shit anyways. I have one favorite song in particular, which is called Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die.

And I'm pretty sure most of you here on WZ have heard of this next group: Alter Bridge. These guys are the greatest band out there today. Their music has meaning to it, the instrumentals are amazing, and the vocal stylings of Myles Kennedy fit the scene perfectly. For those with no idea, imagine Creed without Scott Stapp, and you've got Alter Bridge. Because that's basically all it is. A bunch of Creed rejects (minus Kennedy Kennedy [I couldn't resist]) got together and formed something amazing. Don't believe me? Listen to this, it will shut you doubters up.

So how about you guys? How were introduced to your favorite band(s)?
Well first off, kudos to you for liking Four Year Strong, my personal favorite song of theirs is "So Hot And You Sweat on It".

Now on to some tales of my introductions to some of my favorite bands:

Bad Religion

I was actually introduced to them from seeing their album "New Maps of Hell" on a release list and I was kind of a anti-organized-religion-libertarian then and that crossbuster for a logo from a google search had me hooked. Reading further into their music (and growing up) made me realize my original perception of them was incorrect, but did not dilute my love for their music. The first song I ever heard by them was this one
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Iron Maiden

Around the same time I was really getting into classic metal and looked up some popular bands that I could give a listen to. It's funny, one of their more unknown songs was the first to pop up on one of the mp3 download sites I used to use.

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And one band I just found out about, Rites of Spring

Look up Xfear official GSD thread and you'll see me ask him about the history of music and he tells me about one of the first more emotionally reflective hardcore bands. This is my favorite song by them


No clue why the vids don't load :/
Breaking benjamin I was not even into rock but when my friend showed me this band it opened my eyes to what real music sounds like and since that time I have been listening to this group and always will their music talks about stuff that happens in real life and i love that in music. Fozzy I always new chris jericho had a band but I never took time to listen because I thought this guy is prolly awful but I decided to youtube them just to see and when I herd enemy I was like wow these guys are really great and chris jericho can really sing.
My two favourite bands are Coheed and Cambria and Porcupine Tree, and the same guy introduced me to both of them. In my music class at school, all the guys prefer different styles of music. One of them likes indie, one of them likes classic rock etc. One of the guys is really into progressive rock, and we did a couple of covers together, both Coheed covers. He leant me Neverender and the Starland Ballroom, and I loved the band. The first song that really got me into them was In Keeping Secret Of Silent Earth :3 I went and got their albums straight away, and they quickly became my favourite band.

As for Porcupine Tree, he just came in one day and told me to listen to them. He played me Trains off of his iPod, but I wasn't really into them. One day I was looking for new music, and I decided to download In Absentia. The album was great, and I loved Blackest Eyes and Collapse The Light Into The Earth, just to name a few. I asked him what albums to get, he said to get Stupid Dream and Deadwing, and I loved them both, and went and got their other studio albums.
Linkin Park: I saw them the first time while watching one of those many shows where a song is listed on a top 10. This one had been number 1 for 5 weeks in a row, and a friend of mine told me to check them out when it was on the next time. So I did, and I was hooked instantly. The song was "In the End".

Breaking Benjamin: Again, a friend introduced me to them. He told me to go on Youtube and google the song "Blow Me Away" and, well indeed it did. I had been a hardcore rap fan for years before that, and never really much of a Metal or Rock fan, I was convinced the majority of the music gave me a headache, so I didn't listen to it. However this band did not, and I became a fan instantly.

Eminem: The radio was playing "My Name Is". I was like 6, early age I know, however the song had me hooked instantly, and I became a fan of him rather easily. The lyrics, as well as the beat was just a whole new world for me, especially around that age.
I'll give you guys a short little story on how I first got into electronic music, or at least how I got hooked on my first electronic song.

Q-Zar. Yeah, I'm talking about the lazer tag place. It was a big deal to have your birthday party at Q-Zar when I was in middle school, so I ended up going to a lot of birthday party's and playing a lot of lazer tag, to say the least I got really fucking good.

So one of the last times I was at Q-Zar I decided I was going to try and just PWN the competition, I get into the arena and I hear this beat throbbing in my head, and I fucking love it, I feel as if my adrenaline is pumping full blast. I get my score card at the end, with perfect accuracy, though I only took 32 shots they all fucking connected, and from that day on I absolutely fell in love the following song.

You should go check out the electronic sampler platter if you haven't yet, it's filled to the brim with all kinds of electronic and techno. I also recommend you check out the Eurohouse thread, as that might be more your style and I posted in there recently so it should still be on the front page of the music section.

This is another song that they played at Q-Zar a lot, and I remember this song blue up when I was in 6th gade.

