How to improve the Elimination Chamber PPV


Dark Match Winner
Now the last 2 years the title has been defended in lackluster elimination chamber matches. One year it was the undertaker, batista, khali, mvp, big daddy v i mean come on who doesnt know who that match comes down to. 2 yrs ago you had cena win the title and fight for it at no way out. Another mistake.

Here is what i propose...

1.Have the royal rumble winner choose what title they want to go after.
2. Have a tag match with the champion and rumble winner in there. no single matches.
3. The other champ defend the title in a singles or triple threat match-- not a normal title match.
4. Put the 6 biggest names left in the elimination chamber with the winner receiving the other title shot at wrestlemania.

what this will accomplish is you two whole months to build up the rumble winner and the champion and not give us a singles match for free when it should be the biggest match of the yr.
2.Throw all your eggs in one basket or in one elimination chamber and tear the house down. you another chance to freshen things up between brands. Maybe have cena win the elimination chamber and face the undertaker at mania for the title. hmmm interesting

So what does everyone think? You might not like it, but lets hear some other ideas on how to improve on the Elimination Chamber PPV.
Let's get our facts straight. The titles weren't defended in the 2008 show, also, the reviews for all the matches got rave reviews so I really don't know what you're talking about. Also, when did "cena win the title and fight for it at no way out?"


Your little proposal really, REALLLLLY turns things into a huge clusterfuck. I read something about the Rumble winner teaming up with someone and wrestling one of the World Champs in the Chamber and the other World Champ wrestles in a singles match for the Title yet it's not a normal Title match. If WWE fans can barely understand the rules of a Scramble match, then their heads are gonna be up their asses when something like this happens.

The past two No Way Out/Elimination Chamber PPV's were simple and generated nice buy rates. If there's nothing wrong with it, don't fuck with it. Just my two cents.
Now, my idea seems a little odd, but how about a Elimination Chamber match to determine the Number One Contender for the Tag Titles?? Put 4 different tag teams in each cell, then have 2 duke it out until each team comes out. Or have one member from each tag team compete so there isn't a lot of guys in the ring at once.

Just a thought.
Why change anything the Chambers have been ok and they were this last year than 2008.Why would you have a tag match.Give me teams that would make me buy the PPV.DX no.not a chance wouldn't buy the PPV,didn't pay for TLC cause they were the main event.Jerishow(maybe)but not a big chance.These two teams are the only teams that are goodHave any cred.To name new contender for the worlds titles ok great,crown new champions great.But a tag match.Never.not a good enough tag team division to make me buy and a lot of people wouldn't.But hay who knows it could happen.

Thats just me!:wtf::lol:
Here is what i propose...

1.Have the royal rumble winner choose what title they want to go after.

That's an interesting idea, but I think that it would be better to have the Royal Rumble winner pick which title he is going after during an episode of Raw. It makes more sense, even if he is going after Smackdown's world title because the champions would all have to be there anyway for the announcement.

2. Have a tag match with the champion and rumble winner in there. no single matches.

Maybe.... not really disagreeing there.

3. The other champ defend the title in a singles or triple threat match-- not a normal title match.

Are we talking about the world title that the rumble winner decides to not go for? No, both titles should be defended in two separate elimination chamber matches like they have done the past two years.

4. Put the 6 biggest names left in the elimination chamber with the winner receiving the other title shot at wrestlemania.

Not always the best idea. I liked that they showcased some newer talent in the elimination chamber for Raw last year and had veterans in Smackdown's. They could go that route again, or vice versa. As long as some new guys are there too because that's more interesting.

what this will accomplish is you two whole months to build up the rumble winner and the champion and not give us a singles match for free when it should be the biggest match of the yr.

That might be too much though. People's expectations will skyrocket so high that Wrestlemania might not be able to live up to them. They will know ahead of time what match to do and not show it until Wrestlemania, I'm pretty sure of that.

2.Throw all your eggs in one basket or in one elimination chamber and tear the house down.

That works, they did that for the Smackdown elimination chamber last year and should do that again but it's also good to have one of the two elimination chamber matches feature some newer guys. you another chance to freshen things up between brands. Maybe have cena win the elimination chamber and face the undertaker at mania for the title. hmmm interesting

We'll see, too early to predict that one yet.

So what does everyone think? You might not like it, but lets hear some other ideas on how to improve on the Elimination Chamber PPV.

