How to improve JBL


Getting Noticed By Management
This is the man that's scheduled to face John Cena on the Royal Rumble ppv. We all know that he's a ''wrestling god'' on the mic but in the ring he's rather ... well boring. Now i thought on how to improve Bradshaw so that he can be the number one heel in the company and i've listed them up but they arent that much.

1: Improving his moveset.

Do you remember one thing that's a powerhouse in JBL's moveset that isnt' the clothesline from hell?? i mean the guy's been using that thing as his finisher for years and i think its time for a change. But that's not all, he also has a very slow moveset. I think it would be better if he put a little bit more pace into it. Using some really fast kicks and using the ropes would be usefull as well. I understand that a heel needs to work slow, but in JBL's case he's really boring me to death.

2: His entrance.

I mean come on his riding the limo and afterwards walking very slow and showy entrance is really old, and its time he put some damn pyro in his entrance. his gimmick is like some american corporate slimeball right? well wouldnt draw a lot of heat if he had some kind of red white and blue pyro as some so called american big shot to draw heat?

So these are my ways to improve JBL and what are yours??
JBL is a great wrestling character as it is. Mostly he just needs to lose a bit of his gut. If he lost about 10-15 pounds he'd have a lot more stamina and he could do more in the ring. That would make him have better matches and then he'd become the complete heel package.

I also agree with you that he should add some pyro to his entrance and make it over the top. He's supposed to be mega rich so it just makes sense that he has a over the top entrance. I suggest some green/money colored pyro waterfalls.
I think JBL is doing just fine...his offense, while slow, is also methodical...he stalks his opponent and just beats them down, like a bully (HA! The irony!) The kicks to the head, the forearm shots, he's just a brawler working a brawler's style. His in-ring skills are just fine.

Anyone who has not seen JBL's weight loss is crazy...he's easily half the man he was at this point last year. Hell, we referred to him as John Bitchtits Layfield (or John Bradshaw Lardass, whichever you prefer), but that's becoming hard to do now...the man really has stepped it up and I would NOT be surprised if he came out with the title on Sunday...everyone knows that Cena chasing=ratings, not Cena defending. This could even set up the EPIC JBL/HBK blow off at Mania...both could get what they want and at this point in the feud, I would accept it as one of the WM main events.
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Nothing, there is nothing you can do to improve JBL. The guy is atrocious in the ring, and is marginally good on the microphone. This feud with HBK as his henchman is about the only remotely interesting thing this man has done in his career. Playing off of a real world economic situation works for now, but I'm guessing it's soon going to run its course, and people will stop caring.

JBL a god on the mic, I guess when you call getting cheap heat by using racial slurs as a wrestling god on the mic, then I'm all for it, I guess.
In my opinion, It's quite hard to improve a washed up brawler, but If there is a way here it is.
New Music: Rephrase that, new entrance. No one wants to see him take a half hour to walk down the ramp to that dull music. Make it a little more lightened and live.
Move set: You know grinds my gears? When some one takes a normal move and make it a finisher. Like so: JBL walks in and says a clothsline can be his finisher just because it has the word hell in it.
There's a few things that come to my mind. Number one is drop the New York/stock market thing. Right now the last thing anyone wants to hear about is the stock market. I get that he's supposed to be the evil rich man, but it needs some adjustments. One of the things I always thought made DiBiase great was when he had a differnt hometown in each part of the year. Change it to that or something. New York has been done and it makes me think of Paul Heyman.

Second, drop the longest reigning champion in SD history. This right here should have gone first. He was the champion almost 5 years ago. He's a Raw wrestler now. Allegedly in WWE the shows are totally seperate entities, so why are we supposed to care? It's the same as when Jericho talks about beating Austin and Rock in the same night. It's a very impressive thing, but that was a long time ago. Wrestling fans have a short attention span. With the amount of young fans, do most of them remember that night? I barely do.