My favorite bands at the moment, they're always changing, are Arctic Monkeys, The Doors, and Johnny Cash.

Arctic Monkeys- My friend had listened to them for a while and he forced me to listen to them one day after school. I bought more of their songs and here I am today.

The Doors- I've always listened to The Doors every once in a while but I recently watched the movie and they've been playing non-stop on my Ipod.

Johnny Cash- My dad listened to Cash but only the early years. It wasn't until I heard my Dad's friend play "Solitary Man", and he played it exactly like Cash. I found American 3 and I was hooked.
Actually, it was my neighbor and good friend, who is also a member on here. My all time favorite band is Nirvana and when I was about in 6th grade my friend, or better known as FrozenTrash75, moved in a few houses down. We began to hang out and he introduced me to Nirvana. I instantly fell in love and that is really the end of the story.
I'm here to admit that I was introduce to one of my all time favorite bands by a hipster, I know, it's hard for me to handle sometimes, thank god the music wasn't (that) hip. It was during a great stoner drive around the bay that my best friends hipster brother decided to take over the music, I was obviously sketch at first, but proved that he at the very least liked one good band.

The artist I'm referring to is Ratatat, and the CD was their original self titled release, this is back when I first started smoking, which is almost too long ago to remember, I'm thinking a little over six years ago, which blows my mind to think about.

The fact that this was one of my first times smoking, and one of my first times listening to any kind of electronic/rock made it seem like a euphoric experience, and obviously had an everlasting effect on my musical taste. The first track entitled 17 years absolutely took over my brain in a way that music had never made me feel before, with the scenery seemingly slowing down and moving along with the music as we drove around the bay, an epic day in the life of SSC

Hmmm... I was maybe 7 years old, yeah around 7, and my best friends older brother had his window open while we were in the backyard fucking around on the little playground set. All I could hear was, "M-E-T-H-O-D Man, M-E-T-H-O-D Man..." and for some odd reason it captivated me. Hell, I didn't give a shit about music at 7... But for some odd reason I asked him what the name of the artist was. He said, "Wu Tang". With that, I went home and asked for a Wu Tang CD... Took some convincing but I finally got some Wu Tang. Well, that's my little story. I still wholeheartedly love Wu Tang.
During my all-time depressive state when I was 14 after I blew out my knee badly, started breaking out/gaining weight and being told from a then-good friend of mine that they hate me... my sister introduce me to a band that I could relate to and put the feelings I had into a positive flow. She handed me the Evanescence "Fallen" album and I fell in love straight away. Not because she was completely right, but it allowed me to delve deeper into the metal genre and find bands like Machine Head and Iron Maiden, some of my other fav bands.

Sometimes a simple gift from a loved one can do wonders for you.
This site has got me into a couple of bands that I probably wouldn't have got into normally.

The first is Alice In Chains. CH David made a sig talking about Alice In Chains and Nirvana's unplugged sessions on MTV

I went on it being a huge Nirvana mark but after listening to Alice In Chains' performance of Would? I decided to listen to the studio version and was blown away, after that I started listening to some other songs by them, fastforward a few months and they are one of my favourite bands.

Another one is Sublime. TM made a thread about which dead musician would you bring back

And I was interested in his pick of Brad Nowell from Sublime, my curiousity got the better of me and I checked them out and loved it.
The Way I was introduced to my all time favorite band in the whole wide world , never gonna change. It was at my..uh 10th birthday bash I think, It was to long ago so I dont recall. But my friend got me a CD entitled Our Lady Peace/ Clumsy Now I wasent really into music back then so I toss it aside, He told me to listen to it that it would apperently blow me away But I wasent to keen on the cover, Looked like some kind of heavy metal shit lol. So I was hesitant, But after a few months I quickly became curious. So I popped it into my portable dinky cd player and as he said, was instantly blow away. The first Song Supermans Dead was amazing. I swear I had to listen to that song 40 more times before I moved on to the rest of the cd. It was equally as good. Ever since then iv been following the band until the present day. The thing I liked most about them was their diversity in their music style. Not one album sounds similar to any other, while their own similarities in songs, Its like every album adopts a new theme. I like that, I like that they keep finding a way to evolve as musicians.


Another more recent band I got into was Cage The Elephant My friend was playing them while I was chilling at his place and I couldnt help but ponder at this band, I liked their style. very catchy and yer meaningful lyrics with a lot of soul to it. But the one song got my attention more than the rest. Aint No Rest for the Wicked. If anybodys seen the boarderlands commercial then youve probailly heard bits and pieces of the song.


Heres one more just because.


Hope everyone enjoys!

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