You had some good ideas, but I don't agree with all of them. I don't think that Elimination Chamber needs to be changed. The format they used last year with the championships being defended was just fine.... disregarding the whole thing of the titles switching brands because of Edge, they don't need to include something like that every year.... but other than that last year's format worked perfectly and they should keep it as one brand has newer talent in the elimination chamber while the other brand uses its top guys because that format works so well.
I'm still wondering how they are going to hold the EC PPV and still have it as a PG rating. This is one of the most barbaric matches in the history of the business. How in the world are they going to keep this family-friendly?
they can not do an EC match with out blood, what will they do stop the match and open the cage each time this happens, people will not go for that.

as for matches, put DX, brother of destruction, legacy and show/jerico in a 4 way dance, for the tag titles, allows spots to be free for EC heavy title matches, give like 4 or 5 mid card guys a spot in the EC and allow one or to of the six guys from the tag match a spot in the EC match, put their names in a lottery and they are allow in the Chamber match.
I don't get the title of this thread, How To Improve The Elimination Chamber PPV. How do you know what WWE have in store for us? Can you see into the future, because if you can could you tell me the lottery numbers for this week? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the huge title change last night take everyone by surprise? Didn't Sheamus becoming number one contender in the first place take everyone by surprise? Didn't Batista's heel turn take everyone by surprise?

My point is, they've came out all guns blazing so-to-speak in recent memory and shocked the entire wrestling world with things you wouldn't have expected, at least with Sheamus, so soon. I enjoy NWO highly, and thought the past 2 events were great. Yes, in the chamber matches it seems obvious whose going to be eliminated and whose staying til the end in the match, but I bet no one expected Edge to be eliminated in record time in the EC this year only to take out Kofi mere moments before setting foot into the chamber before he captured his 8th World Title. Fair point it might've been obvious that HHH was going to walk out WWE Champion, now Undertaker is one of my all-time favourites but I doubt we'd see him wear the WWE Championship Belt, at least with the design it has at the moment. I don't know what direction they're going in this year, to be honest I'd prefer title matches in the chambers themselves, put the Rumble winner in a feud with someone to fill in between Rumble and Mania, like what they did with Orton and Shane-O, have someone affiliated with the Champion feud with the Rumble winner if it is infact the Champion the Rumble winner intends on facing. If not then I really don't know since we saw 2 title changes at this years NWO.
Im over the EC now yeah it was good in 2002 but now,its been to handed out.The first chamber was awesome then the second was great the next was even better than the last,but than after NEW YEARS REV06 it got shit.

They didnt have the career ending feel that the first ones had.It was like they got rid of the blood and gore part.

It dosent even look that hard to win anymore.Cause they dont use the steel.
My first question about this whole deal is "How do you really improve on something like the Elimination Chamber?" They seem to have things ironed out with it pretty well, and it has served it's function well. The idea I liked was having a Tag Team Elimination Chamber, but I am a big fan of tag team wrestling, so that appeals to me, maybe not everyone else. The only problem I see with the Tag Team Elimination Chamber is the amount of resources you'd need for that. But, I guess you could do it, 3 tag teams from Raw and Smack Down to fill it but that is still 12 guys off the rest of the card, that could bring about some issues. As for the rest of it, I think the recipe they have is a winning one, and has proven to be. The thing they need to do is make the competitors in it a bigger deal. Throw some real contenders in there, and give them a shot.
Game_Rage, I too like tag team wrestling and I propose this idea. Why not just have 3 tag teams in the Elimination Chamber? You'd still have the 6 cells and it wouldn't be as much of a clusterfuck as you'd think.

For example:

DX vs. Jeri-Show vs. Legacy for the Unified Tag Team Championships. Just like the normal EC you select 2 guys at random and at different intervals another guy comes in. There's always the possibility of having double teams possibly happen.

Say it starts off with Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. About a minute later, Big Show comes in and that means HBK would have to surive another minute without his tag partner. What could be worse is that both members of Legacy could end up in the ring as well so HBK would suffer a great deal of punishment before Triple H comes in.

I could definitely be entertaining as well as nail biting because you never know if your team will actually be able to pull it off.
Game_Rage, I too like tag team wrestling and I propose this idea. Why not just have 3 tag teams in the Elimination Chamber? You'd still have the 6 cells and it wouldn't be as much of a clusterfuck as you'd think.

That would just be a glorified triple threat tag team match. Elimination Chamber has 6 chambers, and 6 potential winners. A tag team elimination chamber match would be bad. There are only two ways they could really do it and both wouldn't be that great in my opinion.

1. Have only 3 teams in it.
This would be bad because it's just a glorified triple threat tag team match. They might as well just do a TLC tag match with eliminations instead.... Also, 3 potential winners is not enough since Elimination Chambers are known for having 6 potential winners.

2. Have a 12 man cluster-mess of 6 tag teams in the match
This isn't a great idea either. First there's no way to fit both guys inside a chamber.... the partner would have to sit on top of a chamber, putting himself in danger when his team isn't even part of the match yet. There is too much potential for someone to get seriously hurt when there are this many guys in the match.... not to mention how confusing the booking would get.

Honestly.... there is really no need to improve the match or the PPV itself because Elimination Chamber found a great formula to use in the past couple of years and it should remain roughly the same as how it was last year (minus the Edge swerve).
This thread doesn't work.

