How to improve JBL

Ok first in real life the clothesline from hell will put you on your butt. just give him the cabinet back and give him the title he would be the best heel because everybody hate him to the point he could turn face again.hell even orton could find a way to be a face but jbl is stuck in heel mode 4real
Ok first in real life the clothesline from hell will put you on your butt.

The flaw in your argument is that wrestling is not "real life".

In real life, Big Show's punch would put you on your butt, but that doesn't make it exciting to watch on TV. On the flip side, the swan-ton bomb (sp?) would probably not put you on your butt, and you will never, ever see it outside of professional wrestling, but it's exciting.
I agree with most of the people in here that are saying you cant improve him, So move him. But as much as I hate to say this, Bradshaw plays his wrestling chacarter to perfection.

For the person he play's his moveset is perfect, Limited, But perfect. I cant say i've seen a "bad" match from him, But he isnt a great by any strech of the imagination, All he does is punch, Kick, And use a slam, But it is damn effective. Bradshaw just pummules his opponants into the ground, Then when they are down he will kick them, It's basic heel tactic's.

His entrance is great as well, You may think it's poor, But it show's what kind of person he is, The limo is to show he can afford to own/ride in one every night, And as he is walking down the ramp he keep's stopping, And looking at the crowd to show disgust, And when he poses, It's more of a taunt to the crowd to say, I'm better than the guy you cheer for, And better than you.

The guy is a heat machine, No one can doubt that, But would serve much better as a announcer, Or mouthpiece, So he can start putting people over.
The WWE Can improve JBL By giving him a singles title. Like The Intercontinental championship. Or make him win King Of The Ring and challenge the champion at Summerslam. I hope the champion is John Cena so JBL Can kick his ass all over that arena.
The fact that everyone hates JBL so much is exactly why there is no way you can improve JBL. He is the WWE's biggest Heel aside from maybe Vickie Guerrero but considering she seemingly needs Edge to get heat then it has to be JBL. There was already a thread started on why JBL is the best heel in the buisiness so there is no rerason for me to reiterate all the reasons to you now. If you feel the need to know go read the thread.(save us 48.7 started it I believe). I'll give a few examles though.

He's fat- His physique isn't impressive at all in fact its appalling I hate it. If he were a face I wouldn't understand why he keeps himself in such awful shape. But seeing as he's a heel and he does it to get cheap heat than I'm ok with it.(cheap heat is still heat).

His constant moaning about the NY Stock Market and being the longets reigning champ in SD history- His constant reminders of these accomplishments are no different than when Jericho drones on about how he beat the Rock/Austin or how Orton is the youngest WHC. But JBL is better at it.

His loud annoying cowbell theme music- Its horrible. He should change it up. No wait he shouldn't. Unless hes turning face. Which would be career suicide. As he is the most over heel on Raw.Nuff said.

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