Finally as everyone has said, expand the moveset. He has a boot, a punch, a fallaway slam, and a clothesline. Jobbers have more diverse offense. I get that he's a brawler, but this is pathetic. It's a swinging clothesline. One man has been able to pull that off as a legit finisher, and JBL is no Stan Hensen. Add in a shoulder block or some slam moves. Even a belly to back suplex would work wonders for him.
Sadly there is only bust one way we could fix JBL, And somebody already mentioned that. That is to make him an anouncer once again. its the only way JBL is even remotley enjoyable. and its the only time i can put up with him, becouse if he shits me to much i will just mute the tv.

or just have him retire full stop, the guys washed up anyway nobody would miss him. its not like he is hugley over or even the tiniest bit popular, and he even sucks as a heel.

JBL 4 bant.
I believe the way you can make JBL better is try and recreate what he had as the champ on smackdown. He had the presidential thing going on with his cabinet. That is when JBL is at his best. He took Orlando Jordan and made him relevant for a while, and the Basham Brothers. That is kind of what he's got going now with Shawn Michaels. Just give him a couple more henchmen to do his bidding and let him run wild on RAW. JBL and his new "employees" could even start a feud with Stephanie and or Vince and push them into being a face. I can see it now JBL as champ and the GM throwing challenger after challenger at him only to see his "employees" bail him out every time until finally HBK gets his chance for redemption. This could easily go until N.O.C. in June or even SummerSlam.
I have the perfect idea to improve JBL. FIRE HIM. Then, he can go to TNA, and people will love him as if he never wrestled for WWE. They'll re-package him as himself (as they did with Daivari), and make him a heel contender for the belt.

I don't see any way to make him better in the WWE. His mic skills have never improved, and may have actually gotten worse, since they were manageable as a member of APA. His matches have grown boring, as he's been beaten by every face that matters, and he's playing the Wall St. rich guy, in a time of economic mayhem. The best they can do, is have him in a big match, and mid-match, Cryme Tyme comes and steals everything he owns. Leaving him penniless and desperate.

I personally would love to see JBL cry on national TV.
JBL is as close to a perfect heel as you can be, right now. In times of economic trouble, he's playing the millionaire who hasn't a financial care in the world. His promo at No Mercy was absolutely gold and fit his character perfectly. I was there and was in stiches. It was genious. He draws heat by talking about and playing off of REAL issues for fans watching the show. It's almost like when he was feuding with Rey Mysterio or Eddie Guerrero (I'm not sure.. It was a Mexican though.) and he did that whole Border Patrol video. That was great. He's the WWE's best bully.

That's emphasized by him picking on fan favorite, Shawn Michaels. Sure, he's (kayfabe) helping him out. But, JBL is making Shawn do things he would never, ever do. He made Shawn Michaels lay down for him in a match. If that isn't a great way to draw heat, I don't know what is. His further bullying of Shawn Michaels is going to deepen the fans' hate for him even further, which is saying something.

JBL is great on the mic. His sentances flow smoothly together and he doesn't sound barbaric when talking. He uses a wide variety of intelligent words and does a good job of making you feel inferior to him. His voice is normally pretty monotone. It works for him. People don't want to listen to him talk.

His entrance is long and boring for a reason! His music is annoying for a reason! He wants to annoy you! He wants to piss you off! He wants you to hate him! Looking at the responses above me, he's doing a damn good job.

His matches are slow and boring for the same reason as his entrance. He wants to make you hate him. He's succeeded. He works the perfect 'heel' style. JBL uses a lot of strikes and slowly beats down his opponent. He's slow paced and calculating. It, like all the other things he does so well, gets him more over as a heel. He gets heat.

Why would he add more complicated moves to his moveset? Why would he make his entrance quicker and less annoying? Why would he work a more fast paced match? You are asking something of him that is completely unreasonable. All of those things you want him to change are the things that make him a good heel.

His only flaw is his gut. Lose a couple pounds, Jiggly Boobs.
The way to make me like JBL is to give him a headset and put him on the commentry team with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. That way you have a play by play a face colour commentator and a heel one. I'm not the biggest fan of 3 man commentry teams, but anything that reduces Cole's tv time is ok with me.

If he has to keep wrestling, I would continue to encourage him to lose weight, as he looks much better than he did when he came back. He does still have boobs, but he always has done. Look at a photo from his acolytes days, even his Blackjack Bradshaw stage, and they're still there jiggling with every move.

