How to deal with annoying friend

Why Always Me

WWF Champion
I need advice on dealing with an annoying friend of mine, he is very trying when he wants to be and I am at the end of my tether with him.

Basically when he wants to be he is an arrogant, smug wind up merchant. He constantly takes the piss out of people, and if you challenge him about it he just tries to play it off as he is having a joke and that you are out of order to reacting to it.

He also is very very smug and arrogant, we all play sports such as golf and tennis together and he is the best out of us all at most of/all of these and he will constantly remind us of this. He also has a girlfrind but cheats on her all the time (which I hate in ANYBODY) and takes great delight in bragging about this, especially to myself as I am the only one without a girlfriend atm.

I lived with the guy about a year ago and he was constantly getting on my nerves, examples are if I had a day off work and spent it relaxing when he came in from work he would have a go at me for being lazy, or if I was just chilling out he would constantly say I was being moody and then tell all our friends I was moody, thus painting me in a bad light.

But I think the thing that he does that winds me up the most is when he takes the piss out of people purely to get a reaction. He does it to me quite a lot and I am usually a placid laid back person but when he starts he is ruthless!! If I don't say anything back he will say I am being moody, if I try to diffuse the situation he tells me not to get wound up (and in the process will somehow get the rest of our group of friends on his side) and if I do lose my rag then he has got his way.

I suppose the only thing I have got on him is I know I could comfortably kick his teeth donw this throat but I don't want to resort to that, I just want to be able to stand up to him without being embarassed and without losing my rag.

Any ideas????? Could save his life because eventually I will end RKO'ing him and then punting him in the head :)
So why exactly are you friends wioth him? I see he pisses you off a lot, what I do when someone is like this, I ignore them completely. Try to stay away from him. If that is hard to do, then let it go. Beating his ass or "RKO'ing" him will just make things worse. He does need an ass beating, but a friend shouldn't be the one to do it. Your right, the things he does are probably soley based on the fact he want to be seen and heard. Maybe he gets no attention from anyone. Find him a girl to put up with him and give him some much needed attention. Basicaly, just ignore him if you can.
Obviously this guy needs to be dealt with immediatley. Forgot Hamlers idea of ignoring him, your original idea of kicking his teeth down his throat, and then RKO'ing him is just fine. The punt should be the icing on the cake, after that he'll realize you guys are no longer friends, and back off.
Doesn't sound like much of a friend to me. You can either just completely stop hanging out with him or talk with him and voice your honest opinion on certain matters. He sounds like he's quite the "needy" person, so I'd guess if you started to ignore him he will get the hint and change. Some people just need to know that they're douchebags--because many are irrelevant to the thought.
Obviously this guy needs to be dealt with immediatley. Forgot Hamlers idea of ignoring him, your original idea of kicking his teeth down his throat, and then RKO'ing him is just fine. The punt should be the icing on the cake, after that he'll realize you guys are no longer friends, and back off.

Before doing so, he should challenge him to a no disqualification match. That way he can grab a chair or a sledgehammer and pound his head in with it and he won't get DQ'ed. I'll kindly be the ref here.

On a serious note, it sounds to me that this guy really isn't your friend. A friend is a person that will be by your side in almost any occasion. They are your homies that when you hang out with them, you feel comfortable. I'm not talking about comfortable like when you're with a chick or high, but comfortable when it's cool to be with the said person. In a sense, you think it's cool to kick it with them. You and the said person or persons will have your laughs, your [mild] insults to each other, and craziness that the both of ya'z like to do; or for that matter, whatever it is that you guys do to pass the time, but all in all, it's all good. Sure, every now and then a friend will take it too far or really start to get annoying (especially if they are conceeded), but overall, they're pretty chill dudes that you like to hang around with. When you are with these kinds of people, you know they are your friends.

The term friend, in my opinion, has been misinterpreted for some time now. One usually believes that just because you know someone, they are your friend already. This is not true. Knowing someone does not make you their friend, it only means that you know them---that's all. It's until you start talking to them on a regular basis that they become friends. Only condition, it has to be the kind of conversation that you would generally have with another friend; meaning, no bad-mouthing to each other---unless it's joking [to a certain extent] of course.

Anyways, considering what I mentioned above, I'm pretty sure none of that applies to you and that other fool, now does it? If we go by my assumptons of a friend, the guy is not your friend; you don't feel comfortable being with him; and you hate how far he takes things; more importantly, you hate the way he is. So if you take all this into a account, I'd say the best thing for you to do is to avoid the mo'fucka as much as possible. If the guy makes your life miserable, why hang out with him at all? It's only making you feel worse for all the shit he does to you, so really, just stay away from him.