Go look in the PPV of the year thread. Look how many votes No Way Out got for PPV of the year. The truth is, it was a superb PPV. The two elimination chamber matches were awesome, full of surprises. Edge getting eliminated in a minute, Cena getting eliminated in 3 minutes, Edge winning the seconds Chamber match. Not to mention when it's down to 2 guys in the chamber, we usually see some awesome wrestling. Undertaker vs Triple H and Rey vs Edge were both great and kept me and everyone else on the edge of their seats. The undercard was strong too, helping build up the stars that needed it before Mania.

So yeah, WWE seem to be doing very well with it.
I'd like, just have one Elimination Chamber match. That should improve the PPV. There's no need for two, just like there's no need for two/three ladder/HIAC matches on a card.

I'd have on Chamber to decide who's having the additional world title shot, and the Rumble winner & other champion would either be forced to team in an additional match, one would be a special ref in a match involving the other or they'd be against easch other in a tag match.

And anybody who votes for No Way Out as PPV of the year is an idiot. Two perfectly good Chamber matches but the rest of the card is pretty worthless.
I really like this idea, but something has to be added:

Since Unforgiven is no longer a pay-per-view, why not combine the 2 PPVs and put together a match that is both an Elimination Chamber match and a Championship Scramble match? I'm not sure exactly how it could work, but maybe it could be a normal EC match, where no one is eliminated and the last person to pin or submit someone is the champion. In other words, like a Championship Scramble match with the EC structure around it.

I agree, the Rumble winner should choose which title to go after, then have the two remaining (WWE, WHC, or ECW) be defended in one of these matches, or even in a #1 contender's match.
Personally I think the PPV has been great but there is one thing I would love to see...

How about have one of the EC matches be for the U.S. or I.C. title! It would bring a little prestige back to the titles and make them seem like they actually mean something. I hate how the WWE barely even makes storylines for those titles anymore. I mean if Mcyntire/Morrison and Miz/MVP is the best were gonna get then that is really disappointing. They do put on decent matches but the buildup to them has been awful with just a few promo interruptions...
This is just based on a few things I saw in this thread:

Limiting to one Elimination Chamber match: I think this is a great idea. It helps boost the value of the match, and doesn't overload the crowd on craziness.

Having IC/US/Tag Title EC matches: I'd have to say no. Having EC matches for these titles wouldn't raise the value of the titles, but would decrease the value of the match. Then there's the issue of finding enough people to participate in the match. Three tag teams would be hard enough, but six?

EC match/Championship Scramble combo: This doesn't really make much sense to me. Don't forget, one part of the Elimination Chamber is "Elimination". So changing it to only one pinfall or submission to decide kind of ruins the purpose.
I think that PPV is always pretty good actually. Not great, but a good show. I think the elimination chamber itself is probably only warranted for one match. If they must have two, I'd put different stipulations on them. E.g. One could be for the title the Rumble guy is going for, and the other could be for the contendership to the title that he isn't.

Then have a standard fare match up for the title that he isn't going for, and then put the Rumble winner in his own seperate feud. You then have four matches which should be reasonably good, and if you add an ECW title and a divas match, you have a complete PPV card, just like that.
I like the idea of the tag title chamber but with only three teams have regular chamber rules and have it as a tornado tag team style once every man has entered.
Example: Straightedge Society vs DX vs Hart Dynasty

the other chamber have two wrestlers from evry brand in the chamber match to be named number one contender for its respective brands world title at Wrestlemania
Example: Show vs Dibiase Jr. vs Kane vs Jericho vs Ryder vs Jackson

plus we have the 2007 style main event having the World champion of smackdown and world champion vs contender and contender for the titles.

have a diva's match, a sadistic match like No Holds Barred Shane vs Orton, ECW title match

now that should be good, it will give a new tradition to the chamber match and a nice solid card for the ppv and gives enough time for the chamber match to excalate to high ratings.
After reading this thread, IMO there are some good ideas and some horrible ideas, but the one that really sticks out....

Personally I think the PPV has been great but there is one thing I would love to see...

How about have one of the EC matches be for the U.S. or I.C. title! It would bring a little prestige back to the titles and make them seem like they actually mean something. I hate how the WWE barely even makes storylines for those titles anymore. I mean if Mcyntire/Morrison and Miz/MVP is the best were gonna get then that is really disappointing. They do put on decent matches but the buildup to them has been awful with just a few promo interruptions...

A great idea however, as stated there would be an issue with filling the match with 6 suitable stars for one belt without taking from the undercard matches.

My spin on things......Being that there really isnt as much put into the individual titles themselves, use this PPV to unify the belts. Take The two champions and 2 viable contenders for each of them and throw them in the chamber....last one standing is the overall champion and that star must appear on both shows and ECW(not really necessary). To me this would give the belts the prestique they need and more over better storylines.

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