How to Fix Immortal?


Dark Match Winner
lets face it immortal absolutely suck since fortune and the hardys left. They have people who dont fit and are just there to fill a void. so who do you think should be added or taking out of immortal?

I think Eric bischoff should stay the boss of immortal because he is clearly made for that role

Hulk hogan should also stay in the position he is in.

Ric flair should also stay in the role he is in

These 3 need to stay in this group in order to make it work and also adds star power

Kurt angle. Angle is the maineventer of this group but he needs to act like he really wants to be apart of the group to make it believeable like he was in the main event mafia

Jeff jarrett. should also stay apart of the group with karen

Bully ray. this guy is without a doubt the star of this group and fits it perfectly

Now i would get rid of steiner, gunner and abyss
and the people i would add is

Samoa joe. would hopefully revive his carrer a bit and build him back up as the unstoppable member of immortal

matt morgan. this guy needs a heel turn and would fit immortal good he could be the muscle and future star of immortal

Crimson. he is also a future star and muscle to the group and I think him and morgan could be tag champs in the group

angelina love. they need a female and i know karens there but she does nothing. Angelina can talk and wrestle and can hold the knockouts title or even the tag titles (knockouts) with karen

so the new gropu would be

Hulk hogan
eric bischoff
Ric flair
Kurt angle
jeff and karen jarrett
Samoa joe
Matt morgan
angelina love

I think the group already sounds better with the names in it compared to there current group. So do you think this would be a good way to revive immortal
who would you add or keep?
Immortal has run its course. You're talking about taking people out and putting new ones in, but why fix something that should have been taken out back and put down long ago? Let's face it- nobody really cares much about Immortal anymore. Yeah, there was that shock value in the beginning and then the Immortal/Dixie power struggle storyline, but beyond that, what purpose does it really serve?

Here's something I can't figure out- if the conventional wisdom is a potential Joe/Crimson feud, then why in the blue blazes would you suggest putting the two of them in the same group? Same with Angle/Crimson. Makes no sense.

Morgan? I don't see it. He was a part of them briefly (during the Immortal/Fortune merger) and then got booted. Why in the world would he go back (kayfabe-wise)?

My opinion... leave the group as it is and just let them flame out on their own.
Immortal sucked from the get go, they had the dynamic all wrong. They had Jeff in a similar vein to Raven when they started, they really should have run with that, having Jeff as the twisted mastermind who had all these people spellbound to do his bidding.
Even though his heel turn was awesome, he was just another small piece in the Hogan/Bischoff/Flair regime. He was by far overshadowed by them.
They obviously went for a recreation of Bash At The Beach '96 of sorts, but did Hogan have three masters hanging over his head when he turned? No, he was a professional wrestling god who dominated everything.
Jeff should have had that role too, leave Hogan out of it, perhaps had Bischoff under Jeff's sway and Hogan leaving when he realised Jeff had the power and not him.

Fuck Immortal.
I think Immortal is missing a tag team so I'd like to seem them recruit some sort of team. I would also keep Jeff and Karen Jarrett as associates rather than full on members. I'd most likely remove Scott Steiner and Abyss from the group and have Abyss go up against guys like Gunner and Bully Ray as well.

As for the tag team I'd recruit, a good fit that I can think of would be NWA Hollywood's Natural Selection. Shaun Ricker and Brian Cage would be a good addition as the tag team of Immortal IMO. They're not the greatest in the ring but they have great looks and Hogan could say he sees them as younger versions of himself (or something along those lines). Shaun Ricker has enough mic skills to carry the team, as Brian Cage can't talk for shit, but you could just pair Flair with them in any case.

I like a stable to have a member for every Title/Division so I would also add an X-Division wrestler to Immortals ranks. And the man best equipted for that job, IMO, is Austin Aries. He's already had a bit of interaction with Bischoff as well so would be a logical fit.

So my revamped Immortal would look like this:
Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair - Leaders/Managers
Bully Ray - World Title challenger
Gunner - TV Title challenger
Austin Aries - X-Division challenger
Natural Selection - Tag Title challengers
There is no fixing Immortal. TNA has been playing patch work with the group since their inception. I posted a thread about this a while back where I attributed the group's evolution (or devolution) to essentially a dance in it's death throes.

At this point, the best "fix" is to put the beast down, period.