Now you mentioned you used to live with him, correct? How far away do you live from him now exactly? Does he live real close? Or does he live far but you still manage to get together somehow? Whatever the case may be, you should stay away from the fool as much as possible. Start off by reducing the time you hang out with him and slowly increse that time to the point where you bearly talk to him at all. Doing this will not only reduce the so-called friendship you have with him, but it will make you feel better because you don't have to deal with a twat like him.

If for some reason, that method does not work and he keeps bugging you...Well, I'd say go with Angel's idea and kick his ass. But remember, I'm refferee.
On a serious note, it sounds to me that this guy really isn't your friend. A friend is a person that will be by your side in almost any occasion. They are your homies that when you hang out with them, you feel comfortable. I'm not talking about comfortable like when you're with a chick or high, but comfortable when it's cool to be with the said person. In a sense, you think it's cool to kick it with them. You and the said person or persons will have your laughs, your [mild] insults to each other, and craziness that the both of ya'z like to do; or for that matter, whatever it is that you guys do to pass the time, but all in all, it's all good. Sure, every now and then a friend will take it too far or really start to get annoying (especially if they are conceeded), but overall, they're pretty chill dudes that you like to hang around with. When you are with these kinds of people, you know they are your friends.

Well said, this guy sounds like a wank-stain, seriously. Why would you even want to hang round with a guy like that if you don't enjoy it, have to put up with a load of abuse and he is just a jerk-off anyway?

I have had "friends" in the past who eventually just ended up getting on my nerves, taking the piss (which they said was just joking around) over and over and eventually I just stopped spending time with them.

About 2 years later at a party, the guy came up to me and said that he had been told by a hell of a lot of people that he had been a dick for about 5 years and would end up losing all his friends. He then said he really liked me, loved having me as a friend and could I forgive him, as he had grown up. I did, and now we are part of the same friendship group with no issues at all.

I think if you just stop spending time with that guy, and concentrate on your other friends, and let them know why you arent chilling with X, then perhaps he will realise that he is going to lose you as a friend and if he wants to remain your buddy then to stop treating you like shit. Hopefully he will come to his senses when he realises that he is losing friends from being a douchebag.

Hope this helps dude
It depends on how close friends you guys really are. If you are best friends or just really close then it's worth talking to him about how he is driving you nuts, to try to mend the friendship. However if you aren't that close and you are ok with cutting him out of your life, then go that route. You don't have an obligation to be his friend. If he is driving you crazy and you're sick of him you should try to talk it out maturely as adults. Every friend is an asset, until they give you a reason to never speak to them again. Ask yourself why you are friends with him, and then think it over to find out if the friendship is worth fixing. If the answer is no, then stop being friends with him. Unfriend him on facebook, delete his number, move on to better things because you deserve to have less drama in your life stemming from this guy. Some people are just not worth wasting your time on, especially if they are always making you upset. Hope this helped some.
yeah like many people have said, just ignore him, i have personally done that to a "friend" and i litterly stopped talking to him i have not seen him or spoken to him in almost 2 years now, would have been 3 but i was in the same class as him in college which was awkward to say the least. If he is persistant in being your friend then i think angel's plan is the way to go. Either way I dont think "talking it out" is the right move here only because the guy seems like an ass and I highly doubt he will be rational when you are telling him your feelings. Those type of people have to be handled a different way. Sorry for this mini essay but i have had expierence in this subject.
It all depends on the level of investment that you have in the friendship. You need to ask yourself a couple of questions....

1. Would it suck not to have this friend in your life? Ive had friends over the years that, even if they were dicks at times, I would hate to not have in my life. Ive had other friends, or "acquaintences", that they could come and go, and honestly, I wouldnt care. Decide which he is.

2. What are you willing to battle about? As in any relationship, life is about picking your battles. It sounds as if this guy is a significant "burden" you've had to carry around. It sounds like a battle you need to fight. The best bet is to approach him in a one on one fashion, and seriously explain your point of view. If he belittles you, puts you down, or laughs, that's on him. You need to state, and re-iterate your point of view. Whether he hears it or not, it sounds like something you need to get off your chest.

3. Do you know other people who feel the same way? If so, maybe its time for a little intervention. If he's acted the way you've described toward you, chances are he's done it towards many of the people in his life. You probably know some of them. Talk with some of them, and come up with a plan for how to deal with.

