How to do line-by-line quotes


Championship Contender
This is just to show a poster how to do line-by-line quoting. Nothing against what It's Damn Real is saying. Warning: What I'm saying will be ******ed.

One of my biggest gripes with their site is the fact that they don't upload very much content following episodes of iMPACT!, ReACTION, Xplosion, etc.

{/QUOTE} My gripe is that they don't upload YOUR MOM!! {QUOTE}

As you noted, the WWE does this even as their shows are going on, and that's something fans can absolutely look forward to. Following a PPV, for example, you can visit and find out all the information on what just happened, minutes after it happened – photos and video (sometimes) included. With TNA, you've gotta wait a few days, and generally you get one image (like Dreamer's photo at Slammiversary) with a "Results from Slammiversary" line text and a link. Quite boring.

{/QUOTE} Your MOM is boring! {QUOTE}

Factor in the lack of updates elsewhere, and lack of updates in general become the biggest problem for me, personally.

I'm also not crazy about the design at all. The yellow text-over the cheesy screen-grab images is corny (and I loathe that stupid little star that precedes every sentence), the abundance of red is overkill, and the actual layout is incredibly outdated.

{/QUOTE} Your MOM is outdated! {QUOTE}

They also feature their logo entirely too much.

Your mom is a logo!
One of my biggest gripes with their site is the fact that they don't upload very much content following episodes of iMPACT!, ReACTION, Xplosion, etc.
My gripe is that they don't upload YOUR MOM!!
As you noted, the WWE does this even as their shows are going on, and that's something fans can absolutely look forward to. Following a PPV, for example, you can visit and find out all the information on what just happened, minutes after it happened – photos and video (sometimes) included. With TNA, you've gotta wait a few days, and generally you get one image (like Dreamer's photo at Slammiversary) with a "Results from Slammiversary" line text and a link. Quite boring.
Your MOM is boring!
Factor in the lack of updates elsewhere, and lack of updates in general become the biggest problem for me, personally.

I'm also not crazy about the design at all. The yellow text-over the cheesy screen-grab images is corny (and I loathe that stupid little star that precedes every sentence), the abundance of red is overkill, and the actual layout is incredibly outdated.
Your MOM is outdated!
They also feature their logo entirely too much.
Your mom is a logo!

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