How to end Bret Harts return


Pre-Show Stalwart
Survivor Series 2010 - Team Bret vs Team Vince

Ok, this story was done and was put to bed at Wrestlemania. For me though it was a poor end and anti climatic. A horrible match which could of been booked much better despite the circumstances. Survivor Series is where this rivalry started 13 years ago and is now where it should end.

The new Bret/Vince programme is easily born. If you can't make a story out of Survivor Series, Vince and Bret then go watch TNA. Vince comes out on Raw, cuts a promo about Survivor Series been a few weeks away, brings up Montreal, Bret comes out, Vince brings up Mania (unfair, the chair shots, screwed). They go at it.

This is Brets last ever match and this is where he has his hand held high, where he celebrates his career, where he puts Montreal firmly to bed, where he leaves.

Team Vince
Vince McMahon.
Chris Jericho - Canadian, trained by the Harts, had issues with Bret "on screen".
Edge - Canadian, a good heel, also had issues with Bret "on screen".
Drew McIntyre - Shows up on Raw, offers his services to Vince. A good heel.
Beth Pheonix - Vince drafts her in "to deal with Natayla".

Team Bret
Bret Hart
David Hart Smith - No explanation needed.
Tyson Kidd - No explanation needed.
Jim The Anvil Neidhart - Reunite the Hart Foundation! He still Wrestles and I am sure he would love to be involved!
Natayla - She has to be involved in this match, its only fair. Her and Beth would be interesting.

The Finish
It's Vince and Bret as the last 2. The Ref low blows Bret. Him and Vince smirk, they shake hands and Vince plays the crowd. Vince about to make the pin when Shawn Michaels music plays! Out comes to Boy Toy...he walks to the ring. He stares face to face with Vince, they smile, they laugh....and wam. Superkick! HBK takes his shirt off to expose a Referee shirt. Bret covers and 1-2-3. Bret wins. They embrace and celebrate.

The Alternative Finish
Ok, the obvious solution would be Vince tapping out in the Sharp Shooter. We've seen that though. How about Vince is pinned courtesy of The Hart Attack? Anvil hoists him up, Bret takes his head off!!! Hart Foundation celebrate in the middle of the ring.

I just can't see Bret wrestling another real match. His match at Wrestlemania was basically a chair shot fest. and Summerslam, he wrestled 2 minutes, and it was him kicking the crap out of one of the Nexus members until he got DQ'ed.

He has too many problems because of the health problems, and every move he makes is an extreme risk!

A good match to do though would be a Team Bret vs Team Nexus at Survivor Series, by then someone else other than Darren Young will be exhiled, and it will become a traditional 5 vs 5 match, If the Nexus win, Bret Hart retires completely from WWE, If Team Bret wins, Nexus disband completely, the Nexus win, and Bret retires.

That would be the safest, and maybe the best way for him to leave other than doing a match
When I read the title, I was thinking PLEASE!!!!!

But you have some really good ideas, I'm not going to lie there...

I like the teams and the finish, but I don't see Bret wreslting another match!! and it would be good to give him a good send of at Survivor Series, WHERE he got screwed but as for Bret wrestling again, its faaar away!!
all good as long as beth and natalya have a double count out beecause if beth is eliminated natalya will have to leave without elimination because it will be unfair otherwise
all good as long as beth and natalya have a double count out beecause if beth is eliminated natalya will have to leave without elimination because it will be unfair otherwise
Or it will be another episode of "Jericho hits women".

Your idea could very well lead to Rated Y2J versus Hart Dynasty at WrestleMania, a match I see coming for that WM.
this is actually a great idea. The only thing I would change would be for Drew McIntyre not to be on Team McMahon and for Jim Neidhart not to be on Team Hart. Even though Jim Neidhart is a member of the Hart family, I think aside from Bret, all the team should be viable current wrestlers. As for Drew McIntyre I just feel it should be someone who would have more reason and more involvement with Bret.
Why should Bret leave?

He is out there enjoying himself and his presence is probably doing wonders for some of the young guys who could learn so much from him. He doesn't take up too much TV time so I can't see why he should go unless he decides to.

If he makes that decision, then I like the survivor series idea of a Team Bret vs Team Vince but it has also been done now so is it necessary to reignite that feud.
I'm all for Bret staying and being involved if thats what he wants. He's earned it.

Even him wrestling in his crap gimmick matches, because he's earned that right and he can do whatever he wants if he feels safe.

Based on what i saw at Summerslam, Bret could have a decent and safe 5 or 10 minute match...nothing flashy. Let him get his closure with one last "hitman" match.
I think a TEAM BRET VS TEAM VINCE is the most viable scenario. Add in the stip of if bret loses, he leaves..
Vince n bret last 2 remaining, vince's pet (drew mcintyre / the miz) runs in, low blow and finisher, good bye bret.
Vince n his pet all laffs about to have there way with bret and BOOM.. AUSTIN, AUSTIN, AUSTIN
Stunners all round, bret and austin strip vince and pet down to their drawers and they scarper, few beers with bret and mass confetti n celebration to send bret away and the crowd happy

Also, does anyone else think Brets return would have been way better with J.R calling it, for a great Bret Hart goodbye moment, you NEED J.R and having austin there would just mean its great for everyone
this is actually a great idea. The only thing I would change would be for Drew McIntyre not to be on Team McMahon and for Jim Neidhart not to be on Team Hart. Even though Jim Neidhart is a member of the Hart family, I think aside from Bret, all the team should be viable current wrestlers. As for Drew McIntyre I just feel it should be someone who would have more reason and more involvement with Bret.

Drew is "Vinces chosen one". He sees Vince needs assistance and he offers his services. The Miz could be an alternative, probably makes more sense as he on Raw but he is been pushed for the Title and I just thought it would unbalance the teams. They are already unbalanced as it is with Jericho and Edge on the same team. The win needs to be believable. Hart is in his 50s, Anvil is out of shape and in his 50s and The Hart Dynasty are green and not Main Eventers. Unfortunately the rest of the Hart Foundation and Chris Benoit are dead!!! Maybe they could wheel out Dynamite...:disappointed:

I suppose another alternative would be Mark Henry. You could add him to either side. He was trained by Stu Hart and is a very good friend of Bret. There has just been no on screen involvement thus far.

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