I think the biggest thing to undestand is the whole concept of "A friend loves at all times." Sometimes, the best message you can send someone, and the best way you can show them love is to shut them out of your life, plain and simple, in hopes they come around. If you've honestly done all you can, and he's still being a prick to you, then understand that it's his loss, and not yours. Hope that helps.
Okay, speaking as someone who's had this type of friendship before, this person you are referring to, they CRAVE attention and want to be the center of attention. Whether you give them positive or negative attention, that's what they want. The only thing you can do is to just cut yourself off from them. I don't know how invested you are/were with this person, but it sounds like you need to carefully consider the pros and cons before dealing with this "friend" anymore. Because the more you deal with this person, it sounds like it could become a toxic friendship, and sooner or later you may end up saying or doing something you or that person will regret and cannot take back. Just do know that violence only causes more violence. I do hope that you are only kidding about RKO'ing this person, because hopefully if you are able to conduct yourself in a mature matter when dealing with this person, he will probably be more taken back at how mature you handled yourself and be a little embarrassed with how they've handled their behaviour with this whole ordeal. Now granted, this is only what's happened with me. I can't expect you to take my advice, just think about how you will handle this and maybe not make any rash decisions and start pedigree'ing people, or RKO'ing, or breaking out any Stunners. :) Lots of luck, and let me know how that goes.
I had a friend like this...note the had.He always wanted attention and we all got annoyed a lot.He also cheated a lot on his girlfriend(i didnt know about it but she is my best friend)and we started ingnoring him.Eventually we stopped because he did dangerous things and we didnt want to see him get hurt.

So he actually toned it done after we talked but then he went back to normal afer like a week literally. So try talking to him. Anyways I found out after we went around singing Remeber the Name by Fort Minor around school(happens all the time.Everyone does it they are walking and singing its mad as tho)and a close friend told me my friend(im refering him to John from now, no disrespect to any johns)that he was cheating a lot.So I confronted him and push came to shove and he hooked me.I then hooked him back followed with an uppercut that sent him to the ground.I then did Sweet Chin Music on him and was the restrained by 5 people.Yes it took that many people to restrain me.

What im saying is Dont resort to violence first.Talk to him and see if you can get him to stop being like that.Just try before said RKO'ing and punting happens.
You've probably already had more than enough good answers that answered your original question, but I'm going to have to agree with everybody else here.

Why are you friends with this guy? If you don't like the way he is and the way he treats people then it's quite obvious that you don't have anything in common with the guy.

It sounds like no matter what you do, your 'friend' always has something to throw back at you in response. I can see how it'd be annoying.

Have you tried telling him to back off? Don't say it to him as if you want to actually smash his teeth in and pick a fight, just tell him he's being annoying. He'll give up eventually when you say something. Maybe it's just how he is. If that's the case than I'd really consider just leaving him to it.

If he pisses you off to the point of actually wanting to hit him then just leave him to his ways. If I were you, I'd totally be able to survive without my friendly neighborhood two-timing, arrogant and annoying friend.
I used to have a friend like that. He thought he was the toughest out of all of us because he was the most built. I told him to get out of my house one day and he wouldn't, so I told him if I doesn't get out of my house I was going to break his jaw. So he laughed at me and said I was a pussy and wouldn't do anything, so I told him to get up and find out. So we fought for like a minute, and I kicked his ass. And when I say kicked his ass, I mean blood and crying coming from him, like I beat the shit out of this guy. After that, I didn't see much of him. He was kind of scared of me after that, and we stopped hanging out after that. So that's how you deal with him, if you can fight. Just beat the shit out of him, and make him cry. If you do that, he'll go away.
First of all, appreciate the replies.

Over the last couple of weeks I haven't really seen him (been busy with work and moving house).

Next time I see him properly, if he starts being his usual annoying self, I am just going to tell him (calmly) that he needs to back off and leave it at that. He will take offence to that, of that I am pretty sure, but I will not argue with him, just stand firm and tell him I don't appreciate how he is.

Fingers crossed (hopefully I won't have to resort to the RKO/punt combo) :)
Dude, just stop hanging out with him, it's really that fucking simple, I had a similar problem, I finally got fed up with the clown, flipped out and told him to fuck off, and moved on with my life, and was happier for it, and if you're not going to be hanging out with him anymore and he's cheating on his GF then you should let her know her BF is a cheating pile of shit, he obviously doesn't care about her so why should she be wasting her time with him... maybe if he starts losing people in his life due to his asshole like ways he'll get his shit together and stop being such a fucking twat all the time

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