Far and away the strongest point in JBL's career was when he was the champion on Smackdown,and I think part of that is due to the character he was allowed to play. He was much more belieavble as someone really rich there, where he was getting drunk and smoking cigars etc. But I think what really made him there was the cabinet. Somone like JBL needs people to do his dirty work for him.

I kind of think the storyline is wasted on HBK. Don't get me wrong, it will probably have the best possible outcome, but you could introduce someone new as a midcarder who is downtrodden by him all of the time. Someone like Virgil was to DiBiase, and then that person can eventually break out and retire him when the time comes.

Also, give him an underling tag team. Someone like Ryder and Hawkins, who aren't doing anything. They could interfere in his matches, so that sometimes, you know he just might win.
Have him insult the fans by saying their greedy and stuipd because they think just because they have the internet they know how the wrestling world work really just have him keep wrestling I mean he won the best wrestler on Raw right now Hell he help Rey go from a untalented Mexican stunt double to a wrestler
He won the best wrestler on Raw? What did you jsut say? How is talking about the internet going to help his career? How did he help Rey? Was that really what you just said? the only thing that's going to help JBL is either retirement or a gimmick overhaul. I really don't get what you're talking about with the internet. You want him to insult the smarks? Why? They're a minority of the audience that already hates him. Most of the people won't know what he's talking about at all. What you're saying makes little to no sense at all. JBL and Rey had a bad feud a long time ago and a match a few weeks ago. How did JBL help his career?
There's nothing to improve about JBL. He does what he is intended to do and that's bring heat. His mic skills are the best in the WWE bar none. People say he's boring in the ring but he's a brawler. They are meant to be slow and methodical. The only issue concerning JBL is his weight but he's dropped a lot of it since coming back. I don't have a problem with him being in the title picture every now and then because with Batista out, it's just Cena, Orton, HBK, and Jericho (assuming this is just a storyline).
You're right. There are a lot of things wrong right here in your response. Let's see.

For one thing, your grammar is painful on my eyes.

Next, internet smarks aren't a minority? You're kidding right? There's what, let's go WAY out of the park and say 1000 of us here on WZ. TOnight will probably get about 15000 people at the Royal Rumble. Even if we were all there, we wouldn't even be 1/10th of the crowd. To say we're not a minority just shows how little you know.

Rey did indeed used to be a spot monkey like AJ Styles, that's the closest thing you've said to being truth. Now however he's gotten older and his knees are shot. How can you attribute this to JBL? Rey is a shell of his former self and in his current state offers far less to the company. JBL has hurt Rey's career more than any single person by having awful match after awful match with him. Do you actually watch the shows?
The only way I can see to make JBL better.... Well, is to make it so he's not a wrestler.

JBL is a perfect mouthpiece. His mic work, I'd argue, gets more heat than any other wrestler's. Look at how interesting he's made this match against John Cena. And then consider this.... Exactly how many times has JBL wrestled in the build up to this match? Once, maybe twice? I know, most of it is adding HBK to the mix, but JBL's mic work has been astounding in the build up for this match. i'm actually looking forward to see what happens.

JBL can provide that kind of mic work.... for someone else. I feel with the right wrestler, he can make the wrestler one of the most hated men on the roster. Make him a GM, or a manager, even. I'd love to see an actual manager in WWE now. I think that could be JBL.

And who is the protege of JBL? Well, how about "The All American" Jack Swagger? No one's ever really heard Swagger's mic work. The brass of WWE seem impressed, but for the most part, Swagger is an unknown commodity. Let JBL teach him the ins and outs of speaking/ getting heel heat in an interview. JBL can make the perfect mouth piece for a good worker. At first, i was thinking someone like Umaga, but I feel Swagger makes a little more sense. Two clean cut, All American types. I know, you're mixing a Texan an Oklahoma, but everyone feels JBL is from New York, anyway. at least that's how he's intorduced. But pair those two together. JBL speaks, and Swagger learns how to get real heel heat.
They should just hook him back up with Jillian. Think about it, they are both jobbers. Jillian at least knows a little bit about wrestling. They could use an angle where they say that they made a deal to help out each other's "careers". Basically, have each other interfere in each other's matches. Have Jillian start winning a damn match. Have JBL actually do something else other than the billionaire gimmic which is also getting dry and stale. Just something new to think about. I actually think a good stable would have been good for him a while back. Now, not so much. He needs to have a fresh new storyline where he could be used properly.
Heres my take on jbl, make him a general manager or something. Hes boring and just needs to go cause its getting old. Heres a typical jbl promo.

