How to make TNA 1 Billion times better


Championship Contender
Version 2.0

How to make TNA 1 billion times better.
1.) Kill off Eric Bischoff and Dixie Carter via Limo explosion
2.) Replace them with an iPhone 4 that texts the iMPACT ZONE
3.) Have Don West read these texts live
4.) Have AJ Styles, MCMG, Joe, Christopher Daniels and Beer Money form a stable, call it The Centre.
5.) Have The Centre beat down Kurt Angle.
6.) Have The Centre continuously beat down Angle and other wrestlers.
7.) Have Angle form a team of Ken Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Kaz, Kevin Nash, Jay Lethal and Hulk Hogan.
8.) Have team vs. team match with Underworld loosing.
9.) Have Matt Morgan and Amazing Red feud over the world title
10.) Have Scott Hall and Scott Steiner feud over THE OTHER world title (all good companies need 2 titles) with DDP as Steiner's manager, then Hall's manager.
11.) Have The Shore feud with Dinero over the Global title
12.) Have Doug Williams lose the X-division title to Desmond Wolfe, then make sure Wolfe never defends it, also have Wolfe get beaten up by Matt Morgan, twice.
13.) Use the I am T-Pain app on the iPhone to let it talk to the audience, replace the iPhone with a Nokia 3210 so it can be smashed by a pissed off Magnus before once again becoming an iPhone.
14.) Give tag titles to Eric Young and Orlando Jordan, ensure no other tag teams exist.
15.) Hire Brother Love.
Dude fuck yeah, then they should have an angle where Kaz, dressed as Hogan, defiles a dummy dressed as John Graziano.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2516282]What the fuck have you been smoking? Did you pick Jeff's meth out the the trash?[/QUOTE]

It was originally posted in the TNA section but was deemed spam. It's kinda the response I'd come up with to those 100's of threads started by 5 post count users who are of the opinion that TNA should be exactly like the WWE.
And then they can have Samoa Joe kidnapped by ninjas, only for him to come back a while later with no reference or explanation made towards the kidnapping!? Wouldn't that be stupid??

Oh, wait...
But you need 10 post's to make a thread. Somebody's definably high on something. Damn Tums.
And then they can have Samoa Joe kidnapped by ninjas, only for him to come back a while later with no reference or explanation made towards the kidnapping!? Wouldn't that be stupid??

Oh, wait...

Ninja's don't wear jean-shorts, they were clearly a gang of toughs.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2516282]What the fuck have you been smoking? Did you pick Jeff's meth out the the trash?[/QUOTE]

Boom goes the dynamite. Rep for you!
And then they can have Samoa Joe kidnapped by ninjas, only for him to come back a while later with no reference or explanation made towards the kidnapping!? Wouldn't that be stupid??

Oh, wait...
Those were samurai's. They confused Joe with
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2516412]Those were samurai's. They confused Joe with

:lol: Lmao, you are a god, rep added!
Am I the only person on this board who doesn't care that Daniel Bryan lost twice to Sheamus?
Version 2.0

2.) Replace them with an iPhone 4 that texts the iMPACT ZONE
13.) Use the I am T-Pain app on the iPhone to let it talk to the audience, replace the iPhone with a Nokia 3210 so it can be smashed by a pissed off Magnus before once again becoming an iPhone.


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