Immortal is just unnecessary, and I'm really hoping by Bound For Glory that they either formally disband or really begin the process of doing so, because as admirable a job as Bully Ray has done in carrying them, they just aren't credible enough to warrant the name or the place they're in at the moment.
Immortal was doomed since Victory Road. It's mission was to just be the guys who hyped up Jeff Hardy as a heel, but once he fell, the stable had no real purpose other than to be Fortune's foil. And they did that at Lockdown already. At this point, the stable has no more point other than put over whoever win's the BFG Series who will most likely be from Fortune and finish the Hogan/Sting feud. After that, they might as well be re-branded "Irreverence".
Why does TNA even need a stable? WWE doesn't really have one now, and they're doing adequate. (not fine...just adequate). TNA just--if anything---keep Fortune (can't believe that was the best name they could come up with. Why not GQ? Why not Forbes? Hell, why not Ebony? JET? If you're gonna name it after a magazine, go all the way with Maxim......but anyway) and leave the rest to be on their own. Pair a few up once in a while, let them make a run, and then move on. Everyone is so concerned with getting a group together, getting face time, and vying for a TOP storyline (good luck there) that it's so crowded and confusing. As much as I hate "do overs" because WCW had around four or five--every time there was a management change, or writer change (hint hint), but it just seems logical that that would be the next step. Keep Sting at his crazy ass self for a little while longer--until he has to disappear for four months and be repackaged again. Just keep a flowing storyline of about five or six on a show....and be done with it. I'd give anything to have someone who is face STAY face for more than a month, or heel STAY heel for a bit...and make turns ONLY at PPV (but I'm getting off the subject here).
TNA utilized stables because it allowed for them to get their over-sized roster on television. I completely understand it from that perspective. They have 2 hours of television and when you look at RAW, for instance, how many wrestlers appear on RAW on a weekly basis? Probably in the area of 20-30 max, sometimes in the teens. TNA has 50 wrestlers, 4 different divisions and a stacker upper-mid card. Stables allow them to keep these guys on TV and keep them relevant on the show.
The way to fix Immortal is to end it. I think that all starts with Kurt Angle.

Hogan was helping Kurt, so I assume he wants Kurt in Immortal. Kurt says he wont join a group with Jarrett as a member, so they beat JJ down Nexus style.

Next up we have Gunner. He starts winning a lot. He eventually gets a shot at Kurt's gold. Kurt shakes his hand and says he's proud of him, but then blind sides him and beats him down to continue his story of taking out young talent.

The fact that so much is being invested in Kurt starts to piss off Bully Ray. Tension starts to grow between him, Kurt, and Steiner. The three brawl for a few weeks until a triple threat match for the gold. The end of this match comes when Hogan helps Kurt win. Ray and Steiner get mad and leave the group.

From here we either run a story where Hogan wants Angle to be the face of his company and/or he builds a new group around Kurt.

*I didn't mention Abyss because he's already breaking away, so I would just continue that.
TNA ususally starts and stops big time storylines after BFG. This is what happened with MEM and I'm almost certain it's what will happen after BFG this year. Somehow Sting will turn Hogan face again, the dynamics will chaneg and Hogan will disassemble the faction.

Bully ray wont like it because it's the only time he's ever been relevant and so goes after Hogan, but Sting is now the Hulkster's new guardian angel and they will feud.

Whoever Angle puts over at BFG will fight against Crimson, Joe or Gunner for thr belt until the company forgets about hardy's screw up and they put the belt back on him...
Immortal is over at this point. It ran its course and you can only do so much with a stable before it becomes irrelevant. One problem was they grouped with Fortune way too fast they should have built it up a little and not removed any members so soon. Best option at this point is to disband it but have a story that ends the group properly and not just abruptly end it like some stables have done in the past.
Immortal was doomed to fail the moment Jeff Hardy had to leave. He was the only reason the group was tolerable from its formation. I gave them a chance but they kept getting worse and worse. By the time it turned into a bunch of guys past their prime, guys who will never amount to anything, and Matt Hardy, then I knew this group was history. Why are they still around? TNA need to put this group out of its misery before they make themselves even less relevant. They are already one of the more pointless groups in wrestling history and I would hate for things to get worse for them. I say the best way to fix the group is to just disband it and that should have happened the moment Jeff Hardy left since no one else would have made sense as the focus of the group.
Not once has TNA ever done a stable well. Every single stable TNA's had is either crap from the very beginning, like Immortal, or it fizzles out and has no proper ending to it. Why TNA keeps trying to do stables over and over and over again is beyond me. The only good stable they ever had was Team Canada.

Immortal was doomed from the very beginning. It was a stable that was completely worthless and consisted of characters that couldn't even wrestle and be in feuds from the start. From there it just became sad and pathetic when they added nobodies to a stable that was suppose to be such high caliber. It defeated the very purpose of the creation of the stable. There is only one solution for Immortal now, and it should've been done the moment they came up with the concept of the stable, and that's to scrap it entirely. Get rid of it. Please.
The way to fix Immortal is to end it. I think that all starts with Kurt Angle.

Hogan was helping Kurt, so I assume he wants Kurt in Immortal. Kurt says he wont join a group with Jarrett as a member, so they beat JJ down Nexus style.

Next up we have Gunner. He starts winning a lot. He eventually gets a shot at Kurt's gold. Kurt shakes his hand and says he's proud of him, but then blind sides him and beats him down to continue his story of taking out young talent.

The fact that so much is being invested in Kurt starts to piss off Bully Ray. Tension starts to grow between him, Kurt, and Steiner. The three brawl for a few weeks until a triple threat match for the gold. The end of this match comes when Hogan helps Kurt win. Ray and Steiner get mad and leave the group.

From here we either run a story where Hogan wants Angle to be the face of his company and/or he builds a new group around Kurt.

*I didn't mention Abyss because he's already breaking away, so I would just continue that.

I'm with it, right up to that line. Doing so would put Angle over as both the face of the company as well as the most dominant singles heel in it to boot — something TNA hasn't had since, well, Kurt Angle.

Enough with the stables. I enjoy stable wars as much as anyone, but not when it's one after another after another. The viewers need time to breathe. They need some fresh air and some fresh takes on how to book the show. A strong singles heel who isn't part of a stable is a great way to start that.

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