"Im a wrestling god. Give me a title shot i lose all the time and blow it but dammit im rich and i deserve it"

There thats all he ever has to say, after that he gets beat up and works low card matches till he retires.:undertaker2:
Have him as a manager or something. He is boring and slow in the ring, and unless he really works and works and loses about one hundred pounds, I can't see any plus to the "Wrestling God." He is OK on the ring, but not that great. He always cuts the same promo, and I am getting bored of it. He takes 20 minutes to tell the guy he is going to win his next fight, while a guy like Kennedy would have already gotten to the part where he is beating the guy senseless. So in my opinion, keep him as an occasional talker who cuts SHORT PROMOS. Actually, they seem to be starting this with the HBK storyline, so the more of this the better.
He was dead to me since they split up the APA.

He succeeds in getting you to despise him because he is what he really is in real life, a bully, as for changing his wrestling style, you do realise he's had a broken back or so we are led to believe i doubt he would be able to put on a loong match anymore when the most basic moves put him in agony.

Think the only reason Vince keeps him around is cause he is a Business God, or once again so we are led to believe.
He's only use is to be an announcer. He was entertaining when he insulted Michael Cole every week. Put him back on Smackdown. He gets more title shots than the rest of the roster but hasn't been champ in years. Although he has no right to be champ, he sucks as a wrestler.
I think he should be put into midcard status. Since he reentered the ring, he's been in the main event picture but never been credible as a contender or won a match. Put him down to midcard status, have him lose some weight, and win a few matches here and there, and maybe he'll be a better overall package.
JBL doesn't need to lose any weight. His whole style is a brawler, he has the physique of a brawler, and (beside the nerd haircut) he looks like a complete badass son of a bitch. So far as I'm concerned so long as he can maintain a decent cardio level so he can put on a decent match thats all he needed to do. Plus he's always entertaining, he's great at drawing heat and he always great on the mic, his whole 'better than you/wall street genius' gimmick has carried him years. His angle with Micheals has been amazing. People need to lay off him, RAW needs heels, and JBL's been brilliant over the years...Kids, its time to stop complaining.
Some have mentioned that JBL should be put in the mid card and I would say that this would be the best way of improving him. Personally I have never liked the JBL character but I do think he has taken some unnecessary criticism. While he isn't fantastic in the ring, I don't think he is as bad as some would say...just because he has a brawler style doesn't mean he's a bad wrestler. However, I simply don't feel he deserves to be featured so prominently in the main event scene simply because he is not as talented as others who take a back seat to him. While he is good on the mic, his promos are always along the same lines and have been since he formed the JBL gimmick i.e. JBL is very rich and powerful, he's better than us and everyone else...OK we get that, he needs new material and quick!! On a side note his recent storyline with HBK is a bore...who actually believes HBK is broke?? (other than the kids i suppose). There is nothing I hate more than an episode of RAW that is dominated by JBL, in short he needs to get back to the mid card where he rightly belongs. He is ok...but in very small doses. On a lesser note, it wouldn't be a bad idea if JBL invested in different ring attire that covered him up a bit more...for reasons which are very obvious!!!
Ehhh you can't do much with JBL. No wrestling ability, bad at selling, annoying on the mic, bad build. It works for his gimmick, but he's not bringing much anymore. He should have bought more wrestlers out, and made a little faction or something. That would help. He needs new ring gear, those knee braces are annoying to look at. Needs more moves (use his powerbomb more).

I honestly hate JBL, and not just his character, just his (lack of) talent. He doesn't bring much. He's a good heel, but he would be better if he's building others up. That's the best way to gauge value, do you make others better?

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